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    Benin got a reaction from Phill Pritchard in Music   
    The 80s, providing so many guilty pleasures...
  2. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Dan9 in Music   
    The 80s, providing so many guilty pleasures...
  3. Like
    Benin got a reaction from thorpeparkjack in Parks, Rides And Coaster News   
    Ask and ye shall recieve...I SEE YOU DOLLYWOOD POSSIBLE WING-RIDER!!!More - http://coasterfusion.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?11961.20#post_12071
  4. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Dan9 in Legoland Trip - June 26th   
    Wait... Legoland doesn't have Nemesis?Well this will just be a complete waste of time...
  5. Like
    Benin got a reaction from JamesB in Parks, Rides And Coaster News   
    New Gerstlauer Bobsled coaster opened at Movie Park Germany...VAN HELSING'S FACTORY...It looks... interesting...

  6. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Phill Pritchard in Park Music   
    It's the 'in' thing now though...I bloody miss it being regarded as a theme park... The entrance theme was bloody epic and was 10x more pumping than listening to what is effectively Heart FM...
  7. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Phill Pritchard in X   
    Did someone say EURO-RAVE?
  8. Like
    Benin reacted to Mark9 in Random Picture Thread.   
  9. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Phill Pritchard in Europa Park   
    Europa is more than just a theme park...
  10. Like
    Benin got a reaction from holtjammy16 in THE SWARM: Speculation & Theories   
    There's bound to be several stages of the marketing... The posters were just the start of further (and possibly more in your face) schemes...Just wait for the ghosts/priests/burial grounds to appear...
  11. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Sheepie in Bratwurst Surprise!   
    BobbahnCertainly the biggest Bobsleigh I’ve encountered on my travels, and it does certainly use the hilly terrain to it’s advantage very nicely, involving some sections that actually go UP! Practically unheard of with the Bobsleighs I’ve on... However, it was excessively rattly, which meant it was not the most enjoyable experience ever... Give them credit for the layout though, would’ve been fun if not so rickety...Was also the only Butler ride that involved going up the exit, and preventing people going on a train... Oh the looks we got were funny, but at least everyone avoided (for some reason) the front row, so the main queue got that...6/10 Quick aside, Wildwasserbahn 2 also resides in this area, and has quite an amusing finale for unsuspecting guests... Yeah looks like an ordinary terrain following drop don’t it? But the bottom involves the splash getting people returning to the station... Much amusement is had watching this, as people suddenly realise that they aren’t finished getting wet... But we couldn’t do this for long, as our Butler bleeped that our doom was approaching...LimitA SLC... That should be enough to describe what this ride is all about... It’s the usual rough thing and this is the sort of reason why we also got the Butler, as I would’ve felt excessively miserable if we had queued very long for this...Rough as hell is an understatement...4/10 Next up, Nicky was really desperate to ride the park’s Breakdance, so we headed over to their recently rethemed Huss Land... This area is quite well done (Even if some of the names are still bland genericness) but is very very compact and does not work well with a busy park...Nicky sauntered onto the Breakdance alone, as I wanted a drink and didn’t particularly feel like being thrown around... I despised being ill over this trip... After this we opted for a quick Butler ride on Desert Race, opting for the back row this time and again it was SMOOTH... Still as shocking as it was the day before... Was good times... Why can’t Rita be like that?So after this we had another long space for Krake, so elected for some nice relaxing rides which began with...MonorailStarting next to Grottenblitz and going around the lake, it’s a nice and airy car and provides some really close-up views of some of the coasters... So after that it was time for Onion Boat 2, or....MarchenfahrtBasically this is part of the traditional German ride thing of going past small scenes depicting some random fairytale... In these cases we spotted Snow White, Cinderella and some ones we didn’t know... And as per the norm, the animatronics were SCARY... That finished, we had a quick saunter around again with time still before Krake... Including walking past this very secure area... In Germany, that small chain is a deterrent... If that was here it would be a challenge... Why are we so crap in comparison to our well-behaved European cousins?We meandered back to the entrance for some last minute shopping before Krake, and decided to hop on the train over to it... Upon arrival to Krake, we were surprised to see the Q-Bot queue full, but we went in (as the time moves on if you are late), and once again into the insanely claustrophobic