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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Had a good day at Thorpe Park? Or would like to mention a particular member of staff that made your day that little bit extra special? Feel free to post any compliments here, or mentions to members of the Thorpe Park team.
  2. So, I'm guessing a slight improvement to your last visit?
  3. It is exactly the same layout as Flying Fish, but judging by the scenery and the general experience (including the theming of the queue line) there really is no competition.
  4. I must admit, without a doubt, Stealth is a very intimidating ride. But such a great one, which offers such a unique experience from anything else in the park.
  5. It's definately not the most reliable ride in the park, although it seems to be running without problems more often than not.
  6. If you are hoping that the queue times will be roughly the same, then I'm sorry to disappoint but you might and probably will encounter larger queues on a Friday then any other day in the week.
  7. Paul

    This Or That

    Cream!Dolphins or Sharks?
  8. It doesn't matter where the ride is, whether it's a theme park or a travelling funfair, the ride needs to be fully checked and to a incredibly high safety standard. Rides can have accidents at funfairs or theme parks, it just so happens that this accident unfortunately occured at a funfair.
  9. Agreed. It is pretty good.
  10. Paul

    Member Addys

    MSN: paul-g-@hotmail.co.uk
  11. I completely agree. I don't think it's because the park has got worse (in terms of quality of day out), but I think it is because, like you said, now I probably visit between 10-20 times a year, whereas I used to only visit once a year, if that. I also remember not getting a wink of sleep the night before, and logging on the fansites and www.thorpepark.com every day for months before my visit!
  12. I don't know how true this is, but I would have hated to be the first one riding a "prototype" on opening back in 2001!
  13. Yes. It doesn't matter which park the rides are situated in, they would always have height limits. E.g.: Most log flume type rides seem to have a 0.9m height restriction, e.g.: Dragon Falls, Logger's Leap, The Flume etc.
  14. Paul

    This Or That

    I would choose Spring. Blackjacks or Fruit Salads?
  15. I think the plans were dropped due to various issues, have no idea what these were though - sorry.
  16. Paul

    This Or That

    A Beret!North Pole or South Pole?
  17. Paul

    This Or That

    Summer!Sainsburys or Tescos?
  18. I agree with you there, Hurakan Condor is far better.
  19. Paul


    I suppose the fluid would cost quite a lot, seeing as a lot is used and a lot would just drift off in the open air.
  20. Paul

    This Or That

    BologneseTennis or Squash?
  21. 1) I would wish for a TPM forum that didn't have a Flood Control. 2) I would wish that sharks were available for purchase in local shops, and were easily trained and friendly. 3) I would wish that everyone in the world had a soda gun for a left arm, with an unlimited supply of Coke, Fanta, Sprite and Dr Pepper stored in the main organs.
  22. Paul

    Your Thorpe Park

    And clear out all the junk! Basically just get a new lake.
  23. Paul


    The queues are already starting to decrease, since the Bank Holiday Monday. After this weekend, the park will be in another 6-weeks or so of "off-peakiness", before the queues really start to build up during the May Half Term. (Obviously the weekends will see more visitors than during the week, and as you say, hopefully all of the rides will remain open, to spread and ensure minimal queues).
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