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How Busy Is It Going To Be?



Right, so instead of endless topics asking us how busy the park is going to be, instead here is a rough guide to the kind of business the park/s should be expecting this season. It's not set in stone and remember business can be effected by weather, ride reliability, mount of trains/cars on the rollercoasters, amount of staff working on things, fastrack etc etc etc!10am - 5pm Weekday. Likely to be very empty, particularly in term time. Queue time should be minimal (Unless your name is Stealth and you have a stupid system where you can only load 4 in the first, 8 in the second and then you end up rolling back anyway etc etc) 10am-5pm Weekend. Will be emptyish, however likely to be long queues for Saw, Colossus, Stealth and Nemesis Inferno.10am-6pm. Busy but not so bad. Queues for the coasters could reach 45/60 minutes, whilst the rest of the flat rides should be a max of 30 minutes. June and July are when schools start rolling in, so between 11-3 the park will be very busy.9.30am-6pm. Should be busy. Queues for the coasters could reach 60/90 minutes and the rest of the rides queues will be between 20/40 minutes. Fastrack will be in operation.9.30-7pm. Expected to be busy. Queues should be similar to 9.30-6.00 close except the last hour should be quite empty.9.30-8.00 Again should be busy. At least you have a long day to get on quite a few rides. 10.00am-10.00pm Will be busy. Last year wasn't as bad as previously however if it ever hits peak capacity, queues will be up to 2 hours for the rollercoasters and between 45/90 minutes for the flat rides.Remember guys, read this guide to help if you beat the queues without wasting money on Fastrack. Also use the park well. Head to Stealth and Inferno instead of Saw and Colossus. Do rides whilst they look empty instead of following the majority of the crowds.

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I thought there would be loads around but where is the best place to get 241s for THORPE PARK? I'm going tomorrow!

You can get 2-4-1 from coca cola(you have to collect 5 points)

You can get them off Kellogg's cereal packets

You can buy 2-4-1 online through coca cola and KISS FM

I don't think this Wednesday should be too busy as so far this Easter the park has been quite empty however X will generate long queues due to it being on a two train operation and really popular!

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Could be quite busy as the kids holidays end straight after this weekend and it looks like it'll be one of the first days of decent weather this season.

Good tips here, and I'd suggest going straight to Colossus/Saw and working around the park clockwise from there, letting everyone else get The Swarm out of their system first thing.

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What is TPM? Not my main question though...We are coming to Thorpe Park for the first time this weekend. I don't mind buying a couple of Fast Passes but don't want to spend a fortune on them. Will both days be as busy as each other or is there a better day to go? Do Fast Passes run out quickly?

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You can't judge whether to get fastpasses or not until you have seen the queue times. I also have another week holiday after this weekend so it must depend on what school etc.

Have fun at thorpe and make sure you try all the rides ;)

P.S when buying your park entry tickets ask for a park map because it will help you find your way round :D

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Yes, the weather can affect a few of the rides such as Colossus and saw- they have not been open for a while now due to the weather being so cold however if it warms up over the weekend they will open up :) also technical problems can make queues longer and other queues longer aswell because people will leave the queue and join another one.

All I can say, is good luck on the rides being open and have fun :D

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TPM stands for thorpe park mania :)

The Sunday is likely to be less busy than the Saturday because that's just how weekends usually go but because its the holidays I cannot judge the queue times. However, it hasn't been too bad over the week so far as none of the rides(except X) have reached over a 60 minute queue with most being 30 mins or less. X will not have a long queue though on the weekend because it will be back on four trains. I advise you to have a look at the queue times, if it seems ok then go in and if it doesn't, get a fastrack, they generally don't sell out quickly. Just a note, the queue time boards have been weird this Easter, they have been displaying 45 minute queues when the queue is actually 5 mins. Even if the queue is displayed as long, go into the queue and if it doesn't look very long(the majority of all the queues are outside, with saw having a small indoor queue section) then you should go on the ride. If a ride breaks down for some reason there will be an announcement and you can either stay in the queue till it is fixed or leave, depending on if you want to wait or not. I don't think the queues should be too bad and of course at the beginning and end of the day do the rollercoasters because they will have short queues! During the day, it may be quite busy however most of the rides should be under 30 mins with the coasters maybe longer. However, you can never predict queues at a theme park and for all I know it could be empty on Saturday and Sunday.

Have fun :D

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I think it has to be something like 4degrees for Colossus and saw to run. So you should be absolutely fine there as the forecast is for 8/9 degrees. They might have a slight late opening but they should be open on the weekend. Rain does not affect the rides in any way(except samurai) but the forecast is not for rain anyway. As I said, all the rides should be up and running this weekend, today it is 3degrees though so Colossus and saw are closed.

Have a great time :D

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Due to a poorly son, we are now going next Sunday. Will it be much busier as it will be the last day before many schools are back after Easter hols?

Hope he gets better. It is quite unlucky that you could not go this weekend as saw and Colossus were both open and the queues are not actually that long. It is a real shame you missed mash up aswell :(

Putting that aside, I don't think it will be much busier as it has been pretty much empty during most of Easter. Queues have not reached over an hour and most have stayed under 30 minutes. So hopefully it won't be too busy next weekend. Just to say, this weekend the longest queue has been 40 mins for stealth(according to ride hopper) so hopefully it won't be busier than that next weekend although you can never REALLY predict how busy it is going to be.

Hope this helps :)

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Last week the park was rather quiet as far as I'm aware, no doubt due to the cold weather and snow.

I dunno what it's been like this week, but it's warmed up a bit now, so it's probably getting slightly busier. People may have put off trips till the end of Easter break due to the weather.

I'd say for Thursday expect queues of up to an hour for the major coasters (and maybe X, due to the reduced capacity and that), and around 30 minutes for the flats. Could be a little more, could be a little less - a bit of an unknown at this stage I'd guess though!

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Today queues ranged from 5 minutes to 30 minutes for the coasters (except X which was on 40/50 minutes). The water rides were near walk on and the flats ranged between 5 and 15 minutes (except Rush which was 30 minutes due to one swing operation). The weather wasn't great today though so that may have put a few people off visiting. The weather for Thursday looks better than it was today so it could be a bit busier but shouldn't be as bad as the summer months will be.

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I second scarycoasterboy, I havn't queued more than half an hour for anything today (Saw - The Ride) and queued 10 minutes for X as we got on it fairly early in the day but the queue was outside the building later in the day. The Swarm had a queue of 0 minutes for forward facing seats both times I rode it today, ended up queuing 20 minutes to "Brave it Backwards" later in the day but the main queue was walk on.

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