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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Airhop has been booked up, so no need to worry hopefully. And no TGI cocktails ? But their Purple rain is amazing, even if it needs a loan to buy one of them
  2. I only ever rode Wicked Witches Haunt once or twice, but my first ever ride on it amazed the six year old me. From it's beautiful gothic design, sets, humour and set pieces. It was the first large scale dark ride I'd ever ridden and blew anything else out of proportion, which were mostly fairground ghost trains. This was a lot more than a ghost train. I would still argue to this day the loss of this attraction is the greatest loss to the UK and it's tragic to think how all that detail was burn't to ash in it's final moments. Geisterschloss at Europa Park (though noticeably different) is probably the nearest replica to this ride which thankfully still operates to this day.
  3. Plopsaland are not only building a new hotel, but a new holiday village too. Apparently there will be 150 lodges amongst pitches for caravans. This area will be located behind the park and is said to utilise the existing Wickie theme as well. The first phase may be ready for next year when the park will also open their Theatre themed hotel. Source-Loopings Certainly a very interesting investment and perhaps somewhat a cross between Bosrijk and Enchanted Village, It's great to see Plopsaland investing so much into the park lately and I'm sure will be a hit for them.
  4. To be fair they've needed a major new addition for while that doesn't comprise an embarrassing truck journey with animals and this is probably the attraction that breaks that gap. I'm sure it'll be pretty successful for the park despite replacing a contrived form of a classic.
  5. Well, at least it's a start. Kudos for them for actually maintaining something that isn't new or a safety hazard. Well done.
  6. Matt 236

    Logger's Leap

    The problem here is not so much the case of the ride being mothballed for several seasons (including the one coming) but the overall state of the ride in recent years. Logger's tunnel was in a terrible state during the last 5+ years of the ride's life resulting in complete removal of a large chunk in 2013 and the first drop no longer being enclosed. Considering it remained unchanged for it's final three seasons amongst the increasingly stale station building, queue and landscaping says a lot about the ride's TLC (or lack of perhaps). Merlin have been under the steering wheel for ten years now and given the ride's increasing poor state and park success, you could surely think a company second to Disney could implement the acceptable renovation procedures to keep it in a workable state in the first place. A constant TLC scheme should be mandatory at all parks as presentation and operations should be a priority. Hopefully if what Adam says seems to be true, maybe we will finally see the return of the ride somepoint in the future with much needed updates and safety enhancements. However recent track records such as the abrupt closing of the Flume, Dragon Fall's rockwork and others don't give much optimism. It would be a shame to lose such a classic, iconic and staple ride, especially given it's famous reputation in the nineties with a former famous figure.
  7. Matt 236

