I've been on DBGT at least 3 or 4 times now at various points in its life. Of course there is some novelty the first time.
One time, we all got on the first train, to find only one headset on the whole carriage was working. They then led us out some random exit through what looked like a store room with random stuff piled up, to then have to join the fastpass queue (?). Honestly the organisation was tragic. Oh and of course we had to watch the pre show again... yay.
Another time we had the shop scare which was fun and unexpected for me, and when I went again with different friends I was looking forward to them jumping. Unfortunately, no actor! This was early on in halloween season but it was a weekend in fright nights... so its pretty poor.
Honestly I don't know what the future holds for this 'ride'. maybe changing the middle section and the VRs, or an entirely new story line, but its one of those that nobody who's done it before will be excited to come back to the park for it.