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Hyperia - New for 2024 (Ride thread)


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If they didn't provide a rough date then people would moan about that too.


Probably something got delayed to prevent the planned date(s) from happening. Or they assumed they wouldn't need to do a lot of testing again.


Project management can be a right pain. But maybe they'll reopen it before I get a response from them regarding my visit.

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what has happened, you may ask? well, there was a mix up internally. opening day was marketed, and taken literally by the operations of the teams. friday of the 24th of the may was hyperia's opening day, but on any other day, the ride can not operate. it could only run on friday on the 24th of the month, because that was its OPENING day, where the ride is allowed to open.



oh it's sad, it's so sad, well it's sad, really sad, so sad, bom bom bom, pom pom pom, (angrier) bom bom bom, POM POM POM, bom bom bom, bombom bom bom, pompom pom pom, bom pom, bom pom pom, bom bom bom, pom pom PPPOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM



it's new, the ride that I've got and it's ooh, whoa oh, it's a closed coaster, it's cool, that's what I tell 'em no rides in breakable heaven, but ooh, whoa oh, it's a closed coaster



it's cool, that's what I tell them no cash, in be

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To be fair, they initially said they couldn't commit to it opening before the 8th, which definitely doesn't say "It will re-open on the 8th".

There really isn't anything they could say (or could have said) that would make things any better. It'll open when it's fixed 🤷🏼‍♂️ That's all there is to it.


It could even open on Sunday to be fair - but it would be suicide for Thorpe to suggest that, in case it doesn't happen.


Hopefully it'll be soon - it's such a shame that all the excitement has stalled a little!

It'll all be worth it when things get going though.


I'd love to know what happened. I suppose we'll never know.

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26 minutes ago, Coaster_Contrarian said:

No, they knew what they were doing. Do not excuse their marketing waffle. They're gaslighting their guests now.

To be fair, they don't have a crystal ball, and it's certainly not in their interest to have it closed!


I'm interested to hear what you would have said if you were given the task of writing the statement? :)

Because I can guarantee you, you wouldn't please everyone! 😂

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In fairness, the only way they could have communicated differently is instead of the wording being "we cannot commit to opening before 8th" - which is in itself reasonable and transparent (more than we would have seen from Thorpe in the past), instead using the wording "we will update you around the 8th" instead. Other than that, I don't think Thorpe are in winnable position regardless. People are gunna hate if they gave a date, didn't give a date, blamed Mack, blamed God, Blamed the Tories - basically anything other than the ride opening is going to peeve people off - and even when it WAS open, people were peeved about 5 to 6 hour queues. So, they're damned in every way; then get accused of gaslighting if they try and stand up for themselves. 

They weren't to know that their biggest plant machinery would operate well for one day and over night just go "nope". That's the joy of plant machinery. NO amount of pre-opening testing can prevent a "catastrophic" failure of hardware in the same way that Zamperla couldn't have prevented TT2's issues. The difference is, Thorpe aren't throwing shade at Mack; and nor should we be.

People need to understand and learn what is within our own personal sphere of influence. We have three options here: Manage our attitude, manage our situation or allow it to bother us rent-free. Either change your opinion on the situation; give up and come back to it or let the whole thing bother and consume you. You can't fix it. You can't control how or when it is fixed. You can't influence how Thorpe manage it. So just get on with your days and let it open when it is open.

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5 minutes ago, MattyMoo said:

I honestly think what's gonna happen now is, without fanfare, the night before it's due to open, Thorpe will say "It's opening tomorrow guyz" and that way no one can really moan. Ish.


People will moan about not being given enough notice to plan a trip. Trust me, coaster geeks will find any which way to complain. 


I'm ready for the pot kettle black responses ;)

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8 minutes ago, MattyMoo said:

I honestly think what's gonna happen now is, without fanfare, the night before it's due to open, Thorpe will say "It's opening tomorrow guyz" and that way no one can really moan. Ish.

Except those who need to book RAP and can't do it last minute because of availability...

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I honestly reckon that Thorpe are probably best announcing it last minute, if they announce it at all. They’re more likely to know with certainty that it will open if they go last minute, and unlike, say, opening day, the ride’s reopening day isn’t likely to be some special day that people will want to be there for. It will be no different to any other day that the ride is open all year.


Part of me honestly reckons that quietly reopening unannounced might be a good shout, but they’ve already said they’re going to announce a reopening date, so they probably won’t do that.

