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Everything posted by pognoi

  1. They're also quite expensive to run, build and maintain. There's a reason there's only 1 you know!
  2. Yeah it looks like a Dragons head, or a vikings helmet. I think this might be one of the best noses intamin have done though, I don't think I've seen one with so much... 3D ness by them? I mean it's not just a logo printed on a nose, and it does look quite intimidating. I agree it seems weird, but hopefully any story for the ride will clarify it's meaning!
  3. Finally! But gah, that is literally a day before my first exam so I defintely won't be able to make the provisional date.
  4. Other then he did say that each experience is different and personal so it will be rerideable and different from your ride neighbours?
  5. B&M at a park for younger families? I mean yes they made that odd invert in one of those Happy parks but I don't really see it fitting in at Chessington. A junior launcher or a single inversion sort of ride would be much more appropriate in my eyes!
  6. New for 2016: Some very nice looking pin badges! http://www.lrg-international.com/portfolio-items/cwoa-pin-badges/ I believe they are the same company who made the shrek ones, so high quality stuff. Main difference being these ones are a lot smaller and use the butterfly clamp, so hopefully they'll be cheaper too! zomg I need these.
  7. Don't see what all the hate is about with th13teen. Literally my favourite merlin ride.
  8. 1. It's called sarcastic comedy. 2. I don't want to filter content, just as I have told you before your posts are 99% negatively critical and as I have mentioned to you upon several occasions before for people to listen to you rather then moan at you more, you need to understand that there is a positive for every negative. 3. Don't treat people how you don't want to be treated (or be a hypocrite) y'all.
  9. Because a lot of your comments make me want to hang myself.
  10. Fantastic find! I can certainly see the inspiration for the new ride. I really want to see how this pans out. It definitely looks and sounds interesting, and different, and agree with Ryan that the video has been well done. I'm glad Thorpe are finally getting a Dark ride; how it rides for me doesn't matter at the moment, on the day I visit it, it will be nice to have something that brakes up all the flat rides and coasters! (A point, I think a lot of people have forgotten?) The buildings theming is unarguably good for what it's meant to be, and to be honest, looks more colourful and vibrant and better themed then anything at blackpool!
  11. Any news on the possible layout change or is it all remaining the same?
  12. Just to confirm, the straps are sort of what I thought, but if you take them off I imagine the goggles float on the strings tension around the neck area or rest on your chest. It'll be interesting to see how the goggles deal with the inversions, especially if taken off.
  13. In theory the VR will have a similar system to the vests on the swarm. I can imagine they are pulled down from above your head on strap like belts, where they then rest on your head, but if you have had enough you just push them up and they're off. Very exciting. Probably one of the most cinematic trailers I've seen from merlin, nothing tacky about it and it looked incredibly professional. I am very excited!
  14. you can always just take off the VR
  15. Actually their called boston scare actors cos boston made them, they were just imported by stationjim. Boston goes in and out of activeness so chances are he's not gonna make anymore, especially as he made these ages ago.
  16. Hmm. Efteling Phantasia Plopsa Europa Walibi Holland Movieland(?) Maybe Heide and margate, then all the standard trips too. Hopefully if plans go ahead these will all get done!
  17. I don't even care Ripsaw was my second favourite ride at towers after Th13teen. It's a shame it;s been removed, I always loved the odd sequences it had, even if others didn't. A truly decent ride, that may not have been anything outstandingly special, but at the same time wasn't massively insignificant either.
  18. that could just be the base layer of plaster for the exterior. It tends to be that colour?
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