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In addition to HHP, there's a Xbox tie in to contend with it seems...(Taken from events page on main site)

November 2010 sees the much awaited launch of Kinect for Xbox 360, a brand new way to play games where you are the controller.Xbox are bringing the Kinect experience to Chessington, giving visitors the chance to jump into an amazing world of controller free gaming and home entertainment.Come and try some of the exciting new game experiences including Kinect Adventures, Kinect Sports and Dance Central and every visitor will get the chance to create a video of their own experience on the day.

They seem to be getting lots of external visitors now do Chessie...
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In addition to HHP, there's a Xbox tie in to contend with it seems...(Taken from events page on main site)They seem to be getting lots of external visitors now do Chessie...

Alton Towers had Kinect in August time, it's just Microsoft trying to show Kinect off to as many people as possible, so they've obviously moved it around the UK between Major Attractions, and obviously it was popular at Alton Towers, so they went back to Merlin and probably asked them to put it in another attraction, and Merlin chose Chessington. Which is good, because Chessington really does have little going on nowadays, so to have something like this will keep some people entertained when they've been on everything at least once.
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Just a quick question..... Is there a bus that goes from the park to Chessington South station? It's just that I'm visiting soon with some family and they are not too keen on walking back down leather head road at 8pm, so I wondered if there is a bus that you can catch to avoid the walk? And if so how much is it approximately?

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Haha, seeing that has reminded me of the time I walked back to the station in 2007 on Halloween and there was a car on the bridge that was on fire... :P Yes there is a bus... The 71... But there's really no need to get it... The only people around will be park guests and staff at that time of night...I can do the walk in about 10 minutes give or take... Depends on how long I have till the next train... I'd say 15 minutes tops...

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Haha, seeing that has reminded me of the time I walked back to the station in 2007 on Halloween and there was a car on the bridge that was on fire... :P Yes there is a bus... The 71... But there's really no need to get it... The only people around will be park guests and staff at that time of night...I can do the walk in about 10 minutes give or take... Depends on how long I have till the next train... I'd say 15 minutes tops...

Thanks James and Benin, I have done the walk before and I know it's really short, it would be bit silly paying for a bus to cover a 10-15 minute walk I agree, to be honest I think it will end up depending how many people are going, at the moment its only 3 but it could be as many as 10, in which case I will definitely do the walk.
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I didn't realise until yesterday just "quite" how weak Chessington's infrastructure is at the moment. There's the issue of rain that Mark pointed out, the issue with either of the big 2 being down but...I didn't realise just how poor the South Car Parks were, people were sliding all over the place and I don't understand how the park, in a country of this climate, has got away with it for so long, you would get to your car absolutely caked in mud. Secondly there's the problem with toilets... Yesterday, on a not particularly busy day I had to visit 4 different toilets before finding one without a queue. Telling a desperate 4 year old to "Hold on" is a very difficult thing to do when running around the park. This NEEDS to be sorted. Still had an absolutely phenomenal day though, just these few things are quite shocking really.

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I feel like picking up on your point James, such is the mood I'm in...

I didn't realise just how poor the South Car Parks were, people were sliding all over the place and I don't understand how the park, in a country of this climate, has got away with it for so long, you would get to your car absolutely caked in mud.

Can't say much on this since I think I've been in that car park once but it does need something... It's not too bad having it as an overflow (I.e. Towers), but to have a major parking space as grass is very dodgy... Similar can be said of Thorpe's overflows... I'm sure they can find a way to make it all tarmac eventually...

Secondly there's the problem with toilets... Yesterday, on a not particularly busy day I had to visit 4 different toilets before finding one without a queue. Telling a desperate 4 year old to "Hold on" is a very difficult thing to do when running around the park. This NEEDS to be sorted.

And again, so so true... There's one decent set of toilets in the park, and that's the Tomb ones... The rest are very small and very pathetic (my personal 'faves' being Mystic East and Market Square)... Though why you decided to walk around the park instead of queue confuses me, even with a 4 year old... Surely it may well have been quicker to queue at one... But yeah, toilets are in definite need of a rebuild... And maybe one or two more needed around the park, maybe one in Wanyama (since the nearest are at the entrance), one close to Buccy, and Mexicana... Parks should have a minimum of one set of decent toilets in each area... Chessie doesn't have this and if they get more popular NEED to improve it...
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Agreed there Benin, it does seem as if the "tarmac-ing" is happening this closed season, which would be fantastic if that is the case. ;) And again, agree on the toilets front. The reason I didn't just stand and queue was Transylvania toilets, there were so many people I physically couldn't get through. Market Square toilets, 1 cubicle in use and a queue of about 6 people. Didn't even bother looking at the ones under Fury apart from a glance and then finally the Tomb toilets were use-able. ;) Definitely going to be asking for more notice from the 4 year old in future... ;) ;)

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