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James & Co.

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About James & Co.

  • Birthday 06/02/1997

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    Thorpe Park

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  • Interests
    I like playing piano and going to THORPE PARK!!!

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  1. Put me down as a maybe for this, obviously money dependent as I have rent money to save up too!
  2. James & Co.


    Thank you Han! I'm really enjoying it so far! You should definitly ask about the course, give you something to do in your own time and keep your mind off things!
  3. Put me as a maybe for this! Won't have an AP though, so it depends as I'll be paying rent for a place that I won't be living in till September xD
  4. Congrats! Not often that you get something like that happen at uni tbh, good luck on your university endeavours!
  5. James & Co.


    So after years of applying and not being able to get jobs, I have now worked at McDonald's, Christmas Temp at a large tesco store, and now I'm going onto being a bartender at tiger tiger nightclub, very different roles really
  6. I agree with this, it can be horrible, I've only worked in retail since being in Wales and the bag charge has been in place for a while and it works fine now, I just make sure to ask the customer if they want a bag. I think it's just people don't want to pay it at first but it'll just become common place in the long run!
  7. Would never have guessed Liam! Well done on coming out
  8. Not really exam results, but I've completed quite a few assignments for my first year of my uni course, and have achieved 1st and 2:1 quality in all of them so far, so I'm really happy with that, got about 3/4 more to go now.
  9. So I got my A2 grades, today, lower and higher than what I expected in the subjects, but I've got into my insurance choice uni! Which tbh, was growing on me and I did want to go there equally as much as my firm. So in 5 weeks time I'll be moving off to Cardiff and setting up my life for the next 4 years!
  10. Welcome to the forum! Hope you enjoy your time exploring the depths of the forums!
  11. I think you should also be praising the T5 toilets! So comfy you can fall asleep on them
  12. I would also like to thank you all for making yesterday brilliant! Loved my first ministry of sound night, although if you asked me that this morning, I would've said no (recovered from the pain now) Can't wait to meet you all again at some point!
  13. Hey guys, do you think I'd be able to show my ticket conformation for the MOS part on my phone, or does it have to be printed?
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