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Mafia: TPM Edition

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Ich hätte gedacht, dass die Mafia wollen würde zu mehr verschwiegen, haben zwei Mitglieder der Mafia töricht offenbarten sich durch den Schutz von einander, jetzt ist die Auswahl, die man dafür stimmen.


Da J.S217 hat derzeit mehr Stimmen , ich denke, es wäre klug , für ihn zu stimmen. Wir können lynch CoasterDude nächsten.

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Because he is trapped under a load of metal with a coaster station going through his spine then smashing through his head his eyes have been parted a tremendous amount all for these "thrill seekers" to get joy out of while he is in terrible torture with a huge metal track through his body lets see how you would like it goblin if lets say a muggle shoved a piece of metal down you throat then had it smash through your spine laving you in agony for 20 odd years. nemesis09.jpg

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From Madame Leota




He maybe on the fence but I am still unsure of his intentions, where others who we may soon to lose I feel more secure of their innocence, If the townspeople change their vote now to get them out at least they can be saved


## Vote Tommy


One day besides you,

Forest Green and sky blue,

Clouds caress the mountains

Autumn wind singing love poems...


Two days together,

Yet dreams of forever.

Take wings, yesterday-loneliness,

Tomorrow fly with birds!

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From Madame Leota




I agree Cornflakes but even with me voting for J.S217 you will still get voted out, at least with yours and hopefully someone else to change their mind you will be saved. I believe Tommy could be the neutral player!


However Paige has changed her vote as long as J.S217 does not vote before 10 we have a chance of getting him out - what happens when there is a draw to lynch?




##Vote J.S217


Let's just hope this is right


Hope abides, therefore I abide,

Countless frustrations have not cowed me.

I am still alive, still vibrant with life.

The black cloud will disappear.

The morning sun will appear once again,

In all it's natural glory.

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The town squabbled and squawked and couldn't make their minds up! In doing so they lost a chance to find one of the nasty mafia guys.




No one has been lynched!


It is now Night 2! If you have night actions PM me.


I am going to make some changes for Day 3. If we get to the deadline, the person with the most amount of votes will be lynched. Also I'm going to be tougher on inactive players.


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Day 2 was so disappointing. He wasn't able to find any of the mafia badguys at all! At least no townies died either. He goes back to his house to count his precious money. He stays up all night to count it. He is so engrossed that he doesn't hear something creep in through a window.
LePaigeHalil_, Town-Aligned Lover, Gringotts Goblin Urg has been killed with a gold brick Night 2!

Word of Urg's death is whispered through the town and heard by his lover. The world has turned gray to him... he slides into a cannon and blasts himself into the sky.


Ryan, 3rd Party Lover, Kanonen Guy has blasted off again and killed himself Night 2!
Ryan had one power: You are a 3rd Party Lover in this game and as such are aligned with neither town nor mafia. By the end of the first night, you must have PMed me and picked another player to make them your lover. You will win the game if you and your lover survive until the end. However, if one of you dies, the other one will immediately die as well. Choose carefully! The player you pick will be notified that you have selected them.
It is Day 3! Day 3 will last 3 real days.



Official Vote Count
Players needed to lynch: 6

Players not voting: CoasterDude, Cornflakes, Dan9, J.S127, JoshC., kinnaird, Mark9, Peaj, pluk, Tommy


7 Town players remain. 3 Mafia players remain.

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Lustig, wie Paige stirbt kurz nachdem wir beschuldigen CoasterDude und J.S217 des Seins Mafia.


Ich persönlich möchte die Mafia für das Vergessen , um jede Subtilität verwenden danke , jetzt bin ich die Qual der Wahl auf, die Sie wählen!


Wenn wir aus diesen beiden los zu werden, es wird nicht lange dauern, bis wir die geheimnisvolle dritte Mafia Mitglied!


##vote CoasterDude


(Ich rate allen Städter das gleiche zu tun)

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Town-oriented civilians, WE MUST WORK TOGETHER.  TOGETHER.  AS A TEAM.  I hope I'm getting this through your dense skulls.


All of my Phalanx Operatives back in our dimension would agree that J.S217 and CoasterDude seem suspicious for their constant changing of their mind.  I also have some concerns over kinnaird.  I hope that we can work together to suss out if any of these people are part of the scummy mafia.

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So I keep voting Tommy and I've not been killed, so I'm thinkining I've been wrong.

Sod it, we've got to lynch someone this time so I'll go with the flow. But if we're wrong it's clearly cornflakes fault and he goes next.

*****signpost to vote below*****

##vote coasterdude

*****I can bold it on my phone, sorry!*****

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From Madame Leota,




The next two to be lynched seem to be set in stone from the townies perspective, will be interesting to see who goes against the flow. Kinnaird I believe to be innocent, so leave him be for the mo, However Pluk has thrown me off guard by voting for CoasterDude as those 2 up until now have voted for the same person each day, unless it is a scent to throw us off, we do however need to get one of the Mafia this time round before they get a majority. Townies voting for just the one person is vital to our success.


Such a shame we lost 2 of our number.


No More your face to look upon,

Or your beautiful smile to see,

Though deep inside my heart I knew,

You still reside with me.


When the sun casts down it's golden rays,

That's when I see your smile,

Then rain drops fall just like my tears

and my heart aches for a while,


A rainbow in the sky appears,

with a beauty of it's own,

And on the breeze I hear your voice,

It whispers your not alone.

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