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Everything posted by pognoi

  1. So many lefty peops here, must be a trend in the theme park community.
  2. Left handed apart from hockey and ukelele. Otherwise I look down on you disgusting muggles. Eurgh.
  3. Banned for having the most ridiculously long signature on this site.
  4. Left handed ofc. We look down on you muggles.
  5. That's why. They basically had 40 seconds to load and dispatch the train. If they didn't there'd be a high chance that they could collide. Something like that anyway...
  6. Ah okay. Lots of effects then! I believe we didn't get the fire on the arrows, the wooden slats or the small fireball, but we got the huge one in the cauldron. Like I said, still very impressed with the ride and would go back again just for it!
  7. I don't even care if this counts as an ORP but yes. It's a heart but I want it to be a drum stick.
  8. Hmph. Can I just ask how many shipping containers make up the hotel?
  9. Yeah.. One of the guys from my school got on my FB and went through all the blackpool photo's I was tagged in. He certainly was a bit rash when he started judging everyone because of their age and how old they looked. People just need to grow up like you said Jack.
  10. When your teacher asks you for homework they didn't actually tell you about. Did all of my Graphics bridging unit and then my teacher asks me for the source pictures I used. He had not told us to bring them in before so now essentially most of the class has failed the bridging unit. Hopefully he'll come to his senses and also realize that it'd be crazy to kick 12 students off a course for something we weren't even told about. I guess it doesn't help I dropped cake on a mac ;3
  11. 'As Abraham Lincoln once said, "no."' ~ Ron Burgandy.
  12. I liked Josh's cake yesterday, so I baked my own: But then I realised it needed to be a carrot cake.
  13. you mean do a loop? I've done dragon claw at Adventure Island and never wish to experience anything like that again. If you guys ask for that I suggest you give it a little try first.
  14. Pah, let me show you! This was in June, on a thursday. Rush had a queue of '5 minutes'. The park was running one train on everything but the swarm, and saw broke down around 3. The only rides that had no queues were slammer and X, but everything else after midday had at least 45 minutes. Stealth's queue was pretty poor too. They forget to set up the extensions when it's at the most important times sometimes..
  15. Just the fact you don't even seem to care about the gals round you. 11/10 top bant lad.
  16. Congrats to Josh who got 16.5/22 in the quiz, making him the winner. Also congratz to Paige, for getting all the questions she answered correct And ThorpeAddict may need to improve his knowledge before entering another quiz, with 7.5
  17. pognoi


    I never understood how people find it rough. Smooth as inferno to me xD
  18. Have you seen the news?!
  19. There were misters behind the statues of the vikings at least, I believe. I was told by Stretch though that some of the fire effects weren't working, however all the major ones (firey door way and splash zone, log collisions, geysirs, ice room) all worked so I was phenomenally impressed with the ride!
  20. That is quite a lot of blood... but the megaphone seems irrelevant in the picture. Would be better to have a knife or a chainsaw but nooo a megaphone is scary, right? 6/10
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