    The 2017 Challenge

    I can safely say the fundamental reasons why I return to our Merlin parks are as a result of the following: The social aspect-meeting and catching up with mates (not to mention meets) New rides- Examples include Swarm, Smiler and DBGT The rides I love- Swarm,Nemesis, Vampire, Thirteen and Inferno to name a few The Merlin Pass is still adequate value (arguably) Typically I only complain as I think they could be better than what they currently are, but as this is a positive topic I'll try and stay optimistic. The Towers Loving Care Scheme (the Nemy repaint) The Roller Coaster Restaurant The Ghost Train Shop Tidal Wave enhancements Thorpe Street food Slammer working (sorry ?) Burger King enhancements The pre-firework fountain show at Legoland The new finale in the Star Wars miniland Salvaging models of Dino Safari & Loki's Labyrinth The new opening system at Legoland Hope that was acceptable
  8. Just some of the maps and things I own. Might take a new updated picture in a while as this was probably taken two years ago.
  9. Adding onto the sound advice Adam and Matty have given, I'll say this. Only do DBGT if the queue isn't too excessive. If not it may be worth trying for the end of the day as the queues typically close and not the rides when the park shuts. Rumba and Angry Birds 4D are advisable 'after lunch' rides unless you have a strong stomach or join a queue over 30 minutes. The big five coasters, X, Detonator, DBGT (if it's your thing), Slammer, Rush and Tidal Wave (if the weather is good) are the must do's.
  10. I tend to avoid that rust bucket company as they make DBGT look highly reliable. South West wipe the floor with them until they combust!
  11. Never heard of him. The only LG I know of is my TV set I look forward to seeing Bugs though. Should be good st bowling, but I'm dreading running into a wall and getting a massive wound on my face.
  12. I'm in. Try and stop me! Won't be skating sadly.
  13. Yesterday was the last day of operation for the Californian Tower Of Terror (at least of what was left of it) after checking in it's final guests after 13 years. The ride system will now under-go the 6 month transformation into the Guardians Of The Gakaxy Ride opening this Summer. As great the successor could be, it's replaced a Disney classic, staple and master piece. DCA Tower Of Terror should be remembered like this: And not this: Source-Inside The Magic An intersting article worth reading about how the Tower Of Terror came to be can be found at Theme Park Tourist
  14. Universal looks fab. How were the updates for Jimmy Fallon and Fast And Furious progresssing? Did you visit Wet N Wild as I hear it's closing this week? It's great to see a park put so much work into improving the whole park.
  15. The Wild Woods name reminds me of Legoland's older days probably because they used to have an area called Wild Woods (Pirates now). As names go, they could've done worse but I still prefer the area's previous area, Transylvania. The same goes for the facade, although the central entrance position is one advantage. As for the advert, it feels rather patronising if I'm overly honest but perhaps that's because it's for the target audience they are getting. How times have changed.
  16. Banned for misusing your powers! You may be a Mod but you won't bring Geazi back!
  17. I know Merlin can be expensive, but nearly £1800 for 3-5 people getting Premium is surely out of hand! Other sale rises are surely because the price went up anyway.
  18. TBH not the worst name I've seen for attraction and given the choices on the poll, arguably one of the better ones. However I must confess I am disappointed "I don't enjoy theme parks so who cares" didn't win. Source-Merlin Annual Pass Facebook Group Apparently there will also be Gruffalo themed rooms in the hotels. Source-Uk Theme Parks-Theme UK It's alright I suppose.
  19. Maus Au Chocolate and Ratatouille are certainly great examples of how modern (screen) dark rides should be. They both integrate an interesting storyline, where the effects and animation both work appropriately and the addition of theming in both certainly helps emphasis both of these. The perfect modern dark ride will have a good consistency between visual and real effects and animatronics. Hopefully Symbolica will implement these. As for VR, we shall have to see. If it can evolve to tailor the themepark environment then maybe it will continue, otherwise no. I've heard stories of rides with VR implemented featuring crushed throughputs, with loading sometimes in excess of 10 minutes. That's before the countless problems Galactica and DBGT have so far encountered. Shockingly I never did the Europa VR stuff (especially since I went last May), but hearing what most gave said, I think more park's should implement the Europa way of doing it. With Kraken, Magic Mountain and Batman La Fuga getting the VR treatment, the phase is still going strong. For now.
  20. Don't be surprised with what you are about to read.
  21. Date should be closing Sunday 1st January.
  22. Went back to Winter Wonderland yesterday because I couldn't get enough last time. Olympia Looping- Still an amazing ride and very enjoyable, although the shoulder restraints were a little on the rtght side. Still fantastic operations though and three train service is very exceptional. My previous statement remains. Alpen Hotel- I've been wanting to do this for years and glad I finally did. This thing is crazy, and in a good way too. A mixture of traditional funhouse elements such as walking and spinning elements and even some walk through/dark sections too. Including a hotel bar with animatronics and even a mini tower of terror and mad house elements, which were just crazy. Worth the £6 certainly! Haunted Mansion-I do like my dark rides as much as my coasters and this was something else I wanted to get done too, having never experienced it. From the aspect of a travelling ghost train, it's really good and amazing to think how this quality attraction is packed up on a trailer and taken from A-Z. Certainly better than many permanent dark rides too. Spooky 3D & The Haunted Hotel come to mind. Certainly an acceptable end to 2016, at least on the themevpark front.
  23. I'd say the left side is most likely for at least one of the rides for sure. I think they've also removed the shooting game if I remember correctly. I wonder if this will impact the two fright night mazes using this area (assuming they will continue to do so next year). Apparently the Weymouth ride area will be replaced with a new playground area.
  24. Another added to the much to big list of celebrities we lost this year. RIP Carrie Fisher Including: David Bowie Alan Rickman Terry Wogan Paul Daniels Frank Kelly Ronnie Corbett Maurice White Eric Baurersfeld (voice of Admiral Ackbar) Kenny Baker Prince Victoria Wood Caroline Aherne Sylvia Anderson (Lady Penelope voice) Frank Sinatra JR Jimmy Perry (Dad's Army) Jo Cox Christina Grimme Andrew Sachs Harper Lee George Martin Gene Wilder Tony Warren George Michael Greg Lake Emerson Rick Parfitt Liz Smith Muhammed Ali Anton Yelchin Zsa Zsa Gabor Richard Adams And many more
  25. Matt 236

    Florida 2K16

    This isn't like your usual blogs at all. Especially given the Disney elements! Would you say Mako is better or weaker than Silver Star? I'm hoping 2018 will be the year I finally visit Orlando.
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