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Everything posted by Benin

  1. It peaked about 2 years ago... Typical Merlin IP choice then, something that's dying (Saw, Ice Age, Madagashcar, Shrek)...
  2. Oh, just when I was getting excited... EDIT - AND on Det? Sigh, how depressing...
  3. Wir haben ein Namen fur die Achterbahn (I'm practicing)... http://www.flug-der-dämonen.de/geschichte/geschichte/ FLUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!
  4. Another example of ingenious Intamin design right here...
  5. Benin

    CBeebies Land

    Mr Tumble is VERY well known and popular as a brand (I've even seen the guy who plays him having dinner in a Hilton up at the NEC), as you say though having human characters is possibly problematic for the area, as I doubt they can pull a Plopsa and have the actors there for shows... The problem with this area from an enthusiast point of view is that it truly doesn't interest US... However, the same could be said for the likes of Thomas Land (bar the cred) and Peppa Pig World in a way, as those areas aren't aimed at us at all either... Saying that this area will only be of interest to those under 8 is true, because unsurprisingly, that is the age group CBeebies targets... One thing it is showing is an edu-tainment aspect, which is obviously part of the BBC stature and what-not... I'd imagine that they will want this area to be as great as possible for kids, and for kids, interactive stuff is quite simply the best thing that can be done for them, hence 3 out of the current 4 announced attractions feature it heavily... I wouldn't be surprised if this is the most successful thing Towers have done in YEARS... And at least so far it looks relatively tasteful in a retheme on one of the areas that didn't really need a retheme, but an injection of popularity, which this IP will easily bring in...
  6. Sigh, if only this didn't have the terrifying giant animatronic spider... I think after seeing that I've somewhat lost my excitement over this ever so slightly...
  7. Mothers </3 Unis </3 Life simply sucks...
  8. Benin


    So Sherlock Season 3 has reappeared (and will vanish again into the nether for however long after the next episode)... Benedict
  9. Thorpe doing a day that happens every year anyway? We really ARE desperate for news...
  10. Que? It's not the worst one for roughness, but it's still pretty bad... The sooner the rumoured new trains come the better...
  11. Or it's probably just have a full on maintenance that is usually required of every ride in the world...
  12. Benin


    Oh, so this Turbine thing is just Mondial's version of a Fabbri Booster... How dull...
  13. It's one of the most terrifying ride experiences available in the world... Let alone just the UK...
  14. Not that it completely stops it from happening mind... But yeah, don't do it...
  15. Even enthusiast sites need formal permission, regardless if using Go-Pros or just taped up cameras on the front of rides... And even then, not every park will let this happen...
  16. Thorpe being the epitome of cool then...
  17. Most of my trips aren't that expensive on a per person basis usually (Germany being 2 weeks and a load of parks plus Europa's hotel is looking to be about a £1000 each as an example)... A long weekend at Efteling (again at the park hotel) is looking to be around £450 odd... Stay off site and go with Ryanair and most of my trips are even cheaper than that... It's not often a monetary issue (in a sense, obviously it IS required, but not often in excessive terms depending on mostly your own level of comfort, you'll never see me getting on a RyanAir flight and I have stayed at some low budget places, Mark9 and Holly will back me up on Denmark based times), but more of a wanting to get out there and see other parks... Of course having a full time decent wage job and minimal commitments helps a lot... I'll be paying about £350-400 for a long weekend in Sweden... Whilst that is with a group of enthusiasts rather than a personal trip (which would probs be slightly more because of culture times), it shows these trips can be done on the cheap if you so wish... Just gotta look for the best deals and not care about staying in a crappy hotel...
  18. Plus you won't be able to shop soon without buying SOMETHING that has a Merlin BOGOF voucher (or 20)... It really is all about making it look like a worthwhile deal... Dread to find out Towers' entry fee though if Thorpe is hitting £48...
  19. Was that the terrifying looking thing at Winter Wonderland by the Pinfari shoulder death cred? *shudders*
  20. That is quite old (especially by ride project standards) now... I do hope they actually get a decent coaster to their line-up (for adults) in the future though... It's the main thing missing from the park...
  21. The plans are: - Efteling - Small French Parks (Parc St Paul, Walygator & Nigloland) - Madrid (Parque Warner & Parque d'Attractiones) - Sweden/Norway (Tusenfryd, Liseberg, Skara Sommerland & Grona Park) - Germany Road-Trip (Hansa Park, Heide Park, Movie Park, Phantasialand, Holiday Park, Legoland, Tripsdrill, Nurburgring & Europa) And there will probably be more... If all goes to plan there might well be a jaunt to Indiana involved (which is next door to Ohio)... The latter half of the year is pretty open though... I would imagine some form of Halloween trip will appear a la Belgium last year...
  22. Benin

    TPM Awards 2013!

    Who is Styles? The plot thickens!
  23. Benin

    TPM Awards 2013!

    I dunno, Mitch Hawker's Polls get a bit over the top come results day...
  24. Someone from my family has been over there for New Years... It's quite funny it must be said... An amazing waste of time and money it must be to visit then...
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