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Martin Doyle

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About Martin Doyle

  • Birthday 10/13/1994

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  • Favourite ride
    Twilight Zone Tower Of Terror (Florida)
  • Favourite Theme Park
    Cedar Point

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Maidenhead (AKA the fiery depths of Hell)
  • Interests
    . Theme parks (of course!!)
    . Comic books!!

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  1. Aaaaaand also the soon to be open Epic Universe!!
  2. I maintain it was daft to get rid of it for any other reason than not drawing enough numbers during the event. If those doing it felt it was too much, they are literally warned TWICE and then having to sign off on what they was letting themself in for. Caveat emptor after all!!
  3. Big One by some distance. Though Hyperia should have something to say about that!!
  4. As exciting at this may sound, this is Britain we are talking about...the land of the nimby and the kingdom of the Karen. London Resort has more or less killed my optimism of a major new park being built in this country. I do hope I'm wrong though as a Universal in this country would be beyond a dream come true.
  5. If it were up to me, EVERY coaster that goes fast/high would make the riders go through metal detectors in the same way Velocicoaster/Hulk/Rocket at Universal do. Because you can NOT trust this modern generation to use common sense and not take their phones out trying to take selfies and POVs of coasters that have a million on YouTube already. I have personally had a phone smash me in the head on Untamed whilst riding in the back and had some close shaves on Toutatis back in May. How nobody on the ground has been injured yet at Pleasure Beach by a phone/wallet falling from Big One is beyond me too. So yes, given my way it would be metal detection across the board and NOTHING boarding the ride with you
  6. Being serious for a moment though. I sense most of the negativity towards the name is because of it being similar sounding to Hyperion at Energylandia Lets be real though, what percentage of the people walking through the gate at Thorpe on any given day actually have heard of even Energylandia let alone Hyperion??
  7. I cant wait for the next coaster AFTER Hyperia Zadro the long awaited RMC!!
  8. Plot twist. Coaster Jamie is parm pap!! He makes his return after so long!!
  9. I think the youtube videos we are all excited for is Jack Silkstone's walk throughs of each maze where he is getting hounded by like 10 actors at all time for the duration of the maze near enough. I am sure those videos ABSOLUTELY represent the treatment that us commoners get....when we actually pay the 10 quid!!
  10. I also reckon an "anniversary/nostalgia" themed Fright Nights would be quite a cool concept if only for one year!! That as a theme would very much make sense to both veterans who have been to the event since near the start aswell as newbies!! Unless Stitches features a chainsaw wielding teddy bear, would I be right in assuming this will be the first FN to NOT have a maze that utilises chainsaw scares?? (Not including the 2020 event)
  11. *remembers Walking Dead the ride apparently never happening GET YOUR BETS ON BIG TOP RETURNING FOLKS! 😆😆 *but yeah being serious, I just cant see them bringing back Big Top or any decent past maze for that matter
  12. *remembers Steel Vengeance,Velocicoaster and Iron Gwazi exist I think I will politely agree to disagree on this one!! :p
  13. Or the mile long queue at guest services to get the damned thing to begin with. "I cant queue".....or something. Problem now is that Merlin have backed themself into a corner with how they have handled Rap the last few years. They have allowed anyone and their dog to get it which has resulted in people who frankly do not need it taking the *censor* out of the system which has led to ridiculous Rap waits which in turn is hurting those who GENUINELY need it. Those who genuinely CAN NOT queue. The amount of times I've been to towers in particular and seen the rap queue for Oblivion heading right back to the arcade with those in wheelchairs AND those with kids with severe special needs who are clearly stressed with waiting at the hands of those who see it as "free fastrack" is nothing short of an outrage. The issue now is that if Merlin actually did try to strip these people who are too lazy to queue like everyone else who are abusing the system, these people will probably write to the newspapers and rant on social media about Merlin being saying "not disabled enough" which will lead to a PR nightmare for them. So they are between the devil and the deep. Either carry on with the shambles we see at the parks today OR risk a bunch of Karen's crying to the papers and social media. Either way they have backed themself into a corner.
  14. Why dont they just go the whole hog if this is the case and name it Intimidator 236??!!
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