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Your Thorpe Park

Guest thorpe101

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My Edited Future2007)Sell X even though its been refurbished (yes I know 4K down the drain- its just such an awful ride)2008) Put a Dropping Machine (oblivion like) in the X Pyramid dropping into it but without going below the water table it just does a big drop above the dome2009) A B&M Flyer where the infil is. Along with the lake show 2010) 1001 Nights where quantum is but make it so there is enough room (dont think there would be. (oh well)2011) Sell zodiac and replce the space with a Huss Floorless Topspin.2012) BOBSLEIGH RIDE! REFURBISHMENT OF Colossus and hotel built2013) Change Detonator so you can choose weather(sp?) to stand (the same as apocolypse at Drayton Manor)2014) Referbishment of rides in General2015) New Movie on Pirates 4D2016) A year without any improvement That would be pretty good I thinkMy original one is below where someone is kindley comenting on it (in bold!)CHEERS!

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Great ideas, but:2007) Get rid of X even though its been refurbished - 4k down the drain.2008) Put a Dropping Machine (oblivion like) in the X Pyramid dropping into it - Water Table too high to dig a hole, the hole would fill up with water almost instantly.2009) A B&M Flyer where the infil is. along with the lake show2010) A double swing inverter where quantum is.Not really enough space2011)Replace zodiac with a Huss Floorless Topspin.2012) BOBSLEIGH RIDE! REFURBISHMENT OF Colossus and hotel built2013) Change Detonator so you can choose weather(sp?) to stand (the same as apocolypse at Drayton Manor)Would need a whole new ride2014) 1001 Nights but theme it to suit the Stealth area.2015) New Movie on Pirates 4D2016) Refurbishment of the park and few more rides

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  Thorpe Park Man said:

Cheers Dan ps I have edited it seeing as someone completely rejected my idea!


You dont need to get rid of it or edited it just because someone told you to, as they didnt like it. If you were making a theme park for example, and showed people. You cant have brilliant replies all the time. You wont get anyone telling you your hopeless. They just try to tell you that there are places were you could improve on. They just try to help. So keep your ideas as the title of the topic is, your Thorpe Park, we are just pointing out things.
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2007)Flying Fish,Power Tower from America and Runaway Mine Train in Canada Creek2008)A Inverted Coaster called Danglefeet in Lost City and Corkscrew Coaster Called Tornado in Amity Cove2009)A New Region Called Extreme World with Goilath(Hyper-Twister Coaster), Extreme Coaster(Looping Coaster), Thorpe Coaster(Inverted Coaster),Den of Doom(A half Indoor and Outdoor Wooden Coaster),The Tsnumai(Shoot the Chute),Submission(From Alton Towers),Enterprise(Like Zodiac),Spin Doctor(Like the one at Brighton)2010)Colossus II(15 Inversions) and The Mega Splash in Lost City2011)Water World with 2 Flat Rides, 3 Wet water Rides and A Beach for all ages2012)A Aquarium called Atlantis just outside the dome(lost City Extension Land Begins)2013)Lost City gets 3 Flat Rides and a Lim Launched Coaster like Stealth2014)X:\ No Way Out Go's to Chessington and Amity Cove gets Tidal Wave#22015)Depth Charge gets two more slides and this ride & Rumba Rapids gets Fastrack(Lost City Extension Land is Completed in 3years)2016)Amity Coaster(Bobsleigh Coaster)in Amity Cove2017)Colossus#3(22 Inversions)in Lost City(Zodiac and Quantum move on to Lost City Extension Land)

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2007) Flying Fish back, Stealth upgraded, X given a lick of paint and a new theme.2008) Thorpe Farm Island turned into a part of the park called “Sundown City” an opposite side of the park another island is installed, this being opposite to “Sundown” being called “Sunrise City”. Thorpe Hotel Installed on Sunrise. Rides begin construction on each island. A 190 ft vertical Floorless drop coaster with a loop and 2 inline twists called "Vertigo" installed in Sundown. A water park on Sunrise installed. Rush is given it’s Themeing and 4 max height swings are added to Rush’s Operation Cycle 2009) the last installment of Stealth’s Upgrade… a Height lift of 100 ft and a speed Boost of 30 MPH making Stealth’s Final height 305 ft and max speed 110 MPH. A Top Spin, A Stand Up drop tower Called “Black Out” standing at 120 ft, a Mondial Inferno Called “Flame” and a Mondial Diablo Called “Tiger's Claw” Are all installed on Sundown. Pubs, Clubs and Restaurants Installed on Sunrise. The N inferno Volcano Is Finished. Sunrise and Sundown are opened During July Of 2009. A Boat Must is taken in order to get to Sundown… The boat ride will cost £1 PP. A Train is taken to Sunrise.2010) Canada Creek gets a wooden Coaster (Yet to be named). Wet Wet Wet Removed… Pool removed also. Depth Charge Removed, Area Built up. Neptune’s Beach Renamed to Mystic Beach. A B&M Flyer also installed, with a max drop of 119 ft with a pretzel loop and 3 inline twists This B&M Flyer is Called “Cobra”. This Pleases Many People … :huh:2011) A Mondial Capriolo is installed in Lost City. The Capriolo is themed to fit its home area. The Capriolo is called “Oxygen”. All Rides Built before 2008 are given a lick of paint (the same as old Colours) 2012) A Wood Themed Macdonald’s is put in Canada Creek. Stealth will have a twin behind it facing north, as the original faces south. Rush looses its noise and the air compressors become quiet! :huh: 2013) No Refurbishments this year! :D 2014) Thorpe Gets Submission from Alton for Quantum. Zodiac Gets Painted old Colours again. A Huss Frisbee is added to Sunrise. The First instalment of rides on Sunrise. The Frisbee will be called “Cyclone”. 2015) A Mondial Jet Force is Added to Sundown, The Last instalment of rides in Sundown and a Mondial Heart Breaker is installed on Sunrise…The Heart Breaker will be Called "Countdown"2016) No Refurbishments this year! :( 2017) No Refurbishments this year! :(That would be an Utterly AMAZING PARK!

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Yep, Sebo is righto. Those big ol' compressors need to be able to release a little bit of air to prevent them exploding under the constant pressure. If they let out too much air, then the pressure would be too low to power the ride. It's just a shame that it makes such a horrible noise, but hey ho, can't be helped.

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  MDLewry!!! said:

2010) Canada Creek gets a wooden Coaster (Yet to be named). Wet Wet Wet Removed… Pool removed also. Depth Charge Removed, Area Built up. Neptune’s Beach Renamed to Mystic Beach. A B&M Flyer also installed, with a max drop of 119 ft with a pretzel loop and 3 inline twists This B&M Flyer is Called “Cobra”. This Pleases Many People … :huh:


Actually it wont, Neptunes Kingdom is a great area I think. Also when you say 'pleases many people', it actually wont, especially families.Personaly I'm annoyed at the amount of people who just want to turn thorpe into some kind of super thrill park overly stuffed with coasters and NO family rides whatsoever. Seb is also right about the compressors, and yes I have also stood right next to them LOTS of times and the noise is fine.Sorry.
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