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Sam P

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  • 2 months later...

My wonderful hamster, Muffin, died today at around 5:00. She was 2 and a half years old, which is a ripe old age for a hammy. She was wonderful, even if she loved to chew on her bars at night and keep me awake. She hardly ever bit and was very tame. We took her to the vets because her eyes crusted up and she had become very fat. The vet said that she most likely had cancer. We've just buried her. :(

Here is a picture of her in a tiny Santa hat last Christmas :wub: .


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  • 1 month later...

I feel exactly the same about all pets. I heard a girl from my school say that she didn't know what neutering her pet was and that her rabbits had babies, and the mum gave them away. Then she apparently sold the adult rabbit to a blind guy (and these are her own words) "yeah he probably ate them I don't really know"

Nice to know that there's such loving people on the world.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I have two kittens, called Max and Ruby. They are 17 weeks old and very playful! Max is black with white patches, and very fluffy! He likes food, and sleeping/lying literally on my mum's chest as she (tries) to watch TV. He also likes to go on little adventures, such as lying in the washing machine, sitting in my bed (basically a bunk bed with a desk for a bottom bunk, and investigating the bathroom windowsill, which he subsequently fell down from. He was okay though! Ruby is white with black patches. She likes sitting in a cardboard box, and sitting next to people sitting down so they can stroke her. Sometimes she literally purr if you look at her. Ruby is also very acrobatic. Max is a little more scared than Ruby, for example in their first home they lived with a dog. When they first met the dog, the dog walked around growling, and Max was terrified. Ruby hit it on the nose. That dog never did bother Ruby again.

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Cats! :wub: I was always more of a dog person until I got my cat from a kitten 5 years ago - we were so close and he always knew when I was upset or feeling low and would lay on my purring loudly.  He died last year following a cat fight and I still to this day get upset about it - he was only 4 :(

A few weeks ago I decided to do cat fostering - for a few reasons - I've wanted to do some form of voluntary work for a while and because my anxiety is up and down this seemed like the perfect thing, plus it will help me to guage whether I am ready to have another cat.  Saying that though, the 2 cats that I am looking after are adorable - they are so affectionate and the younger of the 2 (they are both females - aged 10 and 5) reminds me so much of my cat in many ways - they look nothing alike but have similar characteristics.

Only downside to fostering is having to give them up when a home comes up - I'm actually dreading it - I've got so attached to the fur balls that I know I will be upset.  I have been told that I will probably want to keep them (think it is normal when you foster) - but the problem with that is that I would like to help as many cats as I can and if I keep the 2 I am looking after then I won't be able to foster any more.  I'm a bit torn about it.


Makes me so angry because if it wasn't for Cats Protection, the 2 cats would very likely be dead - the owner dumped them off at a local vet and said she didn't want them anymore :(  and was fine if they were put to sleep - makes my blood boil!


Totally agree that pets are like family - I have full on conversations with the cats.....although I'm not sure if that is normal :wacko:

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We used to have two Burmese cats but they died of old age a few years ago (17 and 20), our Aunt has just taken in a rescue dog, lovely thing, his owner went into the local vets and said to the receptionist, 'could I just leave him with you, while I make a phone call', she naively said yes the guy went outside and was never seen again. Very frustrating as our cats were like family members.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had 2 cats up until last night. 

One was a broad black tabbie, and the other a ginger, skinny little thing.

The black cat (Henry) got cancer 2 weeks ago and unfortunately last night it got the better of him. It was sad to see him go but it was also quite peaceful. He was always quite boystrous but in his final moments it was like he was a little innocent kitten again and it was quite hard to sit through and watch. 

Anyway, here's a picture of him looking rather annoyed on my bed



Just before he went though he managed to do a couple cool things, including poo on my brothers clothes and brake the tumble dryer (in which he is sitting here):



Poor old soul, went out in his own style though :P

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Sorry to hear about your cat, I don't want to think about not having Max or Ruby  D:


It really annoys me when people abandon animals, I saw a TV programme where this guy had about 4 or 5 dogs and one got pregnant so he moved house and left them there. The RSPCA rescued them when the pregnant dog gave birth and they saved most of them, but sadly one of them (it might of been the pregnant one) had to be put down.


In the Crealy topic I spoke about some family friends, their 15 year old dog had to be put to sleep the other week and it was very sad, I technically grew up with him and he was like our dog too.


EDIT: I love that tumble dryer picture. Max has been in the washing machine twice and even fell asleep the second time. Ruby likes going in the dishwasher, and Ruby nearly escaped the house yesterday which would have been terrible because A, she hasn't been neutered, B, she's never been outside, so God knows what would have happened.

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One time he must've spent over a day in there. The ginger cat we have is really the 'ruler' of the house, apart from the tumble dryer. That was Henry's domain, as you can see by all the black fluff on the rim from where his fur mingled with the clothes. I'm fairly sure he spent more time in there then he did in his basket or chair.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Toofpick - sorry to hear about your cat - he looked like a lil cutie!  It's so hard when pets die, as said before but hope that you can remember the good memories


ChessingtonSam - your cats are adorable :wub:


My current upate - meeting up with Cats Protection on Tuesday to discuss adopting the 2 cats I have been fostering - I've got so close to them (one of them will sleep as close to me as she can which is a bit tickly with her whiskers on my face!)  Both cats are currently snuggled up next to each other on my chair in the living room

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a dog called Lucy who I've had since she was a puppy and when I was 5. She has been like a sister to me and she is just such an adorable little miniature schnauzer.

What I like about her is that she is amazing company on walks, at home or anywhere. Whenever I come through the door she always welcomes me in, it's cute.

If anyone's thinking of getting a dog I would recommend a schnauzer (sorry about being biased), they're cute, funny, dim but that's what makes them adorable, great company and if you're allergic to dogs, no worries, they're hypoallergenic so they don't moult and you cannot have allergic reactions to them.

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Pets I have now:


Beba, 7-8 years old, medium-sized dog, German Sheperd-Terrier cross

Got her when she was 2-3 years old


Fun facts:


-This year, her birthday, around September, was when my brother was punched in the eye and resulted in a kid getting expelled from his secondary school.

-Pretty much the most beautiful dog ever

-Named after a 60's makeup company


Eric, 2-3 years old, light-brown gerbil

Got him when he was a few months old around my brother's birthday. They came in 3 - Eric, Anthony (black) and Sooty (black).


Fun (?) facts:


-Sooty was the first one to go, due to an illness around September-November

-Anthony was the second to go, could barely move, probably went due to illness or old age Around August.

-Eric likes cardboard


Pets I had:


Goldy, Plopper, something, something, something... Around five fish.

Goldy was a goldfish won at a funfair.

Plopper and the others were bought


Not-so-fun facts:


-Me and my brother caught tadpoles and let them into our fish tank, tadpole skulls found ~1 hour later

-All fish passed away due to old age, had to clean them around twice every day

-Eventually went camping around that time for 5 days, dirty water with nothing in it found

-I once had a dream I dropped Goldy on the floor

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

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