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Everything posted by Mattgwise

  1. As much as I agree the jumbos look awful dont forget the planning application for the africa area went in very last minute, so I believe they ran out of time to retheme them, its not something that can be done in a very short amount of time. Lets just hope they are sent off at the end of the season for a retheme and refurb.
  2. Great! Lets just hope this isn't a temporary thing due to a problem with link or something.
  3. And what about Neptunes Kingdom? Is it playing chart or Its old music (the tracks that were originally in ranger county/ on banana boat)
  4. Private schools have already broken up. Other schools break up the end of this week. I Expect Friday will be busier than the rest of the week as many schools will have an inset day.
  5. There are currently 2for1 vouchers to Merlin attractions on bottles of Tesco's own lemonade.
  6. And it confirms you dont fully stop on the break run before the final turn around!!!! Great!
  7. Funny how in that picture showing the train full of riders that not a single person has their hands up, maybe they all thought they would lose them if they did!
  8. Despite me visiting the park at least 5 times last year, I can safely say on all my visits I have heard No audio whatsoever play on Storm Surge. Personally I think they should just have the Tidal side WWTP playlist playing there.
  9. I would imagine it is just that they haven't confirmed the dates for October just yet. I can't imagine it being closed. Maybe they are in the process of changing the halloween event slightly seeing as the event isn't mentioned on the website yet.
  10. Would they need to rip up the surface under the ride itself? As far as I can remember the gas piping is still there in the actual splash pool itself so they would probably follow it around under the drop/queue line/lift hill area of the ride and up towards The Swarm's wing. If you look carefully in the northwest corner of the following image you can see two lines which I believe is the piping.http://www.thorpeparkmania.co.uk/viewphoto/3063
  11. Just saw the testing pics on TPM Facebook/News page! Looks amazing!
  12. Give them a chance peeps....http://maps.kingston...282&strHeader=Y No documents attached to it yet.
  13. Oops, what a twit. Completely misread it as CCR. Guess I need to go to Specsavers!Canada Creek railway (5)Colossus (5)Depth Charge (5)Flying Fish (4)Logger's Leap (5)Mr Monkey's Banana Ride (5)Nemesis Inferno (5)Quantum (5)Rocky Express (5)Rumba Rapids (5)Rush (5)Samurai (5)Saw Alive (5)Slammer (5)Stealth (6)Storm In A teacup (5)Tidal Wave (5)Vortex (5)x:/No Way Out (5)Samurai (+)Flying Fish (-)
  14. Lots of people have added and took away from CCR although the number hasn't changed from 6 for several posts! Could a moderator correct them ?
  15. Just seen a video showing the ridiculous amount of water the boats have a lot of the time! It also shows that it pretty much doesn't spin at all anymore.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piGMbvxtdkg
  16. And one of the perks they are looking to add is unlimited fasttrack until 2pm. If this happens it will mean even more people using the already oversold amounts of fasttrack.
  17. I don't believe they are running the offer again this year. I know that the offer two years ago was available before closed season as I got mine in very early October 2009. They probably ended up overselling as it was an extremely good offer.
  18. Has anybody else seen the complaining and compliments to Thorpe Park on facebook for using Jedward as the Guy Fawkes figure? I personally think it is hilarious! Thorpe Park have actually written a formal apology:"We apologise for any offence that may have been taken tonight by those who attended our fireworks event. The tradition of bonfire night is that people are able to put their ‘guys’ on the bonfire. As the nation’s Thrill Capital we want to ensure that our guests are able to play a part in all of our events and as part of THORPE PARK Blows It Up, we gave our Facebook fans the chance to vote for who they would like to see immortalised as a ‘guy’ to start our fireworks display with a bang. This was not meant in a malicious way and was to be a celebration of their explosive rise to fame. As fans of the singers, we would very much welcome John & Edward to the Park should they wish to visit us."
  19. Funny, We had Samurai (loading) and Slammer playing their old themes all season and then just at the end of the season Detonator. Certainly nice to hear. Wonder if its just been reprogrammed incorrectly after Fright Nights or if its a permanent change.Now All we need to revert back is the Entrance theme and Neptunes Kingdom areas! Oh and the old playlist in Canada Creek instead of the awful new one!
  20. Or would be nice if they rerouted it again to go behind Nemesis Inferno/Rumba Rapids and over the old Treasure Island site onto the swarm island and have a new station there as well as in Canada Creek to actually provide a transport ride like before when it went to Thorpe Farm!If only!!!
  21. Mattgwise

    Video Games.

    GTA 5 Announced:http://www.rockstargames.com/Great news, wonder where it will be set? Will it be a new Vice City or new San Andreas or a whole new location? Trailer released on 2nd November.
  22. Mattgwise


    Great news, find it quite funny that the ride was down for around the same amount of time last year and give or take a week it has practically reopened at the same time. So shall we expect it to go down again for about 6 weeks in September next year. It seems to hate the beginning of Fright Nights.But apart from this I think Slammer has had a good year.
  23. I can safely say I have never seen them use it, they will probably say it is too costly to run! At BPB they continuously hoover the water out of the boats, fair enough a lot more water is involved but seriously is it that hard to hoover even just a couple of times an hour or say every 5 times a boat goes around the circuit. There is nothing worse than wet feet when walking around a theme park.
  24. Here is a video that someone has uploaded to youtube:
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