station, train came in, but... The floor remained down...EPIC SPITE...This resulted in lots of annoyed guests leaving the station through fire exits and arguments happening which were all amusing... But eventually they evacuated the queue and we decided that enough was enough so we dropped off our bots and returned to the hotel...So Heide is a very weird park... There’s some really nice parts but also some really bland areas too... The Pirates area is very poorly done as an area and the same can be said of all of their ‘themed’ areas bar the Mayan section... Most of the rides are just average and it’s so similar to all our Merlin/Tussauds parks in many ways... Not sure what my final thought of it was... It needs more continuity with theming and several more additions to the level of Krake... Re-doing Big Loop and Limit would also help... I think they have a fair area to expand too so the park could easily build more rides... Hopefully more filler as to me there wasn’t too many flats surrounding rides like Colossos, Desert Race, Limit and Krake, so it’s a lot like Towers in that respect... Plus the lack of shade needs to be sorted, so much like Thorpe...It’s a weird park... So it’s hard for me to give a final score... But... I feel 6/10 is a suitable number... It just seemed very Merliny with the staff as well as once we had paid that was it... Very little niceness and lots of staff just nattering...Hansa was a far superior day out in the end...Regardless, it was a good trip and entirely worth it for FLUCH!Thanks for reading...
  12. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Luke_A in Bratwurst Surprise!   
    BobbahnCertainly the biggest Bobsleigh I’ve encountered on my travels, and it does certainly use the hilly terrain to it’s advantage very nicely, involving some sections that actually go UP! Practically unheard of with the Bobsleighs I’ve on... However, it was excessively rattly, which meant it was not the most enjoyable experience ever... Give them credit for the layout though, would’ve been fun if not so rickety...Was also the only Butler ride that involved going up the exit, and preventing people going on a train... Oh the looks we got were funny, but at least everyone avoided (for some reason) the front row, so the main queue got that...6/10 Quick aside, Wildwasserbahn 2 also resides in this area, and has quite an amusing finale for unsuspecting guests... Yeah looks like an ordinary terrain following drop don’t it? But the bottom involves the splash getting people returning to the station... Much amusement is had watching this, as people suddenly realise that they aren’t finished getting wet... But we couldn’t do this for long, as our Butler bleeped that our doom was approaching...LimitA SLC... That should be enough to describe what this ride is all about... It’s the usual rough thing and this is the sort of reason why we also got the Butler, as I would’ve felt excessively miserable if we had queued very long for this...Rough as hell is an understatement...4/10 Next up, Nicky was really desperate to ride the park’s Breakdance, so we headed over to their recently rethemed Huss Land... This area is quite well done (Even if some of the names are still bland genericness) but is very very compact and does not work well with a busy park...Nicky sauntered onto the Breakdance alone, as I wanted a drink and didn’t particularly feel like being thrown around... I despised being ill over this trip... After this we opted for a quick Butler ride on Desert Race, opting for the back row this time and again it was SMOOTH... Still as shocking as it was the day before... Was good times... Why can’t Rita be like that?So after this we had another long space for Krake, so elected for some nice relaxing rides which began with...MonorailStarting next to Grottenblitz and going around the lake, it’s a nice and airy car and provides some really close-up views of some of the coasters... So after that it was time for Onion Boat 2, or....MarchenfahrtBasically this is part of the traditional German ride thing of going past small scenes depicting some random fairytale... In these cases we spotted Snow White, Cinderella and some ones we didn’t know... And as per the norm, the animatronics were SCARY... That finished, we had a quick saunter around again with time still before Krake... Including walking past this very secure area... In Germany, that small chain is a deterrent... If that was here it would be a challenge... Why are we so crap in comparison to our well-behaved European cousins?We meandered back to the entrance for some last minute shopping before Krake, and decided to hop on the train over to it... Upon arrival to Krake, we were surprised to see the Q-Bot queue full, but we went in (as the time moves on if you are late), and once again into the insanely claustrophobic station, train came in, but... The floor remained down...EPIC SPITE...This resulted in lots of annoyed guests leaving the station through fire exits and arguments happening which were all amusing... But eventually they evacuated the queue and we decided that enough was enough so we