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Everything posted by pluk

  1. Really? You ever been to a 6flags park? Would not be at all surprised if that was the finished look.For example, this is the amount of effort they have given to millions of dollars worth of B+M in the pastThe infamous 'carpark, the ride'. Oh very dear.
  2. Wish I was young enough to go in for this.....https://www.facebook.com/TheBigBang4U/app_216783818383935But I'm not. So if you are, go for it!!
  3. After a nice long tiring walk to Battlesbridge I should sleep well tonight, which is a shame as I'll be at work.

  4. That really is superb. They could do so many things with this idea too, I hope they really run with it.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d02RcZZDgYA Ohhhh, I so wish I had been there.
  6. pluk

    Youtube Videos

    Awesome.... Want.
  7. Could have been worse

  8. that's the end of an error, tomorrow marks the start of a new one

  9. ? They look stupid. What the hell is the point of this design?
  10. My head does not compute scale properly from plans. Was not fussed by Shaba originally, very much am now. Wow.
  11. Intamin Giant Drop appears to have ejected someone......http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1151434#p1151434
  12. Really? How much cash did they throw it this crap? The ground works for it are quite substantial too, it must cost a fortune in water as it pisses it all over the floor (not in the trough) and now it sounds like it is using up valuable maintenance money as the boats and spinners are both broken after just one season and need to be fixed. Couple the underlying poorness of the ride with half the effects being broken and the boats filling up with water and it is a joke.For the money they have spent on it they could have got an couple of amazing trailer flats and just parked them up, it could not have been worse. If only they would admit defeat, cut their losses and bin it.
  13. pluk


    Having ridden a couple of other fliers, Air is still my favourite; it's speed, pacing and intensity is spot on for that design.The likes of Tatsu might look all impressive but just don't feel right, like they are fighting against the limitations of putting you in 'the position', rather than using it to their advantage.Having said that, the tunnel and the tin shed roof are laughable really and I think fixing them would greatly improve the whole experience.
  14. It's been in my head since the kids theme tune frenzy in cha the other night, it's only fair it gets in yours to..... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mybg0l2Alaw ..... the best kids show ever.
  15. insert annual joke about spending this evening tossing

  16. Rebecca Lee just made an awesome chutney. YumYum!

  17. Lucky buggers. Still nothing on the ride it first 'missing wall' competition?
  18. I don't see Thorpe having the space to put on live music on anything like the scale that makes it worth anyones while. What they have got is an awesome lake with an undeveloped perimeter, it screams out for .
  19. Lakeside. I guess we are not very cultured in Essex, the poor girls heads would explode if they heard anything a bit 'out there'!
  20. For my 'anytime' vote read 'anytime it is quiet'. I know everyone has work / studies etc, but what is a days leave on a weekday when we can get the most out of the long journey most of us Southerners have to make? No kids holidays, no weekends, and I'm there. Also, I'm not allowed to go anywhere any time during the Olympics in case it all goes tits up.
  21. Don't mind the chart music outside, but once you are through them turnstiles it's just not right. You are supposed to be stepping out of reality into a magical place, not into a branch of TopShop.Surely it costs to pay chart music? That's why all music is usually either parked owned or over 50 years old when royalty payments stop. In this year of cuts I hope they won't throw money out just for a few pop songs when they have perfectly good free theme sitting there, instead of paying out to actually open their attractions.
  22. pluk


    Don't be nasty to fat people.They've got enough on their plate.
  23. As it's already a year late you'd think so, wouldn't you? But no mention in the local press as far as I've noticed yet so probably not.
  24. It's an English Springer Spaniel. Great dogs but can be quite mental, especially when they are younger.
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