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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. The loss of the original Carousel is certainly a massive shame. Given it's traditional grandiose appearance, it's references to the past and the spinning teacups. Their crazy spinning no more! The new Carousel will at least be comparatively different, being in a new location and a contrasting theme and style. Whilst I must admit I prefer the style of old Chessington, I would rather see the park change and develop with new attractions instead of being stagnant and stale, like it's has in recent years. The adventure theme does come across as over produced, but if it's the direction the park intend to head towards and it's bringing in visitors then I guess it's not all bad given it's a theme that relates between the park and zoo quite well. With the recent closures, Old Chessington seems to be disappearing fast. And if the 10 year master is/has been approved, planning suggest one of two (possible) new coasters will replace Truckers, Toadies, Peeking and where the old Carousel was. This could be intentional too, given the coaster could be a technical replacement to Vampire, which is arguably on life support currently given it's age, location and current significance to the park.
  2. A name Definitely, an opening date I'm not to sure. There have been rumours of this ride pointing towards a March opening, but given the opening dates of recent attractions and usual schedules, it is very possible this could have an April or May opening. Don't hold your breath for March. Anything else like concept art and sneak previews inside is wishful thinking.
  3. OLD NEWS ALERT! Courtesy of Chessington Facebook Youre welcome.
  4. 2013 says hi. Removing substantially aged and neglected (once impressive) rock theming without replacement whilst installing a dry styled safari attraction clearly isn't terrible enough. Bless the landscaping team. They are one of the last things Chessington gets right! If everything else could be half as good, the park would be great.
  5. Vampire is still a solid addition to Chessington these years on, although now arguably a shadow of it's former self. Sadly over the years, the charm and character of the original ride has slowly been hacked away. From the decommissioning of three train operations, removal of station chandeliers and ambient lighting plus removal of the original crypt which was cheaply rebuilt. The further complications in the station layout, dead organist, misuse of the original music and garish queue fences only add insult injury sadly. The danger sign theming doesn't heal the bleeding I'm afraid. Unfortunately I never experienced the original Vampire but I've definitely noticed neglect and decline in the ride during the ten years I've been visiting. Sadly I feel Vampire may be on life support due to still being the park's main ride and it's sticky location. When it is removed (likely as a result of permanent failure or excessive costs) it is unlikely to be replaced. At least on the scale anyway. Maybe the new coaster/s mentioned in the development plan (that came out earlier this year) are intended as technical replacements, knowing Vampire's days are perhaps numbered.
  6. One can hope these are just under layers of the final result, but even then I'm not too optimistic on the end result. Transylvania was/is my favourite area of Chessington but I'm not too optimistic of it's reincarnation for 2017 as I expect the area's charm and cohesion to be lessened as a result of park changes. It's also difficult to say how long Vampire has left, given it'll be 30 in just over three years. That's Chessington sadly. The new entrance location is the only positive I can take here. African/Adventurecthemes are good in a zoo/theme park but I feel Chessington is overdoing it in all honesty.
  7. Chessington are busy at work preparing for their big 2017 season ahead. Construction on the park's new Carousel continues. Apparently it will be called The Chessington Adventure Tree and be the park's new centre piece. How inspiring. Sadly as expected, the old Carousel has been removed after serving the park for over twenty years. Out with the old and in with the new, who knows? Meanwhile, construction on the Gruffalo ride, the former entrance and queue line of the Bubbleworks has been completely removed with the addition of bright green and blue on the facade. Fingers crossed the cohesion of Transylvania isn't ruined or worse, the area is spited completely. Regardless of the above changes being positive or negative, there is surely one good thing about Chessington right now regardless. New Lion Cubs Photos copyright and distributed by Theme Park Guide
  8. Better start drinking and riding Stealth now guys then! I will know you've been successful when I hear Stealth has undergone excessive downtime.
  9. Well I certainly want to watch Rogue One in the future especially being a Star Wars fan. No idea what Rouge One is. Must be a completely different film, did they do any trailers for it? Back on topic! Saw Moana last weekend and it was fab. The plot line was superb, the music was really good (You're Welcome) and the there was quite a lot of throwbacks to older Disney films (particularly The Renaissance era).
