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Can't believe there isnt a topic on this yet! *gasp*.Its pretty amazing there, if you ever get the chance to go, you would be physically insane to pass the chance up. If you dont know what on earth I am on about or where exacally I am talking about, here is some info:Park Name: PhantasialandLocation: Germany, Bruhl near CologneBuilt: No IdeaRides: Themed like gods;--> Black Mamba (B&M Inverted - Think Nemesis... but african)--> Mystery Castle (Intamin Bungee Drop - Think Deto- ... actually dont)--> Colarado Adventure: Micheal Jackson Thrill Ride (Dont let the name put you off)--> Winjas Fear and Force (Possibly the two best spinning coasters on this planet)There are many more... all themed amazingly, with awsomely themed areas with suitable Merchandise a Food sold in the areas. Hotel. Family Park. THEMEING *breath*Clicky Here for some photos I took in May - sorry they are mainly of Black Mamba.

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I actually really need to go to Phantasialand. I really want to try River Quest, Black Mamba and what the heck... all of their rides really.They're constanly adding stuff to Black Mamba, even after all this time. It just goes to show how popular the inverted coasater is- it's B+M's best- selling ride.

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  • 4 months later...

Big news on the Phantasialand Scene. Phantasialand has submitted plans (unknown date) for a huge expansion into a full resort experience. I always wondered how the park intended to expand in the future, but I never expected it on this scale. My german is very kranky so I can't say whats what, but from these plans it looks like we could see a huge sporting facility, new hotel...Posted Imagenow those plans by themselves are pretty wacky and even I couldn't understand it. However if you relate it to this...Posted Imageyou can see how much the park are planning to expand. Its phenominal - inital finish deadline is 2015, I wonder how locals respond to this. On the plans you can see 2006 black mamba attraction and also future attractions which will be built, roumers say it maybe be a indoor ride with african safari theme. See screamscape for more on this and other phantasialand news.Back to the present - can I just say - TALOCAN PEOPLE! Possible one of the best themed huss topspin ever to be built, oh and get this - its not just any topspin its a floorless topspin.Eye Candy - Click British flag in top corner for britishness.and now for the good stuff - I was searching the net and I found this site full of recent test runs of the ride with most of the effects working. I am tingling from head to toe - whether topspins float your boat or not, the visual effects will definatly rock the boat. I'm impressed so much, I'm tempted to even book a trip for august. somehow. Enjoy...

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  • 6 months later...

Very excited as I may have a chance to visit here in the summer :P Having a look at pics from the park etc and it looks mind blowing. One thing, out of everyone who will be going, not a single one of us speaks a word of German, could this cause any problems? :P

Any language barrier can be broken through numerous pointing and miming... :D Knowing some basic German would help though, but they mostly understand English... Thankfully...Though the entrance area looks so different now to two years ago...
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When I went on a German Exchange with school (sadly no theme parks) it was almost annoying how many and how well most Germans could speak English because they wanted to practice their English and we couldn't practice our German :P. If all else fails then map pointing and sign language should work but maybe keep a pocket dictionary in a bag?

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I went here on a school trip a couple of years ago and it is a really great park. Winja's Fear and force (MS Spinners) are fantastic, as is Black Mamba, a great B&M invert.Anyway I think the only German you'll need is Eingang and Ausgang (Entrance and exit, might be useful to know how many people there are in your party in German.

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Ah, there really is so many parks I have to choose from on my trip, I can pick 2 , and am pretty sure on Phantasialand, if only Holiday Park wasn't quite so far from where I'll be staying!Probably the wrong topic to talk about it but don't want to have a whole topic just to discuss a trip I amy be going on and the parks around Europe, although that might be a good idea :P ?

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  • 1 year later...
Maus au Chocolat - now openPhantasialand's new-for-2011 interactive dark ride opened today. It's called Maus au Chocolat.It sounds excellent, and having just viewed a translated mini review of the ride - this could be Europe's best interactive dark ride. It seems to be along the lines of Toy Story Midway Mania, which can be found at a couple of Disney parks worldwide - including Disney's Hollywood Studios in Orlando.There are some images - as you would expect the queue and ride theming looks superb, but Phantasialand would do no other - here:Maus au Chocolat Images/Review:lol:
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Doesn't look any better than Duel or Tomb Blaster

I take it you have not riden Toy Story Midway Mania then? It is immense and we have nothing like it here. If it is basically the same ride then it is lot better than either of those.And as both of those are about 20 years old, why can't we have nice new things?
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Doesn't look any better than Duel or Tomb Blaster

I agree that the queue / external theming on both Duel and Tomb Blaster is very high quality. However, the rides themselves aren't as good as they should be - because they were never originally intended to be interactive, and Tussauds just through lasers everywhere. I look forward to seeing shots of the ride itself.
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