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Everything posted by Mark9

  1. People definitely need lessons in how to use the rolling eye smiley properly..
  2. Mark9


    Just at Uni.. bored =(
  3. Aww. I always that that was just awesome theming. Darn
  4. Realistically it needs to change though. Chessington's basic infrastructure works around rides that are really starting to age now. Merlin have already proved they are not afraid to remove the relics what with the removal of Corkscrew, so I'm really starting to hope major changes occur at Cwoa. The majority of rides there are over twenty years old and the park is crying out for some up-dating.
  5. They are annoyed in strictly because hes staying in over people that are far more talented. The argument is that obviously the public pay the license fee and should vote for who they like not for the best person. So really its up to you
  6. How do you know that they didn't find out and e-stopped it straight away. After-all its not as if a Colossus operator is stationed right next to the first drop. I doubt they thought they'd stop it half way up the lift for a laugh either. Sometimes I cannot believe some of the claims people come out with.
  7. She won't be back, don't worry Will, that's a very odd thing to want. You do know that the first ride will be exactly the same as every other ride on it yeah?
  8. It's odd because was down for 2-3 nights, but majority of the time it was open.
  9. Well to be honest who knows. The more important thing here is that a problem was noticed, the staff took the correct procedures and everyone was safe.(or for a more ruder response, how many rides do you operate Theme Park Bloke?)
  10. Mark9


    Eclipse (but then I never have liked Rush). Hey, does anyone remember the bits of tin foil attached to the joints on Eclipse. They were a great method to stop guests tabbing sthemselves when getting on and off.
  11. Mark9

    Just read James Hepburn's message to you... and its frightening

  12. I may be wrong.. but where has any of this been said?
  13. Vampires is about 1000 yeah. The track wouldn't be able to support four seats in a row and besides there wouldn't be the clearance for that. It was built in a time when 2 a row was the norm. I think a major problem with Vampire is that when it goes it will be very hard for Chessington to replace. It upset the locals something chronic with the old trains which is why CWOA has lacked so much investment of late. Its hard to get anything built so rides that are there are, well built to last.
  14. Mark9


    I think you're replacing the word always with rarely there. It goes down in adverse weather but majority of the time works fine.
  15. The queue on open day was maximum of 5 minutes.. I'm thinking joke account..
  16. Mark9


    Breakdance Number 1If you ever get the chance to ride this.. do it. Gives many UK rides a run for their money.
  17. Mark9

    This Or That

    Buzzsaw would have been an awesome name.VK or WKD?
  18. Weight thing. To much on one and the boat ends up crashing into the end (was the most fun part of it actually!)
  19. I think to be honest, the long queue is purely down to the frankly abysmal throughputs the ride has. In the last three years they've even introduced that rule that teens can't ride together. So sometimes only four people are going down at a time which is so pathetic its unreal. Its a ride that has no place at a theme park that regularly attracts 10,000 people.
  20. Mark9

    That's ok, I was probably drunk anyway :D

  21. Mark9


    I liked Eclipse. It had such a great name and was a pretty big step away from Inferno and Quantum. I do think its a shame it only lasted two seasons but then again it wasn't the right place for it really.
  22. Mark9


    Rocky was actually a little bit earlier, but yes you are right. IT SHALL BE CHANGED IN DUE COURSE!
  23. A lot of people are. We don't single out anyone.
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