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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Suppose this can be seen as a good thing. Seeing most rides typically look much better after a repaint instead of being left in a grotty and neglected state. I'm yet to experience the terrors of that SLC, but can't say I am excited if and when I do.
  2. Whilst I just missed on the park golden years (first visiting in 2006) , I have certainly noticed the ride deteriorate further. Aside from the fact the ride no longer (and probably never will again) run three trains, the queue line is messy with the corrugated steel fence and the once great crypt feature replaced cheaply a few years ago. The minor additions this year are nice but still don't rectify this. The station now is sadly a shadow of its former self, through the loss of it's once impressive chandeliers, side lighting and original audio amongst the now lifeless organist. The maplin UV lights only add insult to injury. Would love to see the station see some restoration, but can't see this happening in the park's current state of operation and only a further reminder of how great Chessington was and how the park is slipping.
  3. 1/ Thirteen is my second favourite coaster at Towers 2/ Speed is better than Saw The Ride 3/ Xtreme Scream Park is better than Scarefest
  4. Thank you Ben for another exceptional park report. Out of the suspended coasters you've ridden, which one would be your favourite? This is certainly a park I would like to visit in the future. Would getting there without driving be difficult and would this be an expensive trip compared to anywhere outside of Europe?
  5. Think I'm going to be another for the Loggers club here. Absolutely loved and adored this ride, even in its old age and having ridden other flumes. A massive loss of a water ride indeed. Rocket Racers and Bubbleworks are honourable mentions for sure.
  6. Matt 236

    The Blade

    I think it's more the case of the park possibly losing another flat/support ride rather than Blade actually being any good. In just three years, Towers have gone down from four major flats to just one (if Blade does go). The park in it's current state really lacks support rides as outside the coasters and Beeb land, there's only two water rides, two dark rides (at most), teacups, a chair swing, a transport ride, Ice age and an ageing enterprise remaining.
  7. Several weeks into the UK theme park closed season and the urge to visit somewhere has kicked in. Rather than pay over the odds for a zoo with a Poundland grotto or illuminated bricks, I decided to return somewhere special to my heart. Lurking in the distance lies, a magicical place. Disneyland Paris, is that magical place. A place of dreams and wonders It's certainly clear that 2016 isn't the most ideal time to be visiting with the yearly closures of Big Thunder and Star Tours amongst the hefty other attraction and area refurbishments. As excessive the pictured refurbishments may look, they didn't have a massive impact on our enjoyment of the trip. If anything it's actually very exciting to see the park being given the TLC it deserves. The grand entrance to Disneyland Park is one of these and the staggered refurbishment has certainly polished it to an even greater level of amazement. The coloured fountains are wonder to the eyes especially at night. It's A Small World is looking very refreshed out front with the inside noticeably fresher featuring improved audio. The bland warehouse ceiling remains sadly. And Space Mountain continues to be amazing, on the inside and outside. Add Phantom Manor, Pirates, Tower, Ratatouille and Crush and you have an impressive list of attractions (amongst others). As great as these attractions may be, even with the absence of Star Tours and Big Thunder, none of them are the fundamental reason why I visit Disney (even Tower). I visit Disney, because it is Disney. A magical wonderland in it's own bubble, hidden away from the real world. Very few theme parks seem to offer this level of escapism like Disney do. Main Street USA is easily one of the best and grandeur entrance into a park. But at Christmas it's even better, with its facades and entraceways decorated in festive decoration with a massive tree at the bottom. Studios's entrance is also acceptably festive. Disney is Top when it comes to parades and Christmas is no exception with the park's special festive parade. Mickey and Minnie Toy Story Seasons Greetings The parade would not be complete without the man himself, my Grandpa. Amongst an extra special parade, festive Disney also exchanges normal Dreams for Christmas Dreams for this magic time of year. As good the show may be, I still prefer normal Dreams by a pretty big margin. The flow didn't feel as consistent and didn't pull on the heartstrings either. I did like the finale and Let It Go segments though, they were exceptional. Main Street is even pretty at night too. If you want a magical trip away from the real world, Disneyland Paris is the place for you. It may be undergoing a long refurbishment and be without its flaws but remains a highly magical place to visit. Little is grotty or depressing about the place. It it is very easy to get to as well, with regular flights from Luton and Gatwick to Paris Charles De Gualle 45 minutes each way and TGV or RER from there. I'd choose the former personally as it takes less than 10 minutes each way and at €17.50 each way isn't too much. Euro Star and Euro Tunnel (+ 2.5 hour drive) are alternatives so getting there isn't a massive challenge. STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING AND BOOK YOUR TRIP! Because you are missing out on this very acceptable tea cup ride that makes one the best ride sounds ever. BOOM!
  8. Matt 236

    The Blade

    Take this as you like. Source-Alton Towers Facebook Whilst it could go either way, I can't say I am overly optimistic here.
  9. Matt 236

