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Everything posted by RobF

  1. RobF

    This Or That

    High ride count ben and jerrys or baskin robbins ?
  2. RobF

    The Smiler

    From what I remember saw has the same rule, having been evacuated from saws lift, you need both hands to pull yourself up out of your seat on the bar infront, to get across to the edge seat then again to be able to semi stand up and onto the evac platform, whilst for riding the coaster from a public point of view is stupid. I get it but it should have been dealt with better
  3. RobF

    This Or That

    Being under charged captian America or thor
  4. RobF

    This Or That

    Airtime snow or thunder?
  5. RobF


    The container houses quantums PLC computer
  6. The pulled meats company offer good quality pulled meat and wedges if you haven't tried it. It's probably one of the better options on park !
  7. Guest services said it was the wind on Saturday exceeding its operating limits
  8. Saw may have been closed due to winds ect, we were at towers today and smiler oblivion ect kept closing for periods due to the wind. If the wind was frequently exceeding the limits through the day you cant blame thorpe for saw being closed
  9. RobF

    News Desk

    Marc is it possible to get a better contrast between read and unread topics ?
  10. It was changed for Friday the 13th I believe ???
  11. There have been track block resets out bybthe entrance to there has to be a visual check now confirmed by a button press at more locations to ensure track is clear before a reset can be attempted. Most costers have a reset button for a block at top or bottom of lift brakes, stations ect
  12. Kellogs cereals have them
  13. These are old signs that have been reprinted. The original restraint you could stick your legs out ect which was dangerous. They have come back in various forms since
  14. Inferno does however use hydrolic rams similar to a car boot they just need changing
  15. Colossus wont allow dispatch unless all the bars are in the raised position together so its not as simple as some other coasters to just open the gates straight a way
  16. What is so unpredictable with queue times though is how much space groups take up in queues its a small veriable but a whole queue in single file vs 2 wide can make a huge difference. Fast track also can affect queues in both a positive and negetive light .... So the queue time estimates allow for fasttrack to a degre, however if you dont have many fast trackers come through while your waiting.... bonus to you but if you have loads your screwed . The same thing goes with updating queue times to control the queue length can triple in minutes its the nature of the beast Colossus has got a 10 minute queue..... 5 minutes pass and its now a 40 minute queue ect. Unfortunately with how merlin operates there is bo easy answer to providing accurate queue lenghts as there are far to many variables
  17. Bot been at the park but I hear Colossus is finally on 2 train operations ......
  18. Maybe she got confused with charlie and the chocolate factory
  19. We could all be thinking this is a train to go inside the attraction could it be theming as part of a rail depot ? Or would that require planning ?
  20. I dont know if this has been brought up but all the mechanical parts of the bus have now been completely removed, as we visited today and were told it will never move again :-(
  21. The preshow was on last year but I havebt seen it this year
  22. Matt10 completely agree with you about cobra, it did infact stall on monday afternoon on the far side and the ride we were on struggled
  23. I'm being serious....... U fortunately
  24. Chessington is dire on so many levels at present from poor ride availability to the inept rides team who would struggle to organise a piss up in a brewery. 20 minute sign in dragons fury took 1.5 hours due to inadequate loading/ opporations ! Whilst money has been spent on the park in places it changes nothing as the surroundings to any area touched brings them back down walls in vampires queue at merge point, the walls opposite vampire ect its just poor :-( Chessington desperately need a new coaster as vampire is almost dead yet still carries the park after 26 years as a headline attraction. Merlin sort it out .... I could have been at dismeyland today and been happier
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