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Hyperia - New for 2024

Mysterio Ka

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The lengths I feel Alton Towers still go to keep a ride secret could be applied to exodus with its theme. Hence the small idea and possibility to keep it hidden. As with Jumanji, a lot of the theming or photos were kept very generic until they were ready to announce and the fact it was Jumanji. 


Not saying they are completely doing this to hide it. However, there’s a possibility that they are, could also be they might be getting a IP and discussions are still on going or it’s simply because they don’t know what specific material they will use to stylise the station.


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6 hours ago, Parm Pap said:

its all going to plan now dong ding ding, ding dong ding, ding dong?



by oCtober might there be more now Dong dong, ding dong ding dong sing



but what will ItP be? something small, or something big? songoenwkqlalalql paeuo paerrrrup PAPAPAPAPAPAAP


Can I just say, on record, if all this wittering actually means something legitimate with regards to Exodus in the end, then I salute you.


If it doesn't, may your Freestyle cup forever need to be taken to Guest Services to reactivate.

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My prediction is that the ride will have some sort of theme related to ne of the events either Marti Gras, Carnival or Octoberfest, so that they can sell more merchandise during the event and have a fully themed hub area for whichever event they choose. Ruling Fright nights out for obvious reasons. 

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On 4/16/2023 at 10:44 AM, Glitch said:

My prediction is that the ride will have some sort of theme related to ne of the events either Marti Gras, Carnival or Octoberfest, so that they can sell more merchandise during the event and have a fully themed hub area for whichever event they choose. Ruling Fright nights out for obvious reasons. 

Not sure it would fit a big steel hyper… always thought a Mardi Gras or day of the dead theme would be great for when Thorpe build a RMC behind swarm island. 😉

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Just been watching Jack Silkstone’s construction update and he was saying that we are in a period where no construction can really happen until the track and supports arrive on site from Germany. Does anyone know/have an idea on when those arrive as I’m kinda curious when we will start to see vertical construction on the coaster?

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The original plans stated 15 months approximately including

  • 5 to 6 months of infilling conditions to resolve
  • 3 months foundations.
  • 80 days (nearly 3 months) of vertical construction
  • 78 days (nearly 3 months) electronics
  • 28 days (nearly 1 month) testing and commissioning

They started in December and I would assume the recent heavy rain has delayed things 2 to 3 weeks.


So lets assume foundations start June (markings are down but there still appears a bit of ground work) that takes us to August. So i'd say around September time potentially. Possibly October if further delays.


Then by Christmas track should be done. Then another 4 months of other work. So this is likely a May or June opening I would say.

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14 minutes ago, Mattgwise said:


  • 5 to 6 months of infilling conditions to resolve
  • 3 months foundations.
  • 80 days (nearly 3 months) of track construction
  • 78 days (nearly 3 months) electronics
  • 28 days (nearly 1 month) testing and commissioning

What do you mean by 3 months for foundations, does that like count as ground pins and supports or do the supports count as track construction. I’m just really keen to see some of the coaster being built lol


Also sounds like the rain has had a bigger impact that I thought unfortunately, but then I guess the great british weather is what it is. Hopefully the park can maybe make some of that time back so exodus can open for the start of the 2024 season!

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No idea that's just what was said with regards to "foundations".


Sorry I should have been clearer, track I believe would also be supports. Should have said "vertical" construction. Will edit post.


The whole project was stated to take 15 months. It started in late November so i'd say its near impossible to be opening start of year. I am going to guess June 1st to allow for any delay or supply issues, but hopefully it ends up earlier, but can't see it being any earlier than start of May.



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Having worked in groundwork’s and construction for a number of years albeit with absolutely zero experience in constructing rides, I can safely say looking at the construction plan that there is “fat” in the plan. 

That being said the critical path of the project will be the start of the piling operations scheduled to start month 6 of the project. 

If that can be started on plan then the rest will be recoverable. So when that starts will likely be an indication of likely finish time of the project. 

Judging by silkstones latest video I would say they are trying to prepare the site for access for the pile driving equipment as soon as possible. But this is but a hunch

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On 4/22/2023 at 10:46 AM, Mattgwise said:


The original plans stated 15 months approximately including

  • 5 to 6 months of infilling conditions to resolve
  • 3 months foundations.
  • 80 days (nearly 3 months) of vertical construction
  • 78 days (nearly 3 months) electronics
  • 28 days (nearly 1 month) testing and commissioning

They started in December and I would assume the recent heavy rain has delayed things 2 to 3 weeks.


So lets assume foundations start June (markings are down but there still appears a bit of ground work) that takes us to August. So I'd say around September time potentially. Possibly October if further delays.


Then by Christmas track should be done. Then another 4 months of other work. So this is likely a May or June opening I would say.

From my experience from infilling at the Park, the top bullet point is the one that I would be concerned about.  Sounds to me as though they still haven't sorted or are going through the process of obtaining the necessary licence to infill from the EA.  I know it took around a year to arrange the licence when we did the major expansion project.  Considering the EA's view on the project, I could see a potential high risk to the project from this.  


