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Saw- Construction Thread


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  alexandercameron said:

' 1,100 passengers every hour 'I see they have confirmed the capacity for the ride, a larger throughput than what I expected ;)

That's just something to make the ride look like it can handle a lot of people. In reality it won't be anywhere near that as rides never run as smooth as clockwork.
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  Mark9 said:

That's just something to make the ride look like it can handle a lot of people. In reality it won't be anywhere near that as rides never run as smooth as clockwork.

So I'm guessing 1,100pph is the highest possible throughput?Has anyone been looking at the Southparks forum? They seem to be speculating that the shop structure (the blue containers) had been moved / removed today :) Judging from the pictures that seems to be the case, but I can't see why that would of happened?(This is just speculation from the pictures)
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1,100 passengers every hour seems to be unrealistic. However, as mentioned, there will be 8 cars running (hopefully they will manage to keep all 8 cars ready for operating) and ride attendents will not have to mess around with the seltbelts, as there aren't any. Also a point that increases loading times is guests messing around with their loose belongings and storing them, but there is a storage station before guests aboard, that might help a lot.Moving away from capacity, I am excited to hear that the blades will spin. I'm curious to know what speed they will be spinning at...

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  James said:

Considering Fury cars leave the station every 30 seconds, thats an easily achieveable dispatch time, but we'll have to wait and see really, the cars did seem to be constantly going round on saturday.

Dragon's Fury has 4 passanger seats, whereas Saw will have 8. Although this shouldn't be a big difference as the station is longer and hopefully there will be more ride attendents checking on each side of the station. I would imagine when the ride opens, the cars will not be running as constant as you see them now :)
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As they're no seat belts on the restraints does that mean it's going to be like on Samurai and Vortex where you have to hold your arms out as the restraints come down? I always thought that was rather cool :) As for capacity, it may not be 1,100pph all the time but I doubt it would be far off. They wouldn't bother creating that statistic otherwise. It's like them saying the cars get up to 1000mph if they had jet rockets attached to them. It's totally irrelevant. :P

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  alexandercameron said:

As they're no seat belts on the restraints does that mean it's going to be like on Samurai and Vortex where you have to hold your arms out as the restraints come down? I always thought that was rather cool :) As for capacity, it may not be 1,100pph all the time but I doubt it would be far off. They wouldn't bother creating that statistic otherwise. It's like them saying the cars get up to 1000mph if they had jet rockets attached to them. It's totally irrelevant. :P

I'm pretty sure on a coaster with no belts, you have to pull your own bar down and the attendant will just check it by pulling the bars to hold on to. As far as Thorpe go with making up statistics... anyone remember when they said Stealth would never run less than two trains?
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  bubbly said:

Haha that did make me giggle...maybe they should make a ride with jet rockets attached :)

Heh in a perfect world ! but in reality I think there is zero chance in that happening :P
  James said:

I'm pretty sure on a coaster with no belts, you have to pull your own bar down and the attendant will just check it by pulling the bars to hold on to. As far as Thorpe go with making up statistics... anyone remember when they said Stealth would never run less than two trains?

Damn! Yeah you're right, Thorpe do have a habit of releasing useless information (MTDP comes to mind) !
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  alexandercameron said:

As they're no seat belts on the restraints does that mean it's going to be like on Samurai and Vortex where you have to hold your arms out as the restraints come down? I always thought that was rather cool :)

I have never actually seen a coaster that operates like that, so no. I think the only reason why some of the rides have seltbelts is to comfort that passanger, knowing that they are safe. I actually remember when someone at Thorpe Park mentioned something similar to that in article regarding about the Colossus incident where the child's seltbelt wasn't secured and the mother had a panic attack and complained. I don't think rides would run any differently if seltbelts wasn't designed for it, but perhaps thats how the ride has to function such as Vortex.
  James said:

As far as Thorpe go with making up statistics... anyone remember when they said Stealth would never run less than two trains?

Indeed. Just imagine Saw running on 4 cars or something similar.
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  alexandercameron said:

They would have to shut down the ride wouldn't they if only 4 cars were running?I know they have the maintenance building, but surely that's not large enough to contain 4 ride cars?

Hopefully that will never happen, so let's not worry too much :) However, I am sure there is enough room to store all 8 cars. I'm now wondering how many cars they would actually operate when the park isn't busy...
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