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Everything posted by RobF

  1. I'm still a maybe on this trip deffo would be going more for rides /drink in dark over the club part
  2. Still debating this one.... Loved last year but accomodation entry ect may be a decider but we shall see
  3. I have to say I now honestly get why the ride isnt officially open yet. We went on today for it to fail half way through reset back to start and the VR cut out for half the ride. Whilst I get the whole idea of technical rehearsals there are allot of gliches in the system that need fixing as it meant we didnt get todo/ see half the ride today
  4. The new attraction could also start at Nemesis inferno at the exit of BWP and finish at swarm island or similar
  5. There is only 1 station staff member who button pushes on Inferno, the announcement whilst is annoying lets anyone who may be in the way of the train know that they need to move quickly. There have been issues I know of a few years back but I wont go into details
  6. The reason thorpe used to have the onloader harnessed was to have a quick response to the stranded train, so when a manager arrived the team member could be checked and go up
  7. RobF

    Your Thorpe Park

    Slammer lasting till 2025 ??? Cant see that
  8. The ride just needs to be reset, it normally takes about 20-30 minutes to go through the process of clearance to go into manual reverse train in station to offload, and slowly roll the train back into the station. Off load reset and charge accumulators test hand over ect ...
  9. RobF

    Top 10's

    I think Blue fire is my new number one coaster, however front row wodan is something special, silver star was hit and miss in the rain there was no airtime at all but the previous day was mental. I agree whilst nothing solidly sticks out at Europa there are a number of solid coasters and attention to detail which makes the park tbh
  10. Just come back from Europa park and I'm sure every coaster there eats queues silver star for example is 1800 people per hour, blue fire runs 5 trains ect you literally do not stop in the queues for more than like 20 seconds its like a slow walk to the station when the rides run at capacity
  11. I have to second Matt creek absolutely a blast of a meet :-) from no sleep endless rides and shows to being drunk at the top of the colosseum in the middle of the night...... I truly recommend Europa park through and through excellent attraction through and through. Full trip report to follow when I'm awake :-)
  12. My point was I was at thorpe today and whilst I didnt ride stealth I didnt see it listed as closed
  13. Was stealth not open earlier ?
  14. RobF


    Was on samurai earlier, I wouldnt say it took forever to lower but was quite stop start. I would say 30 seconds ish
  15. Tbh double the cost of fast track so its a premium product, half the amount of sales keeps the revenue but ensures more consistant accurate queue times
  16. Given that we dont actually know what still needs perfecting its worth mentioning seven lamb and a number of other electrical contractors are working on the Ghost train atm.. So part of the issue must be related to the trains. As thats seven lambs specialty
  17. I would expect that the ride is now indeed finished and been handed over, so training can be completed ect I would imagine it would take a while to get operators to sign off on ect
  18. RobF

    The Banning Game

    Banned for queue jumping
  19. RobF

    The Banning Game

    milesK got banned for indecent exposure on tidal wave
  20. Stealth tends to be the only coaster open in the cold at thorpe. E.g snow days a few years back
  21. RobF

    This Or That

    Wine over beer, but its all about spirits and cider. shreks magic bus or toby tram at drayton
  22. Tbh thorpe could open it tomorrow on a soft opening and announce a official opening date... Remember rides have not had a queue line one day and opened the next, so just because there is work happening today...
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