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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone have this years new music yet, like -Colossus station theme-inferno station theme-the new theme that was playing when I left the park on the bridge. Someone must know what I am on about lol ;)Preferably un-recorded, It sounds much better un-recorded.If not does anyone know when it will be available?

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In the last 5 minutes, ive become a Thorpe music fanboy ( ;)). I think this is because if my extreme boardness, but in the last few minutes, and right now, ive been litening to like all the thorpe music and probably will into the night. I'm on Colossus.Yep, I'm THAT bored. ;)

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I went yesterday and the Audio on Colossus has changed (the announcement sounds much happier, rather than the old one which was depressing) does Tony Blair do an anouncement on Colossus?And Slammer Music has changed and sounds much better.More infilling on lake near M25 (hotel side) and the infilling between Colossus queue and samurai has now been turfed!a pretty good day;)

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  Matt said:

I went yesterday and the Audio on Colossus has changed (the announcement sounds much happier, rather than the old one which was depressing) does Tony Blair do an anouncement on Colossus?And Slammer Music has changed and sounds much better.More infilling on lake near M25 (hotel side) and the infilling between Colossus queue and samurai has now been turfed!a pretty good day;)


slammer...sound better? tbh I thought slammer music sounds crap imo.
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Yeah the wispering did sort of add to the * world record breaking rollercoaster experience (power of ten etc...)The old slammer music diddnt really suit canada creek where as the new one does. Personal choice weather you like it or not!The Stealth radio -> you have to love it! (*It's BIG BOB's, It's BIG BOB's, It's Big Bobs radio show.*) when on the radio they talk about what you can eat on stealth, when you listen to it, quite funny!Music (personally) has changed for the better

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About a week ago I emailed Bose complaining about the state of some of their speakers. I made particular reference to the accoustic wave cannons on Nemesis Inferno, and said that quite a few were in a bad condition, or completely turned off.This is the reply I got from them :)


Dear Mr ThomasMany thanks for bringing your disappointing experience at Thorpe Park toour attention.  We always value feedback, especially from those, such asyourself, who expect more from the Bose brand.  With regard to the particular instance of Thorpe Park, I am pleased totell you that The Tussauds Group are currently investing in a park-wideBose audio management system which will be completed later this month.The project includes upgrading and refurbishing the existing loudspeakersystems, and some of the problems you have experienced recently may bedue to the new system being installed and commissioned.  Our aim is to always deliver the WOW! factor and exceed our customers'expectations, and to that end we maintain close control over allinstallations.  I sincerely hope that your next visit to Thorpe Parkwill give you an amazing audio experience in all areas and rides, andwould like to thank you again for your interest and concern.  If youhave any further questions or comments, please feel free to responddirectly to me.With kind regardsSue HarrisonBusiness Development Specialist

So, not much more than we already know. She is obviously referring to project link. So to draw a conclusion, this whole ordeal was kinda pointless, but I thought I'd try anyway. I will definately be emailing them again though :)
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  sophie22 said:

Anyone happen to know the name of the song playing in the queue for Slammer? I think it plays in the queue for Rush as well.Can't get onto the ones on Tussauds =/


Its not actually a song, its just theme music. If I'm wrong, and I'm talking about something else, someone please corrct me.Welcome to the forums too! :)
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