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8 minutes ago, Matt N said:

Part of me honestly reckons that quietly reopening unannounced might be a good shout, but they’ve already said they’re going to announce a reopening date, so they probably won’t do that.


True, but announcing it's opening the night before it's due to reopen is still an announcement, right? 😃

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1 hour ago, Inferno said:

To be fair, they don't have a crystal ball, and it's certainly not in their interest to have it closed!


I'm interested to hear what you would have said if you were given the task of writing the statement? :)

Because I can guarantee you, you wouldn't please everyone! 😂

That's why I do not work in social media or marketing 😅. They would have been better off either doing a Cedar Point (indefinitely) or saying that they would provide and update before the 8th. I hope people, with hindsight, now start to see that Thorpe have handled the closure pretty badly.

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47 minutes ago, Coaster_Contrarian said:

That's why I do not work in social media or marketing 😅. They would have been better off either doing a Cedar Point (indefinitely) or saying that they would provide and update before the 8th. I hope people, with hindsight, now start to see that Thorpe have handled the closure pretty badly.

Plenty of people are complaining at the lack of updates on TT2 - in other words people will complaining regardless! Hopefully will open in next few days :)

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1 hour ago, Coaster_Contrarian said:

That's why I do not work in social media or marketing 😅. They would have been better off either doing a Cedar Point (indefinitely) or saying that they would provide and update before the 8th. I hope people, with hindsight, now start to see that Thorpe have handled the closure pretty badly.


Their post from the 28th said 'we will do everything in our power to open the ride earlier and will ensure 'all the latest updates are provided by our socials and website'


They have done that by providing an update on the 6th. 


Their initial post said 'We are unable to commit to re-opening Hyperia before Saturday 8th June, never once suggesting Hyperia would be open on the 8th. People have jumped to their own conclusions which Thorpe acknowledge in their post. 


Thorpe are handling this annoying situation probably in the best way that they can. 

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Yeah, I think that since the poor communication to guests at the park during Saturday's closure, they've handled and communicated this in the best possible way. 


Judging by the fact Saw was closed an extra day compared to the original plan, it would suggest they're around 24 hours behind their initial schedule. If testing goes to plan, I think it's not too out there to claim it will be open by Monday. But obviously, anything can happen at this point.

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1 hour ago, Mark9 said:


Their post from the 28th said 'we will do everything in our power to open the ride earlier and will ensure 'all the latest updates are provided by our socials and website'


They have done that by providing an update on the 6th. 


Their initial post said 'We are unable to commit to re-opening Hyperia before Saturday 8th June, never once suggesting Hyperia would be open on the 8th. People have jumped to their own conclusions which Thorpe acknowledge in their post. 


Thorpe are handling this annoying situation probably in the best way that they can. 

I think that is exactly what it suggests. Even Thorpe has admitted that is what it suggested. They would have been better off not issuing a date.

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Cedar Point could've done things differently by not employing bloody Zamperla.


17 hours ago, daboywunda said:

Except those who need to book RAP and can't do it last minute because of availability...


Weekends are the main issue with that one. Hell we missed out on the Friday because RAP allocation was fully booked by time I got home.


However from what I've seen the actual RAP situation on parks has improved a fair amount. Thorpe are the only ones really sticking to the "pre-book only" thing as well, which I do commend them for.

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Dean on X with this nugget of information - makes sense... and that's not just because the 11th is the day we are booked for :D


Train with dummies is now in the station, with staff checking restraints etc... looks like test runs are imminent. Two staff members just headed up the lift hill with some grease/lubricant or similar.


I'm not obsessed I swear.

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It really would be absolutely typical if it did reopen on the 11th… seeing as I’m going on the 10th!


If this ends up being the case, I can’t believe I’ll have missed it by 1 day… that really is just my luck!


Now I’m just desperately hoping that the park are simply covering themselves, and the 11th June is the latest date they currently expect it to reopen…

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24 minutes ago, Matt N said:

It really would be absolutely typical if it did reopen on the 11th… seeing as I’m going on the 10th!


If this ends up being the case, I can’t believe I’ll have missed it by 1 day… that really is just my luck!


Fingers crossed for you! Monday isn't impossible provided we see a train up that lift hill soon.

All this said, Tuesday is just speculation, albeit with some evidence. Monday soft unplanned re-opening, Tuesday proper re-opening?

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