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yeh but how many people actually listen to announcments. Its all about getting all the staff to round people up and be authoritive - worked so far. I guess it will help when its working, but I dont think it was worth it yet or - like I said - intergrated very well.

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  Sebastian said:

The idea of this, is mainly for Health and Safety. It is liked up to Ops Control, in Lower Dome, where they can make park wide announcements, such as fire, evac park, or warning about an ambulance arriving in park.

And how many times has there been a fire and a whole park evacuation in the last 6 years?
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  Sebastian said:

No, the whole annoucement is f**ked. The old one, that cost nothing to play, and sounded great, this just sounds like Tomb Blaster V2.


The Colossus station announcement sounds crap now an whatever that crappy bagpipes music that is playing in the inferno station is also a load of she ite as well, ok they still have the classic theme when the train leaves the station but the additional music ruins it in my opinion, and also I noticed no bass in the inferno station last tuesday, U CANNOT PLAY THE INFERNO STATION THEME WITHOUT ALOT OF BASS!! anyway I am not a moaning old fart I promise :)
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Was at the Park yesterday and of course there was a few recogniseable audio changes =] Most rides still seem to be waiting for their changes however. Samurai has it's new announcements in place but dosen't seem quite finished just yet. Loggers Leap now has a very "canadian?" theme and of course Detonator.. I think, it's an improvement, once all of the new speakers have been installed and are running properly I think give it time and this will be a great track for the ride (just a shame the ride wasn't actually working for 1/2 the time yesterday).RecordingsColossus Station Announcement - 2007Detonator - Full Edited / Recorded Theme - 2007Detonator - Ride Music (edited) - Unrecorded - 2007Apologies that some of the above music is not edited by myself very well.. (oh yea btw.. Phill, you have used a few of my recordings in you're edit of the music)

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  Phill said:

Ahh but it isnt,http://www.audiolicense.net/sfx/subcats.asp?tier2cat_id=57Yay for free online ticking (Y)


They're not free , and thats not where I got the ticking from .. and it's a high coinsidence that the ticking starts and stops at the same time. :)
  Phill said:

Ahh but it isnt,And while were on the subject of using things, I trust you asekd Alex May to use his stuff on your site...


Yes I do have permission from him =]
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  Dann said:

They're not free , and thats not where I got the ticking from .. and it's a high coinsidence that the ticking starts and stops at the same time. :)Yes I do have permission from him =]


Thats because ticking loops dear, and yes there not free, but you'll still able to use them, even if they arnt at the full quality.And so what if that isnt where you got YOURS from, I'm telling you where I got MYNE from. The internet is a big place dear, I'm sure there is more than one site with a tickign sfx...Edit Also here is my take on the Slammer music: http://www.thorpeparkmania.co.uk/index.php...iBSaWRlLm1wMw==
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Samurais music at the moment is the same as last season, with the only difference being the loading music replaced with some ambient thing, new announcements and the ride music cuts out loads during the ride. In general I think the new stuffs ok, dettys I really like, more so than the old one, loggers is ok, same with Colossus. But so far I'm not too impressed with Samurais.

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I know some of the Slammer music has been released before and that it is changing soon, but the stuff that has been released wasn't edited *as played on ride* or it was the wrong track (e.g Slammer loading was wrong)...So yeah, if you're interested here are my edits:Slammer LoadingSlammer Start (Raising, Main Track)Slammer End (Thuds, Fire)If you think there is anything wrong with them let me know...

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  Phill said:

I know some of the Slammer music has been released before and that it is changing soon, but the stuff that has been released wasn't edited *as played on ride* or it was the wrong track (e.g Slammer loading was wrong)...So yeah, if you're interested here are my edits:Slammer LoadingSlammer Start (Raising, Main Track)Slammer End (Thuds, Fire)If you think there is anything wrong with them let me know...


main theme sounds like it could be the theme tune to the lords of the rings or another film like it.
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