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  • 4 weeks later...

I hadn't ridden Quantum in a long time since the other day. All I could remember was that it was an ok-ish boring ride that people go on because it's one of the few rides in the park that always has a short queue. I couldn't have been more wrong! I loved it last week, it was so thrilling and fun to ride. I went on it 2 times in a row, and once again later that afternoon!

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Like Mark9, It used to be one of my favourite rides in the park, and I remember the whole cycle you were barely in your seat. :)It's still great fun, but not a patch on what it used to be.Is there any paticular reason as to why it's become more tame, or is it just run on a lower setting?

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  Paul said:

To be honest, I don't think the ride itself is any different to what it used to be, it just seems more tame when comparing it to some of the higher intensity attractions rides that Thorpe have introduced since 2003.

Well it is different, it is on a lower setting, and the ride has changed. It has nothing to do with Thorpe adding more intense rides since 2003.
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  James6 said:

Ah thanks Mark and Paul :) , but what about the ride has changed and whys it been run on a less intense setting?

Well basically, Quantum used to have carpet ends on its sides. Around May 2004 it was found the ends had cracks all in them so they were removed. At this time Settings 3 and 4 were still allowed to be used and with less weight on the carpet the ride would really fly as it went round and round. Unfortunately the ride had an over-speed warning so when it was on setting 3 and 4 the carpet went to fast and it would cut out, sometimes in awkward positions. It was decided to limit the ride to settings 1 and 2 which are far less intense. Sometimes Quantum may overcome it and be slightly intense but never to 2004 June standard where the ride far outclassed Colossus, Samurai and even Detonator.
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  Mark9 said:

Quantum still has a bit of a kick but it's so rare these days that it does feel like a lot of effort to go on it. Shame really, 5 years ago it was defintily up there with Detonator and Colossus as the best rides on park.

I think a lot of people forget about Quantum because of it's location. Yet most of us walk past it went entering the Lost City, all they need to do to get people to notice it more is to cut down the greenery behind it to reveal it. Passers-by will then notice it more. If it's neighbour Rush is visible, then this can be too.
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Thanks very much Mark :PIt's such a shame, it truly was amazing :PAbout the over-speed warning thing, surely modifications could have been made to make it go the correct speed and not cut-out.And sorry for all the questions but, have settings 3 and 4 that you speak of been removed or are the ops simply forbidden to use it?Thanks :P

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  • 6 months later...

As a previous OP of quantum yes your right only one setting is allowed to be used, however the ride has a mind of its own sometimes this can be extreme sometimes the ride decides to be slow and boring, its programed to do two full rotations in either directions, however the ride sometimes does more due to over travel of the arm aka it goes to far over so goes over again.

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  • 4 weeks later...

why not just send it back to chessington?? its way to babyish for thorpe. that way they could extend rush to 3 swings coz it is always getting reallly long ques.

Yeah, first off - Chessington's one and Thorpe's were actually different rides. And S&S don't manufacture a 3 swing screaming-swing. I'm pretty sure it wouldn't work either, having two swings going one way, and just one the other. I dunno, but it'd probably fall down.It's not doing any harm to anyone, Thorpe like it, the general public like it and I guess it does kind of cater for the audience who don't really fancy huge roller coasters.
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