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Everything posted by RobF

  1. Cant help but think whats happened to merlin parks this year ...... It's fair to say operations at the parks this year have hit an all time low .... So frustrated after afternoon/ evening at the park... From staff not following procudures like checking restraints on 2 coasters. To slow load / unloading on rides for no reason. rude staff and queue management, however I do have a positive for the lovely team on stealth tonight
  2. It had closed several times tonight ....
  3. Once you have visited even european parks your favorites will change #blue fire
  4. Also Colossus cant shift a laden train on the lift so needs an evac
  5. Trust me when I say your not allowed to dispatch until the other train has backed up... As it causes a lift shutdown and evac... Seen it happen back in the day were we were on it ..... Saying that back in 07 in frightnights 2 platformers on nemesis inferno for 2 hours we disnt stack constantly dispatching before the final helix's
  6. Tbh we didnt have the best RCR experience items eg chips replaced curly fries which were pictured ext, veg side was caked in salt and missing broccoli ect we were just served peas
  7. If a train stops on the lift..... Doesnt mean its always the lift at fault.... It could be an issue with a popped bolt happens allot on hot days.... And you have to park the first train on the lift to clear the second train, or the ride blocks out where the train has been dispatched to early or the system thinks there maybe a train on the track or in breaks still
  8. thorpe maybehave set dates for actors holiday to be taken aswell ..... Eg you must take 2 weeks between sept -october
  9. RobF

    Logger's Leap

    Too smaller company but imagin if smith and western sponsored old town and opened up where bk is with extra seating outside surrounding rocky express
  10. If you compare thorpe and towers last year the events quality were on two different scales . Sub terra was amazing, TOTT was good. Molly crow was interesting with a great finally. Thorpe was just same old poorly executed event
  11. No no and no ..... New lapbar trains / floorless trains would sort out headbanging ..... And possibly mean they can remarket it But stand up are you mad? they are so uncomfortable maybe a chance with a supersmooth B&M and even then I'm sceptical
  12. Least they didnt do a towers .... They have told us its closing and when rather than suddenly closing the flume
  13. Its a dead end/siding. The railway was used to transport parts to both of loggers leaps belt lifts,
  14. No southern ...... Amended reduced operating timetable and on strike every other day ......
  15. Could we see blair which reversed and have the startt by inferno, there is definitely room to have the queue at the back section behind the inferno/rumba stations
  16. Nemesis has an extra row over inferno. So 36ish dispatches an hour gives nemesis over 140 people more per hour Colossus realistic throughput is 700-800 due to a lack of a decent brake run. The previous train cannot be dispatched until its backed up at the station because the ride blocks out and stops on the lift ...... In theory the ride can do more but the block system and lack on 2 sections of brakes due to the last inline is a big issue.
  17. Colssus is A half the age of nemesis B there is a difference of near 500 people per hour between Colossus and nemesis
  18. Old rides unfortunatly dont have the same hype drive to jo public as newer ones do, plus Nemesis is a great throughput monster....
  19. For anyone who has ridden blue fire.......'mack mega coaster btw'. I would love something similar to come to Thorpe! absolutly amazing experience !
  20. RobF


    Anyone on park got any info on the slammer incident today? Just seen a few bits on facebook today understand it was stuck for ages and parts of the ride were apparently stripped down/ unbolted by engineers to lower and release guests
  21. RobF

    Wicker Man

    I think something like woodan at europa, speed airtime and tight turns is what a goodnwooden coaster needs..... This looks uninspiring
  22. I think the monster puppet should be used in the attraction at the mid point to jump out on people just before getting back on the train
  23. Its back as VR today all seats working
  24. Annual pass holders can now get friends tickets online from the annual pass website
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