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Posts posted by Glitch

  1. 22 hours ago, cianjs said:

    Has anyone here watched Dexter? I've been watching it for the last week and I'm now halfway through series 2 and I'm 100% hooked. A week without it and I feel like a junkie in need of a fix. What's everyone else's opinion on Dexter? I think anyone into crime shows + black comedy should give it a watch :D 



    You will love it until the very last episode.

    Great TV though.

    Also: 60 days in jail or something like that....

  2. On 30/04/2016 at 9:17 AM, Martin.C said:

    For the 12 different experiences offered, this might seem obvious to many already, but it's only just occurred to me.

    The ride carriage has 60 seats, right? On each side there are 30 seats facing inwards just like the underground. Now, if you look at the logo for the ride, it is essentially 5 people holding shoulders together.

    So with this in mind, there must be 6 rows of 5 seats on both sides of the carriage, all of which together make up the 60 seats. So, for every 5 seats down the carriage on either side, those 5 people will experience the same VR content, but the other 11 remaining groups of 5 experience something different, hence the 12 different experiences offered.

    If this is true, I would imagine they organise you into groups of 5 beforehand and when you board the train, you sit into the designated seats they told you to sit in earlier.

    That is what significance the logo must have on the ride experience I reckon.


    I disagree.  The numbers logic makes sense but wouldn't Thorpe want group members getting different experiences so that friends can go "Well I got this" and so on increasing the want for ride re-rideability. Hopefully they will be random.

  3. Now lets just look at it this way, yes they have delayed opening but what is the cause. Fingers crossed it's something minor like headset glitches and rehersals to put on a great show rather than oh crap the train won't fit in place, ok who mucked up with the plans?

    In other news the Merlin magic van was outside Jewsons collecting a delivery this morning, that may just indicate to some of you that we are quite possibly looking at more than a week or twos delays. If I'm honest I'm hoping for a FN opening right now to add to the tension and atmosphere as I'm certainly in no rush to buy my Annual pass.... On that note when is the next TP meet taking place?

  4. 2 minutes ago, swooddow said:

    I think the most obvious time that we could be looking at an opening date now would be may half term , as that gives them 3 weeks and is a good peak time to start to think about opening the attraction , with crowds being high during that period, maximising exposure and revenue , looking at it from a money making perspective . 


    At this point it think were looking at more than a weeks delay.

  5. SAW's theming is incredible?? Adequate I'd say, full of Merlin's usual missed opportunities. I hope this is on a bigger scale and hope there's plenty of actual theming to look at, rather than just a VR headset and a Simworx projection screen.

    Interesting what were you expecting bodies to be cut up left right and centre remember they had to keep it rated 12. I think that the theme / ride experience were bloody good.

  6. I had my yearly visit to Chessington today and really wasn't impressed.

    Throughputs are a huge issue now, which for a park that suffers at the best of times really isn't good.  A few examples are;


    Rattlesnake dispatching a car on an average of every 65 seconds.  It was strange, as it was usually a minute gap every time, however on occasions it was only 40 seconds, yet at other times it was up to a minute and a half!  That ride is capable of dispatching after a car has left the lifthill so to be running it that slowly is nonsense!  Furthermore, the queue from the end of the cave took 55 minutes (advertised as 25 on the queue board when we joined it).  I remember when it took 15 from there!


    Vampire was leaving a three minute gap between trains.  Again, appalling when the queue time is advertised as 90 minutes!

    (Just to be clear, we looked at the throughput from Bubbleworks' queue and decided against going on it).


    Fury was dispatching a lot slower than it is capable of, it seemed to be roughly every 40 - 45 seconds from what I could tell.


    Tomb Blaster was running three trains but stacking all three at times, meaning that the queue moved slower than I've ever known it to!


    Elsewhere, Zufari seemed to only have two/three trucks running meaning that the queue hardly moved, Bubbleworks and Dragon Falls were shifting queues reasonably well as usual and other rides were understaffed, for example Monkey Swinger only having one staff member on the entire attraction, I remember when they had 2/3 people!  This meant that throughput was horrifically slow even on that, as one person cannot do the job of more!


    One more point I want to make is that despite some areas having some new paint (Vampire, Sea Storm), the park as a whole still looks badly neglected.  Rattlesnake and Tomb Blaster's queueline & surrounding area in particular stood out as areas that desperately require attention, which for the latter really isn't good considering that it has supposedly had an upgrade for this year!

    Didn't know it was a legal requirement to carry a stopwatch to time dispatch times.

  7. Can you please elaborate what disability would unable you to queue for some rides however you're fine to wait an hour in the saw queue line waving around your little yellow band?

    Yes we all know the system is abused but I don't think thats it's a topic that we should be commenting on/ talking about. Anyway realistically some of these priority passes are coming from all those handed out at the start of the season. Remember that?

  8. Over the last 3 years I must've been to Thorpe at least 20 times, and I've only seen the Inferno fastrack entrance being used once, the rest of the time it's always via the exit. All other rides use the dedicated entrance (although yes Colossus changes on occasions), however Inferno has a tendency of using the exit.

    Clearly havent been on a busy day then...

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