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Incredibles 2 and Cars 3 have been announced!

Disney's chief confirms that both The Incredibles 2 and Cars 3 are on the way from Pixar...

You know that bit where if you sit and wish hard enough, sometimes it comes true? Well, if you were one of those who was wondering if there would be a sequel to Brad Bird's brilliant The Incredibles, then stand back: Disney has now confirmed that another Incredibles film is in the works. Our, and many other people's wish, has come true.

The news was broken by Bob Iger, the CEO of Walt Disney, who revealed that Pixar was working both on The Incredibles 2 and Cars 3. No further details - including details of who's directing and when to expect the films - are thus far forthcoming. A Tweet from Pixar added that "we’re currently working on new films featuring your favorite characters from The Incredibles and Cars". The Hollywood Reporter noted that Iger said it was new movies in both franchises that are being worked on.

So who will make The Incredibles 2? Brad Bird, for one, is knee deep making Tomorrowland at the moment, due for release next year. There are two projects on our wishlist for him. One is sorting out The Iron Giant Blu-ray. Two is The Incredibles 2. We've suddenly got a glimmer of hope of the latter, not least because Bird has professed interest in the project in the past. At the very least, he'll get first refusal.

More on The Incredibles 2 and Cars 3 as we hear it...

Read more: http://www.denofgeek.com/movies/29762/pixar-making-the-incredibles-2#ixzz2wLhyEpTW
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Sometimes, you can just tell when Disney take charge, and that's with "PUT MORE CARS FILMS OUT SO WE CAN PUSH UP THE MERCH SALES!"

Sigh, Cars 2 was hideous... I can imagine a 3rd would not improve matters...

Incredibles 2 though is something that has needed to happen with all their sequel/prequel stuff... So yay...

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Well that looks ridiculous.......

On another note I saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier today and my god was it great! It stayed away from Marvel's usual all action packed approach to appeal to the kids while sacrificing the plot by instead going with a complex and intriguing plot that twists and turns constantly whilst making sure you definitely needed to follow to understand but still holding true to the action scenes (which were equally good).

Those Marvel fans amongst us will probably already know this but make sure you stay for the post-credits scenes, one midway through and one at the end (The one in the middle is amazing, the end one is not so good).

Are there any other Marvel Cinematic Universe fans on here?

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So tonight, I sat down and finally got round to watching Saving Mr. Banks.

My rating - 9/10

I thought that this was an excellent film. Very well laid out and gave great insight into the relationship between Walt Disney and P.L.Travers. Provided that it was as close as truth as possible, I think that it showed how determined Walt was to follow his dreams and make others happy. However, I do feel that there could have been some more light shed on Travers' life between her childhood and where she was in 1960.

Altogether, a very well put together piece and one that I would willingly watch over and over :)

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  • 1 month later...

X-Men Days of Future Past. AMAZING! The Last Stand could have killed this franchise so easily but fortunately it didn't. First Class was brilliant and this was even better! The use of the past forms of the characters and current or future day ones works really well to show the contrast and how much has changed. The time travel aspect is simple and not unnecessarily confusing that happens far too often in films involving time travel. A truly brilliant film with excellent effects and amount of action while highly developing the story and character profiles. Loved every second of it! Bring on Apocalypse :D Oh and Quicksilver is great!

It pretty much renders X 1, 2 and 3 non existent due to the past being wiped out in the story line leaving huge scope to start again. Jean is alive! So basically they've gone in the past with this movie so they can start again and forget the mess X3 made. Oh and it's hinted that Quicksilver is son of Magneto (which would link to the comics).

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  • 1 month later...

Double posting like a mad man.

How To Train Your Dragon 2:

I loved the first film. The way they captured emotions and humour with an amazing sound track was superb! This film builds upon that and surpasses it. Whilst Forbidden Friendship is still my favourite scene out of the two, this film is overall better!

Whilst it is a sequel, it's also stand alone. The beginning explains how Berk is with all the dragons and so forth. The storyline is gripping and unique and incorporates the past well. It all just works brilliantly! :D

I didn't think it would be possible, but they also made Toothless funnier, more loveable and cooler! All hail Toothless!

So whilst I have faith in the third one living up to expectations, I want them to end it there as the producer originally said it will be a trilogy and that's how I want it to stay. End the franchise on a high Dreamworks, not when it becomes ridiculous like Shrek and Madagascar. Oh and don't let Toothless meet another Nightfury and have kids because that's what destroyed Shrek and Ice Age by bringing in a load of babies.


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