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Call Of Duty.Ugh How Does Such An Atrocity Become So Popular.Because Its Good.Your Probearbly Thinking WTF? Right now but when I say that I mean, yeah these games are good.Theyv'e Got Like 9 Of Em Now Right?EACH ONES THE FRICKING SAME!!!!ITS BORING!!!!ITS. I Dunno I Just Hate It.Why Cant These Spasms Play Something Else.Like Portal 2 Maybe?"No I Dont Like That Cos' Its Not An 18"DEAR GOD!Brink?"No Its Boring"Street Fighter (THE BEST GAME EVER)"No Its Babiesh"These People Are The People I Hate Most In Life.Open Up Your Minds People

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  On 7/2/2011 at 9:19 AM, 'Kevvy K said:

Call Of Duty.Ugh How Does Such An Atrocity Become So Popular.Because Its Good.Your Probearbly Thinking WTF? Right now but when I say that I mean, yeah these games are good.Theyv'e Got Like 9 Of Em Now Right?EACH ONES THE FRICKING SAME!!!!ITS BORING!!!!ITS. I Dunno I Just Hate It.Why Cant These Spasms Play Something Else.Like Portal 2 Maybe?"No I Dont Like That Cos' Its Not An 18"DEAR GOD!Brink?"No Its Boring"Street Fighter (THE BEST GAME EVER)"No Its Babiesh"These People Are The People I Hate Most In LifeOpen Up Your Minds People

;) Omg ! Get out side mate and enjoy the sunshine ;)
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  On 7/3/2011 at 9:17 AM, Mer9 said:
Kevvy - Sheepie means when you typeLike thisYou don't need to ;)
Ok I Wont TypeLike This But My Computer Puts On Capitals On Some Spell Check Thing Ill See If I Can Turn It Off
  On 7/3/2011 at 8:59 AM, Dano said:
Yeah it can be a bit same same sometimes but still love the xbox :DSameok mer and sheepie turned off that thing ;)
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Really pissed off with the Universal online store, I ordered a top from there a few weeks ago and it was too small so we returned it and ordered a new one, the order never came and then I phoned up and found out that they don't have that size in stock any more, so I asked about another one I wanted, and thats not in stock either. Well done Universal for messing up my only birthday present this year. Good job.

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  On 7/8/2011 at 8:38 AM, 'JamesB said:

Really pissed off with the Universal online store, I ordered a top from there a few weeks ago and it was too small so we returned it and ordered a new one, the order never came and then I phoned up and found out that they don't have that size in stock any more, so I asked about another one I wanted, and thats not in stock either. Well done Universal for messing up my only birthday present this year. Good job.

:P Yeah I Know The Feeling.
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  On 7/9/2011 at 4:59 AM, 'Mark9 said:

Bitchy people. Come on, put down that facade and say how you really feel instead of pretending you're this really nice person when you're not.

I very much agree wth this statement.I have pretty much the same rant, when someone is nice and most people like them, tra la la...but actually, they are not as nice as they seem!Or maybe they just talk to someone bitchy too often and gradually get influenced by them, I dunno.Oh oh oh and when you discover people bitch about you behind your back...about the stupidest things! In other words, they don't like you for who you are and have nothing better to do than have sneaky, horrible conversations. Sorry I don't live up to your expectations, but I think you'll find most others don't have a problem with me, they are mature enough to accept me. I do actually try to be calm and not annoying but 1) It's quite hard to be someone you're not and 2) Why bother? I like me. If people don't then fine, you know, can't please everyone. But don't be in a conversation if I'm there if you're just going to moan behind my back about everything I say.Oh and when you get accused of being attention seeking by having a few nice photos of yourself on Facebook. Right...I can see where this is coming from, we all know someone like that...but it's quite disheartening, because I've always been proud of being unique and a bit different to most girls and pride myself in not being that girly "I love myself" person. That is not who I am, I think it's perfectly acceptable to have some nice looking photos on Facebook, especially as most of my photos are me looking casual and pulling silly faces. Excuse me for wanting to look nice in a minority of photos! I didn't post them to get attention. I posted them because for once, I looked nice, it was my birthday and I was all done up etc. You could argue people may have different opinion on what counts as attention seeking, but I reckon most people would not say I am. Someone who constantly posts posing photos, yes. Someone who's majority of albums is them posing, yes. Not me then.And my final rant...WHY DOESN'T THE UK SELL MUCH MILKA?! MILKA MILKA MILKA MILKA! :)Thank you and goodbye :)
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^There are a handful of supermarkets that sell little bits of Milka... Saw some in Asda recently...As for the bitchiness... We all do it let's be honest, part of being human innit... But there is a massive difference between being bitchy when having a moan about someone being generally annoying (which I do a fair bit, it's called venting in my world), and bitching behind someone's back telling lies/trying to ruin their life/spreading discourse/etc...There's always someone ready to ruin your day...

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I think it depends on how you take it. I would personally someone did it behind my back because I think I'd be mortified if someone said it to my face, although I would admire their bravery and honesty and possibly respect them for that.If we don't find out what people say behind our back then we're none the wiser. Some people call it being two- faced, some people call it fake, I call it sparing someone's feelings.

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  On 7/10/2011 at 1:00 PM, 'Sheepie said:

I think it depends on how you take it. I would personally someone did it behind my back because I think I'd be mortified if someone said it to my face, although I would admire their bravery and honesty and possibly respect them for that.If we don't find out what people say behind our back then we're none the wiser. Some people call it being two- faced, some people call it fake, I call it sparing someone's feelings.

I would rather bitchy people say it too my face when it's about me, not too my boyfriends and if it's about my relationship they can all get ****ed because it's MY relationship and they have no right basing it on my previous one which as people on here know was utter ****e and stuff for me.
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