EDIT: I'll guess we'll know come May/June time as that's when I would guess infilling would start if it all goes to plan

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2 hours ago, MattyB said:

From my experience from infilling at the Park, the top bullet point is the one that I would be concerned about.  Sounds to me as though they still haven't sorted or are going through the process of obtaining the necessary licence to infill from the EA.  I know it took around a year to arrange the licence when we did the major expansion project.  Considering the EA's view on the project, I could see a potential high risk to the project from this.  


EDIT: I'll guess we'll know come May/June time as that's when I would guess infilling would start if it all goes to plan

Where have you heard the information regarding the infilling licence from? Pretty sure from most recent videos I have seen that infilling has already commenced. 

Important to remember that most of the infill is only temporary as the only bits remaining will be surrounding the supports in the lake.

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12 minutes ago, Vinlarr89 said:

Where have you heard the information regarding the infilling licence from? Pretty sure from most recent videos I have seen that infilling has already commenced. 

Important to remember that most of the infill is only temporary as the only bits remaining will be surrounding the supports in the lake.

  • 5 to 6 months of infilling conditions to resolve -  if this was mentioned in November then 5-6 months is around now/end of May.  They may already have this sorted and are commencing now.  Infilling on watercourses requires a licence, even if temporary (there are some exceptions for minor works). Thorpe Park is particularly sensitive to this as the lakes feed into the Bourne which feeds into the Thames, so any pollution that may arise will be potentially carried downstream.  From what I can see from the videos, it doesn't appear to me that infilling has started yet
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Think there must be some change to the original infill plan, as the original proposed plan stated that stockpiled material generated from the site strip was to be crushed tested and used for infill. 

From recent videos it’s definitely evident that material has been stockpiled and crushed and from the most recent videos these stockpiled have now been consumed. 

I originally interpreted that as a sign that infilling had commenced, however if thats not the case then potentially the material has not passed the test and has been used for the roadways instead of lake infill. 

Will be interesting to see how this one develops, as most of the material was due to come from the site itself according to the original plans. 

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Yeah I thought the same from the videos, but then noticed there didn't appear to be an infilling set up as such.  Hope they have got it sorted as something like this could lead to a delay to project delivery.  Who would of thought chucking mud in a lake would be so complex lol?  Next couple of weeks will be interesting (from a dirt enthusiasts POV anyway haha)

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Yeah 100% could have a big detrimental impact on the project if they can’t get it resolved soon. 

If they need to purchase all that infill, it will bring a big cost too which again will probably impact the project elsewhere in terms of budget **cough** theming **cough**, so let’s hope that’s not the case. 

As a side note, I’ve noticed the most recent planning application has now been approved, meaning that they can proceed up until vertical construction without any issue. 

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14 hours ago, Vinlarr89 said:

As a side note, I’ve noticed the most recent planning application has now been approved, meaning that they can proceed up until vertical construction without any issue. 

I thought when they got the approval from the council they could just go ahead and build the coaster.


I don't know how planning works so do they have to get new planning everytime they want to move to a new part of construction. And does this mean that the vertical construction could in theory not be allowed, and if so then what happens?

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So usually what happens is that approval is given, however there are conditions attached.  So for example, to build this, you must do x,y and z.  So in this example, for vertical construction to happen, you must first satisfy the conditions attached to it (I've simplified it as these can be quite complex, but that's the gist of it). And you are correct, in theory if the conditions are not satisfied, in extreme cases planning approval could be revoked.


Conditions can also affect after the project has been completed.  I don't know if nay of the locals on here remember the yellow American school buses?  One of the conditions for Stealth was that the park would provide services to the local community.  We set up parking areas and driver rest areas for these buses to satisfy the conditions for Stealth

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It's excellent to see that construction is progressing at a good rate!


The more happens with this, the more excited I get. I was originally a tad disappointed that Thorpe didn't choose more of an overt airtime machine, but as time goes on, I'm growing increasingly convinced that the layout will be excellent and quite unlike anything ever seen before! And to be honest, I think there could be more airtime than I'd previously anticipated, even if the airtime the ride provides isn't "straight airtime" per se.

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19 hours ago, Matt N said:

The more happens with this, the more excited I get. I was originally a tad disappointed that Thorpe didn't choose more of an overt airtime machine, but as time goes on, I'm growing increasingly convinced that the layout will be excellent and quite unlike anything ever seen before! And to be honest, I think there could be more airtime than I'd previously anticipated, even if the airtime the ride provides isn't "straight airtime" per se.

A straight airtime coaster would have just turned out to be another generic B&M hyper in my opinion. It would have had your usual long floater hills, camelbacks etc and not been any different from any of the other hypers built. I do think that B&M hypers are great coasters but then don't offer something innovative or special like thorpe wants.


I really like the layout of exodus (even if it is a tad short) and as you said it seems very unique, which is definitly a massive positive.

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