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Theme Park bloke

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****ing hate it when people don't know the meanings of words. ;l Example of a rant B) <3Also, will never shop in Londis again, in my whole life. £3.19 for a ****ing bottle of Fanta. What a rip off?!?!

Wow someone woke up on wrong side of bed ! £3.19 Is expensive but , you didn't have to buy it and londis are not cheap on anything .I find tesco express better good deals In there ^_^Sorry I can't help being not good on words doesn't help being dislecsic .B)
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Got your GPS on?If it is on, and still doesn't work.. I suggest throwing it at the ground at cursing at it loudly. Won't solve the problem, but it'll get rid of the anger.

Mine doesn't have GPS settings, I'm guessing that means the phone doesn't have GPS?I think I shall go for throwing it around the room. Useless phone.
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Super Gaga Rant:Lady Gaga's 2nd single Judas is causing quite a stir and much controversy in the media this week because of the religious themes dealt with in the song. Judas is about trying to find your Jesus in the light but can't falling for Judas in the dark. It's about falling in love with the wrong man and the song uses religious metaphors that are not even offensive in the slightest.And there's been 3 media channels talking about Judas and everytime, they talk about Judas...they PLAY A SNIPPET OF HER SONG which is promoting her music and making it more famous. More and more people will buy Judas because it's sooooo controversial and drama makes headlines.They are picking on Gaga because they don't like someone is taking a stand and is expressing themself without a damn. And the church and the community being typical as they are, are picking fights.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNbuvI1xUrM&feature=player_embeddedThe blonde needs to stfu, she's so annoying

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It's a really good song, and I don't see how anyone has a reason to get lairy about it. Judas probably didn't even exist. Ooh and another rant: I'm not gay or bi myself, but it upsets me when people make fun of or take the mick out of gay people. Recently I've heard alot of derogatory terms being used against them, and it makes me really angry :P

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I'm fed up of hearing about Lady Gaga, talk about it on twitter, facebook, youtube, but not on a theme park forum, thanks!

Well this is the part of the forum where we can talk about things not related to Theme Parks, so there's no reason why we can't talk about her. I respect that if you're not a fan of her, then you might get a bit sick of her though :P
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Any posts against Lady Gaga will now result in a warn.Beg for forgiveness you haters.

I love her, but she spreads like wild fire. My life isn't centred around her, I don't want to hear about her wherever I go. Granted some people might wanna talk about her new song on the odd occasion, but there's no need to act like pre-pubescent boys and talk about her non-stop.
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Some shady mo-fo's in here :P The last time I checked the music topic, there was discussion about Linkin Park. Ryan was the one who posted info about Judas. Rant topic is for different things, deal with it kthankx bai.Lots of exaggeration:I don't talk about Gaga non-stop. I just happened to come across an article and thought I would talk about it.

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I admit she likes to provoke and shock but she didn't intend to incite religious controversy. The song has a few religious metaphors but she didn't say anything offensive to Christians. I've got friends who are Christian and like Gaga and they didn't find Judas offensive. It's that type of song that is about a girl falling for the wrong, bad guy.

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