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Posts posted by Marc

  1. 22 minutes ago, Benin said:

    You won't have to pay for park entry though? Would assume it would be in the Village (Conference Centre maybe), and I think a dedicated game event (rather than a hodge-podge of... things?) will likely attract more interest...


    It's not that it IS a gaming event, it's HOW the event is run... I doubt you'll only be limited to 45 minutes of DotA action at DLP...

    The point was more that there’s clearly a market for this kind of stuff within the industry rather than the logistics between the 2 ?

  2. 2 hours ago, Coaster said:

    So they've brought back the fast track kiosk near Inferno?  Or was that brought back ages ago and I just didn't notice?

    It was the one where depth charge is which was removed for last season - was used as booth to collect Ride Access passes towards the end of the season.

  3. I’m not sure why it would push anyone away? It’s a small scale thing in the marquee as an add on to a normal day, those who are interested will be in there those who aren’t will be on the rides, much like Love Island Lates.


    I can see them wanting to try stuff like this more, similar to what we saw last year with events throughout the year, this time just less zombieish!

  4. On 2/22/2019 at 5:09 PM, Stuntman707 said:

    Indeed, it would be better value to buy a Blackpool Season Pass, Europa Park season pass and/or a Disney season pass if you've got £400 to dispose of. If people want to spend £400 to queue at Thorpes Fastrack booth on busy days instead, then that's their choice I guess.

    If you visit often enough and don’t want to queue £400 is a good price for ultimate fastrack all season to be fair!

  5. 8 minutes ago, Wumbamillio said:

    That's true for most of it, but I'm almost certain a lot of the mechanical plant would need replacing or heavy servicing by now. Machines don't work well if left unusued for so long especially out in the elements. That's why every year they left it, the less likely it became. The alterations being deemed "not worth it" is highly debatable. That was always the way Merlin were going to see it and it's their cynical policy towards any attraction without 'new PR' value, which is (let's be honest) sadly all those holding the pursestrings care about, not guest experience.

    I'm sure Thorpe Park wanted it back and wanted the money to get it up again, but couldnt convince Merlin.


    Yeha your right actually - didn’t think of them parts things like water pumps etc will almost certainly be no good by this point.


    I didn’t mean the alterations were not worth it - personally believe they would have been and it’s a shame it’s not to be.

  6. 1 hour ago, Loggers Creek said:

    Whilst Thorpe’s announcement has (finally) put closure on Loggers Leap’s, the communication and manner they went about this has been appalling. If it wasn’t coming back, they should have been completely honest during the 2016 season and confessed it then. 


    Dont think it’s that simple - think the park genuinely did want it to return, but were not able to to secure the budget for it to do so. A lot of people talk about how it’s been “left to rot” but in reality apart from a few overgrown trees it’s probably not in much worse state than it was on its last day of operation - just the modifications which it requires are deemed not worth it unfortunately.

  7. 1 hour ago, Project LC said:

    The introduction of a premium season pass is a good move and I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner. Personally when I still visited the park I would have preferred to buy the premium thorpe park pass. 


    Not sure why the website has a tick next to the exclusion dates. On first glance it comes across as misleading. 

    Not sure the website is fully updated for it yet - pretty good deal Tbf especially with the inclusion of a Thorpe digi pass too

  8. 4 hours ago, Ringo said:

    On the subject of cleaning headsets, how often does DBGT get cleaned because it’s certainly wasn’t after each go as when they were holding people right outside the carriage you were sent straight in as soon as the exit side opened

    They get cleaned whilst your in the tunnel scene as far as I know!

  9. Not much of that story adds up to me - someone managed to get the persons bag, get the keys find the car in the car park with no prior knowledge of where it is and drive it out of the car park in the middle of Fright Nights within 40 minutes ?

  10. 51 minutes ago, Benin said:


    Didn't this attraction spend most of last year shut anyway?


    Little to no difference if it's not replaced (which it won't be this year)...

    Was open throughout the peak periods - so it would help with the queues even if just a little.

  11. 14 minutes ago, Coaster said:

    Well that was definitely a worthwhile use of money and resources then.

    It did 4 seasons and would have cost very very little (probably made it back in its fastrack sales)


    Will be interesting to see what they do with it - the theming in there is actually really good so hope it’s not the last we see of it!

  12. Whilst I get why you’d be disappointed I think it’s better if they promise lesser open hours with possible extensions if needed rather than ending up closing earlier than advertised.


    Its a tough time for UK the UK theme park industry - Merlin in particular get an awful lot of slack from enthusiasts for cuts etc but as demonstrated by Blackpool - investments isn’t necessary the fix needed too - in which they’ve built pretty much the perfect coaster and had a decline in visitor numbers. 


    Hopefully we see abit of an upturn soon - which will In turn give the people running all the parks the confidence to invest in them too.

  13. 11 minutes ago, Stuntman707 said:

    If the paint was stripped off during washing, looks like the paint was already flaking. It's clearly been rusting. Anyone else would think its an abandoned SBNO ride from that photo.

    Pretty sure that’s how the track / supports look pre painting (image below of track at the B&M factory- I wouldn’t say it looks abandoned/ SBNO just looks like a ride under its annual winter maintenance! 



  14. Abit stupid - im sure the park will deal with it mind with their face / name all over the video.


    As for the state of the ride it don’t really look any different to what I’d expect, cut down some trees, clear the leaves out and fill it with water and it wouldn’t look any different to it did on its last day of operation.. fingers crossed we get a firm answer on its future either way next season.

  15. 11 minutes ago, Ringo said:

    It does need some money spent on it though, this season they were using tape to hold the padding in on the seats on the back row.


    But agree with you it’s not unrideable and it’s not as rough as it used to be

    I agree it does need money spent on it - the issue with things like tape around the seats isn’t new though nor unique to Colossus (see Saw / Smiler!) - I’m not sure if it’s a budgetary thing or a time thing. 

    11 minutes ago, ChiapasC. said:

    Yes, yes is it! ;)

    Ha you’d love Baco ?

  16. I know everyone loves an excuse to bash but is colossus really that bad? 


    It went through a stage of being pretty awful -

    and of course the restraints are not be the best design but it’s hardly unridable - especially in the last 2/3 years the trains are noticeably smoother IMO.


    Personally I think there are better things the park could spend the money on. There are rides out there which run much rougher!

  17. 6 minutes ago, Wumbamillio said:

    It's fantastic to see effects fixed around the ride like the foggers and the geysers that I've rarely ever seen working in person (and never synched with the ride as intended), a very cool effect!

    Surprised - the geysers especially have been on and working for a good couple years now! Think they go of every other train.

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