dropped off our bots and returned to the hotel...So Heide is a very weird park... There’s some really nice parts but also some really bland areas too... The Pirates area is very poorly done as an area and the same can be said of all of their ‘themed’ areas bar the Mayan section... Most of the rides are just average and it’s so similar to all our Merlin/Tussauds parks in many ways... Not sure what my final thought of it was... It needs more continuity with theming and several more additions to the level of Krake... Re-doing Big Loop and Limit would also help... I think they have a fair area to expand too so the park could easily build more rides... Hopefully more filler as to me there wasn’t too many flats surrounding rides like Colossos, Desert Race, Limit and Krake, so it’s a lot like Towers in that respect... Plus the lack of shade needs to be sorted, so much like Thorpe...It’s a weird park... So it’s hard for me to give a final score... But... I feel 6/10 is a suitable number... It just seemed very Merliny with the staff as well as once we had paid that was it... Very little niceness and lots of staff just nattering...Hansa was a far superior day out in the end...Regardless, it was a good trip and entirely worth it for FLUCH!Thanks for reading...
  13. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Luke_A in Bratwurst Surprise!   
    Final part woo!Day 5 – Heide Park Part 2So after the sheer pain and mehness of the park being stupidly packed, an alternative plan needed to be devised... So we left the hotel at 9, and sauntered against the tide of people entering back to the entrance to grab an Express Butler... After waiting for the place to open (park opens at 9, rides open at 10, Butler building opened at 9:30... Sense, it made none), we handed over 28 euros for the two of us and my driving license (ID security) and we had my first ever Q-Bot... I’m gonna have a natter about this, now I thought this worked very well for us as part of our relative one off trip as it included every coaster (bar Grottenblitz and Indy-Blitz), and considering my desperate need to not be stood in the sun for numerous hours we essentially spent all our time waiting for the time slot sat down in the shade somewhere... Now I think these worked very well, with the time frames meaning that there was barely any Q-Bot based queue (aside from one time which I’ll come to later), which is relatively good news for both sets of queues... You feel like you haven’t wasted your money, and there wasn’t 20 seats taken up by Q-Botters (aside from the Bobsleigh)... It definitely worked better than the none-time-frame based Fast-track we have over here in my opinion... But as we were trying to take the day slow it wasn’t a major issue for us...As we couldn’t use it till 10, we decided we’d hit a ride first, and the nearest one was...Wildwasserbahn 1For some reason Heide have TWO log flumes, on opposite ends of the park and they are very different from each other, but we only hit up the one nearest the entrance, and it was quite fun... A small drop followed by big drop combo on it... And not much else to say about it... It’s a log flume for crying out loud...6/10 It appears I only took one photo of this one... Sure I had more... Oh wells...Just before we went on the ride we elected for Colossos to be our first Butler ride, and after a quick saunter over after the flume, we headed straight into the front row queue...In the front, the best thing was seeing how steep the drop actually was... It’s something you didn’t notice much in the back, but it was actually rather cool seeing it just disappear away from you... Again, it was just too smooth for a woodie, though was slightly rougher in the front than the back, but that may have been due to my head pounding more than anything...We placed ourselves in the Krake Butler queue, and faffed over to one of the two Onion Boat rides the park has...Kapt’ns TornLike most of the Pirate area, it seems that just a quick rename means it’s piratical... Minimal pirate theming seemed to be a general theme of the area... Oh wells... It’s a nice relaxing boat ride very much out of the way of the rest of the park as the hotel means that few people head over there... We had a bit more time till our Krake ride, so we faffed around the area... One of the two epic playgrounds on the park... Love Germany... Like all good B&Ms, it’s a very photogenic ride and just glides about... And as I said in the last part, it’s a real hit with the guests... Just hope they put in the mouth proper next year... So we had a go in the second row this time, and it was again, a fun ride... I really like it and think it actually could kick-start Heide a fair bit into putting some more quality rides into the park... Certainly my fave ride out of all of them...So after buying some merch (KRAKE BEAR <3) we went to watch the unshaded pirate show... Which had some fun moments in it with the audience as seen below... Really random songs and stunts in this... Still better than the Mutiny Bay show though...Time for another Butler coaster, and this time it was up the hill and past Scream to...