  10. I really hope you can make at least one meet. Because we are certainly lacking bag holders in this forum!
  11. Matt 236


    Sorry, but unless there is a source (or it's somewhat making rounds on social media) I cannot take this statement seriously.
  12. Wow, I never saw this happening because the advert is perfectly innocent in the first place. People get too offended these days!
  13. If anyone didn't need another reason to visit Symbolica, I'll let the pictures do the talking. The detail is phenomenal. What's more these pictures are towards the back of the attraction too which is amazing to see. No single part of a warehouse in site. Source-Loopings
  14. The best time for Thorpe when it catered for all ages was around 2003. The park then had two big coasters, four flats, a chute the shoot, X No Way Out and a drop tower for thrill seekers. Younger families had the farm, Octopus Gardens, the beach, Ranger County, the railway and the waterbuses. Middle families had Canada Creek, the original Fish, the tea cups plus the Rapids, Pirates 4D, Eclipse and Depth Charge. The banana ride, Quantum & Zodiac can also be added. The park at this time had the best consistency of family and thrill rides then and given the mixed atmosphere of RMC and Tussauds likely made for a great all round park atmosphere. Getting that consistency level back now may be more tricky, but it can be done as 2003 once proved.
  15. Hey yourfirst meetup And this is Crazy, So here's my reply So Call me maybe! Pizza Express would be very acceptable, with Creams after. Edit- Thanks Ryan for deleting my vote for the 11th
  16. Latest on Project V, the buildings and theming are certainly progressing rather nicely now. Whilst this may not necessarily be the most exciting new attraction next year, it certainly looks a solid all round addition to the park and will fit the park very nicely.
  17. Thank you for reading part 1 of my trip report. Here's part 2 of my annual review if you have not died of boredom where we will look into the wonders of the international parks. Europa Park Visiting what is arguably the best European park (or even the world) is one thing, but doing it in a medium sized group that is TPM made things that extra bit more exciting. Situated within a small and charming German town makes for one beautiful location making it one of the most picturesque parks in Europe. Europa Park is not somewhere to visit just for the rides, but because it is Europa Park. A place despite its massive size is full to the brim of hidden attractions and details. It isn't uncommon to walk around the park and find something new all the time, whether that be an archway leading to a hidden dark ride or finding a random show or walk through. The park features countless themed areas to different European countries including Spain, England and Scandanavia. Not only do these areas feel strongly coherent, but also complement one another. Even the aspect of crossing the English area to the (then still not open) Ireland feels like something the park have though about. With Thirteen coasters (12 when I visited), it ranks as having the highest number of coasters in Europe (at least for now) featuring a great variety from the sleek and smooth Blue Fire to the classic Bobsled. Wodan was my favourite coaster for sure, not only down to its crazy amazing layout but it's themed queue. An added bonus making a fast moving queue even more pleasant to wait in. Though some coasters were better than others, none of them come across as weak with each one helping to complement the package. Europa though is more than coaster. As it boasts many shows, dark rides and smaller attractions. The shows come by the pair ranging from an Ice Show, jousting and even a Europa take on a Disney style parade. Whilst some are better than others, there are so many to see you could easily spend one park day watching all of them. Controversially, none of the dark rides are top 10 material (with the possible exception of Arthur), but before you get the pitchforks, there's a perfect explanation. None of them are trying to be. Each dark ride not only complements specific areas but shows off what different attractions Mack has to offer making Europa just as much a working a ride museum amongst a theme park resort. Despite the majority coming across as Disney style knock-offs, many of these attractions are highly enjoyable not only because of their charm but retaining a classic feel. The animatronic, setting and scenery styles are all highly reminiscent of the days when attractions like Bubbleworks, Phantom Phantasia and Terror Tomb existed. What's even more appeasing to see is how well looked after these attractions and seeing them looking refreshed and not stale and falling apart. Piccolo Mondo is an example of this. Although the attractions has existed since the early eighties, it received a major remodelling in 2011 that not only modernised the ride from looking dated but has retained fundamental features of the original. There's more than