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Everything posted by JoshC.

  1. It's strange; I always thought the Saw queue shop was added in 2011 :S But still, some pretty sweet photos there!
  2. Ease is less of a trouble for me, but potential costs, time and finding people to go with are bigger and less easily-solved problems to deal with... 2016 can't come soon enough for me...
  3. JoshC.


    http://uk.screen.yahoo.com/thorpe-park-surrounded-water-floods-142025892.html Maybe it's just the angle the video is taken, but does Saw Alive's queue line look flooded there? Just goes to show how bad the surrounding area is though...
  4. It was going to stand where the main queue for Stealth lies now. Essentially, it was a glorified cattlepen shaped like a grandstand, so each row would make you go slightly higher up, and you'd always be able to see the ride clearly. Image from TTP. I expect they'll be in place this season. They're not difficult to install, and I bet work will have already started / be starting very soon (for example, with the billboard for Swarm last year, that was pretty much complete when the planning approval came through...). It would be a bit silly, and unnecessarily long-minded, of the park to apply to build a couple of small buildings a whole year before they could actually implement them, in my opinion.
  5. I doubt we'll see the grandstand queue ever surface; it was scrapped so they get a third train, which don't come cheap of course! Thorpe will want to improve little things and the like, but I don't think they'll spend about £1 million (which I believe was the number thrown about around the time) to put a new queue for a ride.
  6. There's also quite a large extension to the Stealth Diner, meaning more indoor seating! http://planning.runnymede.gov.uk/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/Generic/StdDetails.aspx?PT=Planning%20Applications%20On-Line&TYPE=PL/PlanningPK.xml&PARAM0=187208&XSLT=/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/SiteFiles/Skins/Runnymede_AA/xslt/PL/PLDetails.xslt&FT=Planning%20Application%20Details&PUBLIC=Y&XMLSIDE=/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/SiteFiles/Skins/Runnymede_AA/Menus/PL.xml&DAURI=PLANNING
  7. JoshC.

    I Remember When...

    I remember when Pirates 4D was new...
  8. Nice. Always felt Stealth needed its own shop. Also, by the looks of it, it won't look like a bog standard shipping container. Glad there's going to be loads of little things happening this year.
  9. JoshC.


    http://www.itv.com/news/update/2014-02-10/thorpe-park-appears-unaffected-by-local-flooding/ Couple of aerial photos there. Water is seemingly a bit higher than normal (shock horror!), but the park is fine.
  10. Maybe the ice breaker game should be Wink Murder?
  11. I always thought Walkers had some form of claim that only their crisp packages can be green for S&V and blue for C&O? I don't want to say a patent for it, but it's the best word I think that could describe it! Either way, I prefer to not buy bags of crisps - more air than food in a bag these days it seems...
  12. JoshC.


    Yeah, the park have mentioned that on their FB today! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152202782745867&set=a.377923300866.202576.27217550866&type=1&theater
  13. JoshC.


    Well, this is the worst flooding we have seen in Chertsey since the 1950s (though might actually be the worst on record soon I believe). Pretty sure Thorpe have taken precautions so that when they build rides, flood risks are taken into consideration and such. The park will be fine.
  14. So it's now open and all that, and there's a Merlin-esque PR stunt to go with it: The option to buy a clean pair of underwear! (Retweeted by Screamscape on Twitter)
  15. Seeinghow other people have mentioned their first ever coaster, may as well throw it out there that my first coaster was THE Flying Fish...
  16. I may pop in for a while; depends how much work I get done in the next couple of days. XD
  17. JoshC.

    Monk's Walk

    Monk's Walk is just a footpath that connects the town of Thorpe to Chertsey. It runs along the back of the park, essentially parallel to the old train route to the farm. It's a public walkway, so not owned by the park, and is used by people for bike rides, walking dogs (trying to sneak into the park, hence why security walk down that area), etc. The park use the pathway next to it as an access road I believe (they have a road built now which takes you over the old Treasure Island and some reclaimed land to quickly get to the Engineering building) and a couple of other things. Somewhat surprisingly, I've never been down Monk's Walk all my life (it was only a couple of years ago I found out how to actually get there!), but some fanboys have been down during Closed Season to take pictures: - http://forum.maniahub.com/topic/3156-samurai/page-2#entry38608 - http://www.baffles.me.uk/features/tpg/archives/projdylan/page2/index.html Scroll down to the January 2009 update at the bottom; I *think* those photos were taken from Monk's Walk. - http://forum.maniahub.com/topic/4210-closed-season-2008-2009/ - Probably some of the best photos you'll get of views from Monk's Walk. If you want an actual picture of what the actual pathway itself looks like, then: Yep, it looks like a bog standard path! (Image from Google)
  18. I reckon if it does get a name change, it will still incorporate the word Detonator; so something like what c1hrisin suggested. Thing is, I don't think we're seeing any theming added to Detonator per se, so just an audio change and such so that it's more shoe-horned into the area. A full out name change just doesn't seem necessary to me.
  19. Banned for not following the rules! (You're meant to ban pluk for a reason related to him )
  20. If by 'big coaster' you mean a 1.4m coaster, then my first 3 were: 1) X:\No Way Out 2) Colossus 3) Nemesis Inferno To be honest, no entirely sure about the order of Colossus and Inferno (did all 3 of those coasters on the same day - oh to finally be 1.4m!), but it sounds about right. If by 'big coaster' you mean (one of) a park's major coasters, then stick Antelope at Gulliver's World as the first on that list.
  21. Flappy Bird has limited appeal, like Marc said. People will get bored of it, and it will die away quickly (properly before Thorpe even opens). It was only some weird internet craze that got its popularity boosted - it was released last May after all!
  22. I was joking! Probably should've but a smily after it actually...
  23. Also the 'dead body' wrapped in barbed wire may not be the best thing for 8 year olds to see. You could easily say that some of the mazes at Thorpe don't have that much that could scare children (just people shouting BOO essentially), but alas, they have a 13 restriction.
  24. I totally agree with you. After all, I bet most people on here were such young children you wanted to go on such a ride! However, one thing which would concern me is if they build a coaster which is 50m high, for example, and is pretty much right next to Stealth, it's going to look large. It's going to look intimidating too, regardless of the theme or what type of ride it is, to a 7 year old kid. Then, when you compare it to the park's other rides, and it's taller than 'The one that goes upside down 10 times', 'The one based on a horror film' and the like, my worry is it's going to be seen as something which is scarier than it should be. Especially when the park is as small as it is - it's really easy to make comparisons. But then if the park don't go for a tall ride, and instead go for something around the 25-30m mark so that it could come across as less intimidating - but still a perfect family thrill coaster - then the park are potentially losing out on the potential of having another really tall coaster. I know people will say 'height isn't everything, etc.', but there's only so much you can do by sticking at the same height (which was the whole point of the parking applying to the council to have taller coasters). Maybe I'm over-thinking / over-complicating it, but I definitely think there's a fine line that the park need to be careful about. They could risk creating a ride which isn't suited enough to the desired market, further alienate the market they're trying to appeal to, or miss out on an opportunity of getting a certain coaster at a certain time.
  25. Who wants another B&M goodness photo? Everyone of course (From Heide Park's Twitter)
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