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I actually really don't like slammer, I find it quite dull. I know this is unrealistic for the near future but I would like to see Xnwo and Slammer removed and then that area used to make a small-ish coaster that could also go into the Ranger County area aswell.

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  Calum said:

I actually really don't like slammer, I find it quite dull. I know this is unrealistic for the near future but I would like to see Xnwo and Slammer removed and then that area used to make a small-ish coaster that could also go into the Ranger County area aswell.

I Completely agree, X dosen't bring that much to the park for it's not a thrilling ride at all, and I like Slammer but wouldn't miss it terribly.
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  Calum said:

I actually really don't like slammer, I find it quite dull. I know this is unrealistic for the near future but I would like to see Xnwo and Slammer removed and then that area used to make a small-ish coaster that could also go into the Ranger County area aswell.


I Completely agree, X dosen't bring that much to the park for it's not a thrilling ride at all, and I like Slammer but wouldn't miss it terribly.

What has that got to do with X?
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  Lordcutter6 said:

I Completely agree, X dosen't bring that much to the park for it's not a thrilling ride at all, and I like Slammer but wouldn't miss it terribly.

I love X:/ No Way Out! It still gives me a thrill. Maybe not as much as others, such as Colossus, but it is still a good ride!If it was a flat ride there, you would probably say I would like a rollercoaster, so I am greatful for X (for whatever thrill it gives!)
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  subculturehero said:

I get literally no thrill from No Way Out - I'd much rather go on Flying Fish or even Rocky Express (the latter is surprisingly good actually!)

So? I get literally no thrill from Flying Fish, but I don't think it should go as I still enjoy it. If Thorpe Park only kept rides for giving people thrills, they'd end up removing more than half the rides in the park.
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Whether I want Slammer to stay or not is a tough descision. I love the ride (when it's actually open), but the reliability is unbelievably poor, and I can't help think that a more reliable flat would easily take its place. But then again, I think the general image of Slammer in Canada Creek behind Colossus is very good, and the theming, ride style etc fits in very well with the park area.

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apperantly its control box has broken-so when they were testing it a few weeks ago,instead of the 3 one way and 3 the other it was doing like 10 one way and 1 the other.is that true???.by the way is there a possibility they need a new foreign part???

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This probably would not have been possible however I personally would have loved to have seen Slammer themed into The Lost City into Libra Scales.http://www.bluelightlady.com/blog/wp-conte...cales_small.jpgWould have fitted in very nicely however I love slammers theme and maybe the scales would have made it look less intimidating.Just an idea...

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  thorpeparkjunkie said:

This probably would not have been possible however I personally would have loved to have seen Slammer themed into The Lost City into Libra Scales.http://www.bluelightlady.com/blog/wp-conte...cales_small.jpgWould have fitted in very nicely however I love slammers theme and maybe the scales would have made it look less intimidating.Just an idea...

I have never understood why on the page of Thorpe Park Ride Simulators on Thorpe Park Retreat that the Slammer Simulator is called Libra, and is themed like the Libra scales. Maybe the ride was originally going to be themed as such, but in the end it was given more of a generic theme.
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It was themed and named as that, after we'd seen the planning application for the ride going in and over on Southparks, everyone was excited and throwing ideas around. That's when the simulation appeared. Remember, we knew nothing of the ride name or the theme until later on.

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