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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. Reading some of these comments simply just makes me hate the enthusiast community. People keep going back to the "if they weren't 100% certain the ride wasn't going to open on a set date, they shouldn't have announced it" point. Two things: -Do people honestly think that the park would announce a date they weren't confident of reaching? Or do people genuinely think the park goes 'Let's say Ghost Train is opening on this day when we have know it won't, and just p!ss everyone off and tell them it won't open then a week beforehand!!'? Delays can and do happen, with everything and anything. -Let's not forget that it was actually enthusiasts (well, pretty much everyone in fact), who were pushing the park for an opening date. As soon as the name was announced, people were never content with "Spring 2016", they wanted to know NOW when it would open. People were moaning there was no opening date. When the park said they'd try and communicate an opening date in February, people still moaned there was no date set during the last week of February, and were getting all angsty. Christ knows why when other, bigger, parks around the world are able to not announce opening dates for rides. Simply a case of Thorpe being damned if they do, damned if they don't. Thorpe are also saying that the ride isn't ready. Obviously they hoped to have it ready now, but unfortunately it's not. So, what, do people want to go on the ride when it's incomplete from a creative viewpoint, and experience a rubbish ride that's of course not worth the hype? Or just miss out on part of the attraction altogether. I find it funny how people are going on as though it's the end of the world, yet when Dollywood announced the Lightning Rod would be delayed (it was originally advertised to be opening in March), people were understanding - and still are - because 'the ride isn't ready yet'. What makes Lightning Rod so different to this? Or is just because it's Thorpe and people like to take a pop whenever, however and for whatever reason... Also, this is the first time that Thorpe have actually had to delay a ride's opening (I believe). Yes, Vortex was advertised as open when it was being built, but that is slightly different. The only similar thing we have is Smiler, where there were delays in construction from a structural perspective which caused delays. And this is, at least, being dealt with slightly better as there's more notice at the lack of opening. So I don't get the whole 'Do they ever learn', 'Typical', blah, blah, blah. Sorry for ranting, but it seems that time and time again it just feels like the majority of the (Thorpe) enthusiast community just seems to want to moan, and type before thinking. Just makes you wonder what's the point.
  2. The Colossus Choir's debut album was released a while ago, but it did slip under the radar and saw no where near as successful as our new single. For those curious, songs we released in AC16 (Album Cover 2016) were... 1) Inferno Hot Hot Hot 2) A Total Eclipse of the Heart 3) Rush Life 4) I Just Had X 5) Don't be So Hard on Your Stealth 6) Never Gonna Give You Up (The Slammer Appreciation Song) 7) Another Ranger Bites the Dust 8) The Swarm (We ran out of original names) We had planned to collaborate with Alton John for 'Space Station', but alas it never happened. We look forward to working with The Galactinotes soon!
  3. Rumoured layout for the rumoured 2018 Mack multi launch coaster:
  4. To ensure that people who want to remain 100% spoiler free can do so, I've created a spoiler thread: That thread can be used to discuss the newly posted article which contains some spoilers (I haven't read it personally so I'm not sure how big the spoilers were, but they were spoilers nonetheless). Do read that thread at your own risk! This thread can be used to keep track of construction (if there's anything visible left to do), attraction opening date, marketing, etc. etc. Pretty much everything that we've been discussing before today. Once Ghost Train opens, things will likely be condensed down into one thread, but we'll get to that later. Thanks, and don't forget to Mind The Gap!
  5. That photo does make it look that way as there is a gate open, which I assume will be locked pretty much all the time. I think instead of turning left to the bag room you would go straight ahead. The other two queues in the top left of that photo are of course Fastrack and disabled.
  6. ^I believe that Friday opening times are now 9:30-6 up until Fright Nights now! How many trains were on Stealth (/other coasters) out of interest?
  7. It couldn't work if you just watched the clip though. The whole show had loads of suggestion in it, a few subliminal messages (despite Derren saying there would not be). That whole build up is an essential part of him being able to stick someone.