just the park though, with the resort's five hotels which are look amazing and retain superb quality about everywhere you look there. There's even a beautiful courtyard with fountains! Accommodation at Europa isn't difficult as you have a wide variety of places to stay. If you can't afford Europa hotels, stay in Rust. There is plenty of places to stay, the majority very friendly and reasonable priced and usually no more than 15 minutes walk too. There's even log cabins and camping facilities if you prefer and plenty of restaurants and a super market if you don't want to eat in the park. Europa as theme parks go is practically perfect except for one thing, getting there. Although far from impossible transportation from the airport to the park is more challenging compared to places like Disney and Liseberg. My group were rather lucky that we had enough drivers to warrant hire cars which is probably the easiest option. If you are driverless, you are limited to either expensive but convenience park shuttles or a long fiddly train commute. Liseberg Two weeks after Europa, I was blessed to be visiting another major European park with another amazing Mack. Yet it was a park that couldn't be anymore different. Unlike Europa Park, Liseberg is more of a traditional amusement park, although many of it's new additions have been themed rather well. A more sophisticated, hilly and picturesque Blackpool may be the best comparison here,although both parks are good in their own ways. The park boasts three stunning coasters (more on the fourth later). Helix is an absolutely phenomenal ride, from it's impressive launches, sudden corkscrew out of the station and combination of inversions, airtime and ground hugging elements. Helix is my new number 1 coaster and worth visiting for the park alone. Balder though is also a top quality Wooden coaster for the park. The drops and airtime are amazing although the styling feels comparatively dry to the rest of the park. Hopefully the area re-theme will resolve this. Lisebergbanen minus the brakes is another wonderful ride and it's Terran based layout and interaction almost make it a family thrill Helix without loops. Whilst I adored the others, Kanonen left me feeling disappointed as I found it rather rattly and the restraints uncomfortable. That said given it's tiny footprint, the layout is quite impressive to say the least. Whilst I won't miss the ride given it's now being removed, this coaster would do wonders for a smaller park. I'd certainly visit Drayton more if they brought this. Liseberg also boasts what may be the best selection of flats I've seen at a park. From the craziness of Steampunk themed star shape Mechanica to Uppswing, a swing ride that goes over a cliff. Rush eat your heart out! Atmosphere was even an acceptable drop tower (even just on height) and the Jukebox ride was great fun! Not only is there a decent Rapids and interesting 'working' log flume but Hotel Gasten, a scare maze with some richly themed rooms, scares and over 10 minutes in length. Worth the extra charge too. Amongst it's great attractions, stunning location and classic feel, the only thing this place lacks is a decent dark ride. Fairy Tale Castle is the only dark ride at the park, in the form of a dated schwartzkopf suspended track ride passing random fairy tale scenes to the Dream Flight theme. The ride is practically hilarious because it's so poor and dated. For those who struggle getting to and affording European parks Liseberg is a good starting point as it's very easy to get to. Norwegian British Airways and Ryanair all fly to Gothenburg from Gatwick, Heathrow and Stanstead with prices being under £30 each way if you choose the right time to visit. There's also a bus shuttle that runs from Gothenburg Landvetter to literally just outside the park entrance. Just remember pre-book your tickets or register your cards as they don't do cash payments! Phantasialand Phantasialand is a park I've been wanting to visit for many years and for 2016 I finally got to visit. The place is amazing and despite its smaller size (though definitely not tiny) it is packed with richly themed details everywhere, from the sophisticated Berlin street entrance to the creative details in Mexico. Imagine a fully decorated Chessington? Nope me neither. The rides themselves are immaculately themed (the newer ones at least). Chiapas is a stunning ride with rich theming, dark ride sections and a large drop which proof flumes still have a place at parks today (Towers take note). Black Mamba bar it's stunning theming is a beautiful coaster that surpasses Inferno but not Nemesis. Maus Au Chocolate, River Quest, Winjas and Colorado Adventure are also great rides that are worth a mention too. Klugheim is an exceptional area, from its vast rock work, medieval/Norsk theming and landscaping. Taron is sublime coaster that really works with the area and is just amazing all round and certainly a favourite for me amongst arguably being the park's main coaster now. Raik is also a loverly