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Thorpe Park Trip Reports

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I went yesterday with my Dad for his works funday.All I can say is the queues were massive. Except for Stealth which was about 20 mins at 2. Colossus - 1Rush - 1Loggers leap - 1FF - 1Banana Boat - 1Good Points- I saw the lakeview marquee- I didn't see anyone I knewBad Points- Chavs- Queues (but hey what do you expect?)- Chips were cold- I didn't get on Rocky expressMe and my Dad headed home at 3:45Oh and Miss Hippos Fungle Safaris queue was a whopping 15 mins!

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Went to thorpe today, although it was yesterday now, for half a day! Very good trip, quantum was down but that didnt particularly bother me, all other rides ran fine, didnt see a shutdown what recently seems to be the normal! Very busy as expected with schools but staff (especially stealth) ensured q's were keped down to a minimum! Ride count:Stealth 1Samurai 1Slammer 1Rumba 1Detty 1Rush 1

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  Marc said:

ride closures will happen, its just important that when they do everything else is running at full capacity as well as it can do.

Oh they do happen.. HOWEVER why is it only at thorpe are they a daily occurance compared to every other theme park I've visited where rides are rarely closed (this includes Europa Park, Phantasialand, Holiday park, Klotten, Parque de Attroctiones, Parque Warner, Alton Towers, Drayton Manor, Paultons, Legoland (the list goes on). Y'know I'm really tired of people saying well as long as evreything else is running to capacity then its fine to have a ride closed because its not.
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All them places are very different though, for example at Europa Park if a ride was to break it would be alot easier for them to obtain and fit that part than it would be for thorpe, don't know about the other places obviously. I guess it all depends but on my last 3 trips to theme parks, Thorpe has been the one with the least shutdowns.

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But when at chessington we saw 2 fury shutdowns (one I saw earlyer in day to) and today I saw 2 fury shutdowns, rattlesnake, heard of bash street bus also shuting down.And if we want to look further into it, it wasnt thorpes main coaster closed for 2/3 months was it last year?

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1 ride tbh. Besides Stealth's downtime is just as bad, its a major rollercoaster that had had downtime for 2 weeks at a time every now and then throughout the season. Besides if you want to get further into it isn't this a park that had Tidal Wave down for 3 months in the 2005 season, a ride getting people stuck upside down several times a year resulting in months of downtime, a ride that is "officially" f**ked and barely open throughout the entire season as well as numerous rides just closed.

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Yes but stealth is running alot better now no? It had a month downtime in its first season but thats the worse its had apart from like you say the odd couple of weeks but were not talking about 3 months are we? Also yesterday I noticed Skyway closing in the rain, obviously because it crash's so it obviously dont work in the rain, Nemesis Inferno dont work in the rain, why is skyway excused but not Inferno?

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BUT ANYWAY thorpe today!Was intresting day! got there slightly late, all rides were open apart from quantum and pirates 4d. Got over to stealth to a 3 hourish / 3 and half hour q, I understand it opened slightly late sue to a problem with running 2 trains which was sorted in this time but it ran with no shutdowns after that throughout the day. Inferno had a problem with its airgates what closed it alot of the day, but thankfully all the rides running well it wasnt to much of a seorus problem. Didnt see any other rides do down apart from rush to 1 swing. Staff were great trying there hardest to keep q's down!Q times:Stealth: 3 and half hoursInferno: 2 and halfColossus 2 and halfRush: 1 hour 10Vortex: 50Detonator: 50

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  Marc said:

BUT ANYWAY thorpe today!Was intresting day! got there slightly late, all rides were open apart from quantum and pirates 4d. Got over to stealth to a 3 hourish / 3 and half hour q, I understand it opened slightly late sue to a problem with running 2 trains which was sorted in this time but it ran with no shutdowns after that throughout the day. Inferno had a problem with its airgates what closed it alot of the day, but thankfully all the rides running well it wasnt to much of a seorus problem. Didnt see any other rides do down apart from rush to 1 swing. Staff were great trying there hardest to keep q's down!Q times:Stealth: 3 and half hoursInferno: 2 and halfColossus 2 and halfRush: 1 hour 10Vortex: 50Detonator: 50


LOL yeah the ques were unbearble today so I bought fastrack and even then... fastrack ques was soooo long, tidal coming out the que line.
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