  8. Is it just me who didn't find it that funny? Or have I just got boring old fart syndrome? In other news, I noticed today that there was no work taking place in the queue line / outside the attraction. Given that seemingly every time someone has visited there's been work / changes to the exterior, it could be a sign that they've finished that at last? One more thing off the list ey...
  9. Testing ahoy! POV too if that's your thing...
  10. ^It's possible that there are low key soft openings to be fair. But given how that 'review' doesn't really say anything new, it is entirely possible also that it's a kid making things up.
  11. Yeah, like people have said, it's as much about the experience as it is the food with places like this. However, one thing that has caught my attention with this is people saying that the service was essentially too quick; like a couple of minutes from ordering quick. Not sure how standard that is of other Food Loops and the like, but I can see why people would be a bit worried (if that's the right word) about the food quality if it comes so quickly.
  12. The 10-15 minutes could also be there because the time taken to put the VR headsets on and adjust the focus will vary from group to group. So maybe 13 minutes is the expected time, but depending on each group, it could be quicker / longer. Having the ride time carry depending on experience / ending sounds like an absolute throughput nightmare.
  13. By pretty much everything, I hope the ones you didn't enjoy included Buffalo coaster of foreverness and Wild West Shoot Out of eurgh... Agree with you on Ben 10; great little ride which is so much fun, but yeah, the station is a bit of a let down.
  14. Disappointed by the lack of cover of 'No Air' from Jordin Sparks, but otherwise looks great. When can I buy?!
  15. Shockwave was dreadful when I rode it last year; uncomfortable, rough and boring. Even the zero-g roll (usually my favourite inversion) did little for me. Genuinely surprises me people can enjoy it. Glad to know that Haunting's improvements are actually improving the ride though!
  16. What are the odds on the Galactinotes making Christmas Number 1 in 2016?
  17. Snuffhouse was already a rather extreme event anyway. McKamey's involvement is seemingly just going to bring in an experienced hand in creating longer shows and a huge boost in publicity. Colour me unsurprised. Given that there's seemingly forced eating / drinking involved I'd never go anywhere near this. Then again, the original Snuffhouse seemed to be pushing the limits for me anyway so that's not exactly a shock.
  18. After the brief discussion about DBGT's entrance sign a while back, I've been thinking about what my favourite ride signs / logos / entrances are. A couple of mine that spring immediately to mind... Challenge of Tutankhamon, Walibi Belgium. My personal favourite. Chiapas, Phantasialand Tidal Wave Huracan, Bellewaerde DBGT's is pretty decent too So share; what's your favourite?!
  19. A couple of nice aerial shots, sourced from looopings... It appears as though the splash zone is a platform just off the main path which is nice. Also, a video of the water basin filling up if anyone is interested: Worth mentioning that this isn't officially opened until June 4th (I don't think the queue and pre shows are finished yet), but apparently there are random times it is currently open as a soft opening.
  20. Noticed that the advert appeared on ITV1 about 15 minutes ago, so that answers the question of whether it's gone live.
  21. I wonder if they'd consider turning the KFC or Amity Burger King into a Roller Coaster Restaurant? They're both good sizes (and the KFC one could be expanded into the arcade for more room), and a major, indoor, restaurant is needed in the middle of the park in my opinion.
  22. The hanging carriage being a shell to disguise a ride system is the most logical thing I can think of at the moment. How else are you actually going to get down from it into the rest of the building? Works nicely with the idea of 'grand illusion' too - doesn't seem too out of the question to have this huge, Victorian train carriage seemingly disappear, despite the fact you're inside it, for example.
  23. Advert has been posted on Thorpe's Facebook; looks quite cool! https://m.facebook.com/thorpepark
  24. Seems odd that there's a couple of articles that have randomly appeared today, no? Like, we've known it's going to be delayed for over 2 weeks now and it's only a week after the planned opening date, so why is the media going on about 'WHEN WILL IT OPEN?' - just feels...weird?
  25. Couple more photos from Plopsaland's FB...
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