  14. Like
    Benin reacted to Ryan in Rant   
    Textbooks > Thorpe Park
  15. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Mark9 in Europa Park   
    Europa is more than just a theme park...
  16. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Laelda_95 in The Big Bad Movie Topic   
    I have goosebumps...End of an era
  17. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Ryan in Europa Park   
    WOODEN cottage cheese tastes very niceING COASTER!I just came...
  18. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Ryan in The Big Bad Movie Topic   
    I have goosebumps...End of an era
  19. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Mer in Tidal Wave   
    Plus in excessively hot days when Colossus was the only other major ride at the park, I think everyone would have been queuing for Tidal Wave/Loggers/Rapids...So yeah, just because a queue can hold a certain number, doesn't mean the ACTUAL queue will begin OUTSIDE the constructed queue... I saw that WAY too much in Germany...
  20. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Coaster XTREME in X   
    Did someone say EURO-RAVE?
  21. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Luke_A in X   
    Did someone say EURO-RAVE?
  22. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Mark9 in X   
    Did someone say EURO-RAVE?
  23. Like
    Benin got a reaction from Tom in Rant   
    99% of the time, it's not you, it's the other pillocks around you...So many people cannot drive... FACT...
  24. Like
    Benin reacted to Mark9 in The Smiler   
    There is so much crap in this topic now it's unreal. Where are people coming from when they post this stuff. Firstly:-
    All the ground work has been done in the last 30 years and has NOTHING to do with Merlin. From John Broome adding a double looping rollercoaster in 1980 to Tussauds throwing in Europes first inverted rollercoaster. Merlin have added pirates, a random cuckoo area and a family rollercoaster with bells and whistles. Merlin, if anything, are sucking off Alton's reputation, and sucking it dry.I mean honestly. Are you for real? Air, to this day remains one of the most popular rollercoasters the UK has ever seen. 10 seasons on it will have the busiest queues of any ride on park despite its large throughput. Yeah, so what enthusiasts don't rave about it? The public love it. And what, Thorpe throw coaster after coaster after coaster at their park and somehow they are better. Quantity isn't everything and Inferno, Stealth and Colossus can't hold a candle to Nemesis, Oblivion and Air in terms of ride quality. Sheepie, once again hits the nail right on the head. Alton Towers, if anything, have been incredibly daring by making their new rollecoaster a family friendly attraction. It's only the advertising that has let the ride down. Family parks will have always have the edge on thrill parks because, to put it simply, rides are there to be enjoyed not just to always scare you silly.
  25. Like
    Benin reacted to Sheepie in The Smiler   
    Alton Towers used to follow a formula of 4 years between major projects. The only exception of this is the time between Air and Rita, which was 3 years. Thirteen was an extra year, although it put the time-scale back on track for large developments. I would imagine Alton are now following a 3 year rotation of large investment, much like Thorpe. I don't personally see Secret Weapons as exclusively rollercoasters, but would like to think they could represent any large investment attraction.I don't agree that Alton have worried too much about themeing, Air hardly has any, Thirteen is good where it exists but the whole concept is very vague and fragmented. I love Air and Thirteen, but do agree with you that they're underwhelming once you've tried some of the other great rides at Alton Towers.Alton Towers always has and always will be a family park- something for everyone, and will reap the rewards of being so.
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