little ride that inkeeps with Klugheim and gives Phantasialand a much needed kids coaster. Everything in Klugheim is fab, even the eateries. Rutmoore's Tavern is a loverly place to visit for a hearty lunch and up there as one of my favourite theme park eateries. With some fantastic new attractions and areas having opened in recent years, the park is not holding back on progressing further even at the expense of older attractions. Race For Atlantis, the former simulator was ripped out earlier this year and construction for the next big thing has already begun. After that, Nighthawk, Hollywood and the Chinese Ghost Train will likely be cleared for expansions afterwards. The first two won't be too drastic given how dated and out of place they seem, but I will miss the ghost train as I think there's some charm in there and something I like about it too. I'm hoping more for a major update than replacement in all honesty. It may be without its flaws but Phantasialand may be my second favourite park now. That place has done wonders to me and certainly changed me for sure. Phantasialand is easy to get to if you know what you're doing. Fly to Cologne Bonn, then get the train from the airport to Koln HBF and then change the train to Brühl there. The hotel situation is slightly more complicated. If you can't stay onsite Ramada Koln is a good choice although you will need to drive or taxi to/from the park. Disneyland Paris 2016 wasn't the year for DLRP As a result of years of neglect (for Disney standards), the resort has undergoing a rigorous rehabilitation resulting in rides, theming, facades, walkways and buildings being extensively refurbished. In it's peak, Big Thunder, Thunder Mesa, Star Tours, Peter Pan's Flight, Adventure Isle and more were all closed alongside the main fountain being closed off. Despite this, I still returned to witness the magical Christmas season with my loverly girlfriend. though having no BIg Thunder, Star Tours and others, this did not dampen the magic in any way. This was also the first park Christmas visit for both of us and the resort-wide festive was amazing. From the decorated main Street with Christmas tree to the Christmas parades. Christmas Dreams was good but lacks the warmth and heartstring pull the normal Dreams delivers. Disney is still so magical, even in the middle of a major rehabilitation. It's also easy to get to regardless of your preferred choice. Walking might take a while though. Happy Christmas and happy new year everyone. Who knows whether I'll do this in 2017 but I hope you enjoyed.
  18. I'll buy you some pringles if you are correct. It's pretty likely the ride will still retain it's beautiful rusty look next season (and beyond). Prove me wrong please.
  19. Great to see Europe's tallest coaster passing over the top-hat now. It's almost like it's on fire. ? Sorry, couldn't be helped.
  20. This topic has become too Merlinated. Time to change that! Liseberg plan to build a massive hotel and indoor water park. The hotel will feature over 450 rooms with two restaurants whilst the water park will feature ten slides and a capacity of 2800. Impressive to say say the least with an estimated opening of 2021 if approved. Source-Loopings
  21. Wow, that ride is amazing. It's as if they just bought half a dozen large TVs and plonked them at random points in a painted warehouse. Great to see them go for such an immersive top notch attraction who needs Mysric Manor anyway?
  22. Don't worry Baron once Blackpool gets their Mack coaster they will wipe the floor with everything. Either that or Paultons. Youre Welcome
  23. Pray for the world. That's all I can really contribute right now. Anyone with the intention of killing others for no reason is not human.
  24. List looks very acceptable especially Port Aventura. Should make the majority of these I'm sure.
  25. I think some people may have misinterpreted my post (assuming people are reffering to me). Before,during and after riding Olympia Looping, I never thought about it being in the ratings, except of it looking and being a great coaster like this. It's contactless payments and fluent operations (that are fantastic) add plus marks to this great ride. I never said it was a top ten ride, nor do I ever recall comparing it to something else. Lisebergbanen and Enigma could be sound comparisons being of the same manufacturer but they are not due to their different settings, Terran, styles and layout. I could go on for ever with how many rides I love that do not trump the top list but I won't! I really don't get what this nitty gritty towards what top 10's is really about and I sometimes feel people deliberately headhunt me because they can. The top 10 was only a brief remark and not intended to bring down the ride. Everybody's list are different a reason. just because something is or is not a top 10 contender does not make it a bad ride! Rant over! Olympia Looping is a solid coaster to Winter Wonderland and the UK. End of story!
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