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Everything posted by Kerfuffle

  1. Meanwhile in Britain (or elsewhere)...
  2. Wouldn't mind it having a very slight theme on Edgar Allan Poe's 'The Raven' tbh. If it lets the ride tell a story then I'm buying it.
  3. Catchy! I like it! But if they're gonna be giving Timber and Lumber these wooden-sounding names then they can at least rethink the shocking colour scheme over the closed season; I do not need to be gouging my eyes out next year...
  4. Queueing for SAW - The Ride: Guest to a host: "Is this scary?" Erm yeah because I'm sure on a horror movie-themed attraction you'd be expecting sunshine, rainbows and unicorns on every turn...
  5. As Colossus only has parts of it that have been repainted, personally I can only equate it to a patchwork quilt.
  6. That's the whole point. It's supposed to have a very dull and misleading opening, so some riders probably won't be prepared for the surprise dark section. In fact, they'd even be thinking it's the end of the ride right before it all kicks off. Another reason of course is the strict building restrictions.
  7. Kerfuffle

    Wicker Man

    Hopefully this is just inspired off the Wicker Man like BaronC said. If this is based off the actual film (which might not be true as it IS a book as well), then clearly Merlin have given up hope on the original concept rides. Seriously. Last original concept we had in the UK was The Smiler - 4 years ago.
  8. Anyone who enters a ride area is liable to prosecution. And these guys broke into the park after hours, so it might be more than just prosecution if you ask me!
  9. I don't really have a lot of parks in mind for this year really, which is a first! PortAventura is currently the only confirmed park which isn't Thorpe but I'm hoping to go up to Towers sometime too.
  10. Kerfuffle

    Logger's Leap

    Either that or it's just from the ORP camera? Could be wrong and also thinking of Thirteen here when I say that but yeah I see your point.
  11. Witnessing an enthusiast overhyping Olympia Looping as the most insane ride they've ever been on. Saying that, I think a thread entitled "Stuff That Makes You Cringe At An Enthusiast" is an option.
  12. I love Team Fortress 2 partly for the insane number of quotes in game that never fail to amuse me (excuse the strong language): Sniper: "Feelings? Look mate, you know who's got a lot of feelings? Blokes that bludgeon their wife to death with a golf trophy." "Professionals have standards. Be polite. Be efficient. Have a plan to kill everyone you meet." "Wave goodbye to your head, w*nker!" "Thanks for standing still, w*nker!" "One sniper to another mate! GIVE! UP!" "Everything above your neck's gonna be a fine red mist!" "I'm gonna blow the inside of your head - all over four counties!" "GAWD SAVE THE QUEEN!!" Demoman: "SO! All ya fine dandies so proud! So cut short! Prancin' aboot with ya heads full of eyeballs!" "I'm a grim bloody fable with an unhappy bloody end!" "Oh they're goin' ta have to glue you back together...IN HELL!!!" "What makes me a good demoman?? If I were a BAD demoman, I wouldn't be sittin' here discussin' it with ya now would I?!" "They're goin' ta bury what's left of ye in a soup can!" "In yer language, eat lead, laddies!" Soldier: "You will stand next to that cart or I will STAND you next to that cart!" "This is my world. You are not welcome in my world." "Godspeed, you magnificent b*stard." Merasmus: "Run fools! Run from Merasmus!!" "MERASMUS ARRIVES ON A TIDE OF BLOOD! Oh hello Soldier..." "RAIN OF JARATE!! MERASMUS IS...so sorry about this one..."
  13. Kerfuffle


    Don't mind me, just gonna leave this here...
  14. I know it's not from the official Saw soundtrack, I was just wondering whether they produced the music specifically for the ride.
  15. I assume SAW won't be affected as the music on that was provided by Lionsgate/Twisted Pictures? I could be wrong though, if IMAscore can change SAW's music then it'll be interesting to see what they can pull off.
  16. News just in, it's also Thirteen hinted here. It probably is the Big Six Challenge making a comeback. (Alton Towers on Facebook)
  17. Kerfuffle

    Logger's Leap

    Maybe it couldn't...bear to see the ride's fate. (I'm so sorry...)
  18. Well if the racket played in Duplo Valley is counted, I second his opinion!
  19. I get the impression the writer of the blog ran out of ideas at this point.
  20. Non-Spanish-speaking TPM members trying to communicate with PA staff like
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