    The Blade

    I hope to Towers the ride is only going through extensive maintenance rather than removal/demolition. I know it's one of the oldest rides and not the best swinging shop, but it's loss would leave just Enterprise as the last thrilling flat. Towers need a few more flat rides, if not major support attractions aside from the coasters.
  10. Disneyland Paris is in the list now too. Managed a three day visit there last weekend. The midways and Winter Wonderland should be joining too in a couple of weeks, but that will be the lot until 2017.
  11. I think boat drains is a brilliant idea. Can't see it having major issues, like deflating. All I remember on that retched day was three hours of Cheryl Cole queuing up for my pass in the pouring rain, fun times. Didn't even get any rides as I had rehearsals that day as well, making it my worst trip on record (though had a few bad ones last year).
  12. Groundwork has officially started for a major expansion at the park, which will occupy space formerly occupied by the Race For Atlantis attraction. Whatever ends up there appears to be massive. A dark ride would be nice, but I'm sure the new area will retain the stunning quality the park has produced recently. 2018 is also the intended opening. Source-Loopings
  13. To be honest, I actually prefer LSM launches as they are smoother and more comftable when compared to cable ones. Interestingly my girlfriend likes LSM coasters like Taron & Space Mountain, but won't touch Stealth or Rita. Whilst comparatively different to Taron, should the same restraint and launch systems be implemented, the ride should be of acceptable quality. Controversially, I don't think Ferrari Land is the most exciting project next year, at least compared to Symbolica and Project V, but it is not the worst one either.
  14. What a wonderful bunch of Lion cubs. Certainly the smoothest attractions at Chessington now for sure.
  15. Matt 236

    Wicker Man

    Sadly not including Loggers right now as it's neutral to both sides currently as it's neither operating or demolished. I could also wish to say it was returning next year, but park media have confirmed it won't be unfortunately. The eight flume rides are: Dragons Falls-Chessington, Storm Force 10- Drayton, Pirate Falls- Legoland and the ones at Fantasy Island, Paultons, Pleasurewood Hills, West Midlands Safari park and Yarmouth Pleasure Beach.
  16. Project 2018 latest. Ground work certainly seems to be off to a great start. Can't wait to see all the follow ups to this potentially great ride. Source- Pleasure Beach Experience
  17. Matt 236

    Wicker Man

    TBH, I'd rather have a Wicker Man theme than another Julia Donaldson IP attraction. One is quite enough. Then again, I really want an original idea as Merlin can do a great job with these as the Smiler has shown, rather than a shoddy frozen IP idea. Seeing those pictures of the Flume being demolished seem both exciting and sad. Exciting in the context the uk is finally receiving a major new ride in the form of an overdue woodie. However sad in that a former classic Towers ride is officially dead. It wasn't the best Flume out there, but I get the impression it was considerably better in it's past. Safe to say log flumes appear to be a dying breed these days with at least four having been removed/demolished within the last 10 years in the UK alone. The highly inevitable removal of Loggers and the fact no new ones have been built since either backs this up. There are currently just eight flumes left in A-C list UK parks and even then, at least four of those are shelf models, with just Storm Force 10 & Dragon Falls remaining the only large scale flumes still operation along with Pirates.
  18. Sadly it's highly imminent that Loggers is dead and given the work done and the way the park are reacting to this, it's now just a lifeless structure of a ince great ride awaiting removal. Its safe to say through the years Canada Creek has been draining inside, which started with the closure of Trappers Trail in 2000, Calgary Stampede in 2003 and more recently the railway in 2011. This closure marks the last nail in the coffin for Canada Creek. The remaining area now just feels completely lifeless, wasted and abandoned (bar Fright Nights) and I feel the area as a whole is now awaiting demolition for the next big thing, which will likely result in the sad removal of Rocky Express and the surrounding area being demolished. Given updated regulations of filtered water, it's highly unlikely we will ever see another flume/water ride on the site, and I would expect/like to see either a GCI or RMC style coaster as a replacement. The former may be the more likely, given Merlin's strategy of multiple buying, but the latter is also a possibility given the marketing, ground setting and could be the only operating one in Europe (if a certain Swedish park's does not reopen).
  19. If planned correctly, you can do quite a number of parks in Europe for a low price, if your willing to fly with the likes of EasyJet,Ryanair and book early. Hotels can be cheap too if you look around. Phantasialand, Liseberg and Efteling can all probably be done for around £300 based on flights,hotel, euros and travel costs which are worth spend. All these parks offerings are safely mostly better than the UK ones. Disneyland Paris and Europa, are probably a little more expensive, but again worth the spend with being the largest/busiest parks in Europe. With the exception of Europa, all these parks are easy to get to as well and you don't necessary need to drive either.
  20. Tidal Wave is very wet, but it's still a great ride (and better than Stormforce 10 TBH) Depth Charge is a Thorpe classic and I consider a fun (though short) attraction Rumba, it has many flaws but still makes for a pleasant distraction Storm Surge just exists. It's about as leaky as it's throughputs and landscaping. I dont not know when Storm Surge is for the trash, but it's replacement certainly won't be a top spin as a move like that would just be spinning around for the park.
  21. I really like the deep banging sound the Mad Hatter's Tea Cup ride makes when the doors are shut. I'll even go far as to say it's the best thing about the ride.
  22. I won't judge it as a top 5,10 or 20 coaster just yet as it hasn't been built. Regardless though it is or isn't, I'm sure it will be solid coaster to the park and Poland. This place is certainly an upcoming park and if Taron is anything to go by, the ride should be of a very good standard.
  23. I'll add my Creeky controversys here. 1/ I really the like the Chinese Ghost Train omnimover (Geista Riksha) at Phantasialand, as I feel the ride has much charm, the animatronics look cool and am a fan of spooky/gothic rides. 2/ I don't like Samurai 3/ I actually liked Platform 15 (that said I had queued 3.5 hours for it) 4/ Duel is better than Phantom Manor 5/ Legoland Windsor is one of the best UK parks
  24. At least the ride is going to look fresh again next year. Was a fan of the green, but that may be due to my obsession with RCT2. So 2018 is potentially now their next big thing if next year's investment isn't happening I guess?
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