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Everything posted by Charlesberg

  1. After a recent visit to Six Flags, I now have an updated top 15 (the top 3 from Six Flags slot right in together): 1. Shambhala 2. Kingda Ka 3. El Toro 4. Nitro 5. Manta 6. Mako 7. Cheetah Hunt 8. Sheikra 9. Silver Star 10. Space Mountain: Mission 2 11. Rock 'N' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith 12. Montu 13. OzIris 14. Stealth 15. Kraken
  2. Charlesberg


    A scientist was recently frozen at -273 degrees Celsius. We now think he's OK
  3. Charlesberg

    Video Games.

    They need to listen to their fans on this one That's why the Wii U failed...
  4. Charlesberg

    Video Games.

    I just hope it follows a more mario 64/galaxy style than the 3d land/world style (they were both good games, but they were far too linear).
  5. Charlesberg

    Video Games.

    Looks good, but they better listen to what we want when it comes to games. I've been waiting for a Super Mario Galaxy 3 for 6 years, I won't be perfectly content till I get it...
  6. Agreed Towers tried that with Sub Tera, you all know what happened after that?
  7. I'm not an English minded person. I don't really read books, English exams are torture for me and figurative thinking is just sickeningly painful for me. That being said, I do like to write in detail when making posts and I will go into as much depth as I can. But I've probably broken too many English rules in doing so (but who cares? It's a human concept, so technically nothing's wrong ).
  8. Charlesberg


    What does a subatomic duck say? Quark! (Chances are you'll only get this if you're doing A level physics, or are just very knowledgable about physics in general)
  9. I must say happy birthday to the guy @CharlieN with the same name, same interests and similar outlook on life from what I can tell so far. You must come to a TPM meet if the opportunity comes along. It will shock you when you're actually able to talk to people about your interest (and they'll understand what you're saying). I went to my first meet when I was 13 so don't worry about age groups or anything.
  10. Charlesberg


    I have two unusual phobias which haunt me through life: 1. Globophobia - This is a fear of balloons or more specifically balloon bursts. General sudden loud sounds like gunshots or explosions terrify me (in reality), which explains why I haven't gone to a rock concert since Green Day in 2009 (explosive pyrotechnics). Anyway, back to the phobia, if I see a balloon that is being handled by a person or is moving in an unstable position I will slightly freak out, if it is handled by a toddler you may notice me increase my walking speed. This also makes me nervous about parties (especially when it's a friends of ours' son's 3rd birthday), lukily balloons seem to gradually be going out of fashion which is good. The worst part is when people scratch the balloon, that itself causes me to panic to a point where I will cover my ears and shout for them to stop. Yeah, being a globophobic is difficult. 2. Electrophobia - This doesn't haunt me nearly as much, but it is a concern with me. This is the fear of electric shocks, which actually started when I played New Super Mario Bros followed by playing Super Mario Galaxy at a younger age, I remember missing out levels due to watching Mario getting shocked scaring me. Seeing people getting shocked scares me, whether it's a video or in reality (having a van de graaff in physics wasnt the most settling, I didn't use it, but still...). This doesn't mean I'm afraid of using electrical appliances but it does mean I'll avoid any risks of electric shocks and I'll stay the heck away from any fences.
  11. Would it be possible to add topic alerts? I'm saying this because some great topics that are basically dead, I can't really revive then without deleting the last post, which I don't like doing (e.g. Instruments). Editing the last post doesn't alert the topic so I was wondering if this could be a possibility.
  12. Whilst walking through the backwards queue of the Swarm in 2013, a bunch of younger kids in the regular queue were shouting to us "don't go backwards, it's too scary!" Whilst clinging onto the fence (some extra apocalyptic theming ) Seeing as I had ridden backwards multiple times before, they were ignored
  13. I won't be attending (the small number of meets I've attended this year is alarming! )
  14. I always wondered why I never particularly disliked Baco, then I realised I've only ever ridden it front row
  15. Get the express pass, it'll save you hours of queuing and it's much cheaper than at other parks. Plus, DO NOT go in the single rider for Hurakan condor, you will lose the will to live (express passes don't cover HC for some reason).
  16. To put my favourite in numbers: 1. Stealth 2. Swarm (Saw if I get a smooth ride) 3. Saw 4. Nemesis Inferno 5. Colossus This list will change from time to time.
  17. Chessington's Next Big Investment it's frightening because it's not real
  18. My favourite ride at Thorpe Park always changes... Whenever I get a smooth ride on Saw (which happens every now and then) it becomes my favourite ride, but when riding Swarm in the perfect weather it's just absolutely breath taking and sometimes takes that spot. However, fairly recently I've become very attached to Stealth (launch coasters in general). Launch coasters have just been my bae this year Nemesis Inferno was at the bottom (out of the 5 main coasters), until Colossus took that spot after how rough it's been this year.
  19. A B&M hyper or a LARGE B&M flyer with a pretzel loop
  20. Only 2 more weeks now! (1 week and 6 days till I arrive at New York!) The excitement has just suddenly hit me today!
  21. Does Kingda Ka have lots of downtime these days? I know I ask a lot of questions, but I just don't want anything to go too badly (if Kingda Ka is shut when I go, I am screwed).
  22. Charlesberg

    Sugar in Tea

    Tea - Milk with 2 sugars Coffee - Just black
  23. I'm just glad the UK will finally be getting a decent coaster after 5 years! Hallelujah! It's over 1000m long! (1140m) A British coaster will actually be long for once! (As well as actually being a great ride)
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