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  1. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Benin in Chessington 2014   
    The image:

    Nice to see all that work being done on RMT... Was really worth it being shut all season wasn't it?
  2. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Matt 236 in Chessington General Discussion   
    I expect we'll see the back of it by 2015. Presumably we'll get a new show there (maybe of another past it's hey day I.P), plus I'm certain Toadies is on borrowed time before it goes.
  3. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to AJ in Thorpe Park Opening Trip 2014   
    Well after such a soap opera of a vote for the day of this trip, activity has died down - It's now been two weeks and the poll is closed.
    The winning date is Saturday 22nd March 2014.
    37 of you voted and this won by only 1 vote! As there seems to of been a lot of interest for this meet already I look forward to what will come of it
  4. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Smidget in Official Chessington Meet 2014   
    That's like 3 months away. I ain't got a flippin' clue what I'm going to be doing then.
  5. Like
    MattyMoo got a reaction from Inferno in Rant   
    Sorry it's not a rant - but so pleased you got things sorted Ellie. I was in complete and utter shock reading how things progressed, these people obviously have a combined IQ of 10 between all of them.
  6. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Ellie in Rant   
    I had my meeting with the accommodation team and they decided that I could move into this new room permanently and for FREE. No room move charge, as it should be!
    In return, I am writing a statement for them to use to confront the bully, which I'm nervous about. He'll know exactly what I feel and that makes me feel vulnerable. But, I guess we won't see any progress otherwise. I don't want him to get away with this.
    Just got to get moved in and settled now
  7. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to pluk in Rant   
    And these people are at uni, they are the future of our country. God help us!
    I'm sure you are, but keep on thebacks of those who can help you, make it their problem every aingle time its your problems Asalways with these things those who shout loudest get heard and get results.
  8. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Mer in Rant   
    Wow, I really feel sorry for you Ellie, these people sound like a right bunch of...well...!!! I honestly don't know how I would cope with that in those circumstances - living above them, having them using my kitchen etc, barely being able to get away etc! It was bad enough being bullied at school but at least I could go home after and get away from them. Likewise, with any online bullying, they're not there (and probably wouldn't say half the crap they type in person!) and I feel safe. Ugh this reminds me how much I really hate bullying and how damaging it is
    Totally agree with Han - and I hope Karma is real! Some people come dangerously close to building me up with murderous rage and should not be allowed to get away with it without receiving some crap in return!
  9. Like
    MattyMoo got a reaction from Phill Pritchard in What Do You Want/Expect From A TPM Trip?   
    My view on the meets echoes what has been said already - if you are considering going, just go!
    Think I only went to 3 last year - well, two and a half as I went to the meal of one of the Thorpe trips! - the other two being Stealth and Swarm photoshoots - but thoroughly enjoyed myself on all, even if I am the ripe old age of 30 now
    As to trips for next year - I have every intention of going to good old Guildford - and if I'm training back, will be happy to go for a few drinks in the evening should anyone fancy it!
    Paultons Park is just down the road from me now and haven't been for probably 20 years so am keen for that!
    pluk has been gently persuading me that I should go to the MOS night in June at Thorpe (think it's because I'm older innit ) so will keep an eye out for plans for that!
    Other than that, Thorpe opening and CwOA meet are possibles too - I should maybe consider finally buying a MAP this year
  10. Like
    MattyMoo got a reaction from EC! in Music   
    Epic video.
    Is that Beyonce... Oh no it's Shakira... Oh no it's not... Is it Beyon... Aaaahhhhh too confusing
  11. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to SteveJ in Chessington 2014   
    Going back to this point, I've come to realise that strangely there are some people who want the park to fail. It's not uncommon to see flippant remarks such as "best thing to happen to the park in decades" (in regards to the recent fire) and "just bulldoze the place and be done with it", etc...
    Also when a fan base gets very top-heavy, thinking they know what's best for the park better than the park themselves, that is usually down to a lack of information and can often be just as counterproductive as all that negativity. Many people seem to forget that actually Chessington is a functioning company making money and not a bunch of idiots who have no control over anything.
    There was never going to be a "Mexicana retheme" for example, and the wording on the website is just that - words. For all we know the Scorpion Express theme might be barely different from Runaway Train. I don't know enough about this project to make a big fuss about it, but I'm also not going in with high expectations. I also think the "£5 million refurb" was mostly just a promotional thing to explain why two of their oldest rides were closed, because now it's very hard to see where that money actually went.
    Clearly there is something wrong because nothing truly successful has come from the park in years and Chessington's old charm has gone, but that shouldn't justify the constant hateful comments on the internet (again, this doesn't apply as much to Mania Hub). It seems Chessington are so restricted in what they can do (in terms of budget, marketing and planning) that they have lost the creative freedom that made the park in the late 80s/early90s. They need to get that back basically, and that's not impossible.
  12. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to OldFarmerDean in Chessington 2014   
    it's getting ridiculous now, every time they say something new is happening and then it get's cancelled or changed...
    I know it's unfortunate things can change and other things can take priority... but this happens year in, year out - so don't promise something you can't keep to!
  13. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Sidders in Music   
    It's no 'Beautiful Liar'...
  14. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Chaz in The Smiler   
    As in the car sticker with the Smiler logo and altontowers.com/2013 on the bottom? Yes I have loads (don't ask). Just pm me MattyMoo
  15. Like
    MattyMoo got a reaction from DaddysLittlePrincess in Guildford Trip 25/01/2014   
    My goodness my legs/ankles ache this morning
  16. Like
    MattyMoo got a reaction from Phill Pritchard in Guildford Trip 25/01/2014   
    Sounds good to me! A beer or two helps with my bowling skillz too
    ...and I edit to say - of course my duties of bag holding will have to commence again. I was browsing through trip reports earlier that I hadn't read and saw I was namechecked (and missed) in the Alton Towers: Maniacs Head North one (hence my change of tagline under my username innit)
  17. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Mer in Guildford Trip 25/01/2014   
    This was also the case last year for some - there is a bar right opposite the bowling lanes
    (Not that you need to worry about that, as you'll be the one holding people's bags while they bring the drinks over )
    I hope the floor/shoes aren't as slippery as last year; if they are, someone will have to spill some coke so we can make our shoes sticky!
    And will Dara be as successful at bowling as last year without the power of his crutches this time? :O
  18. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to AJ in Guildford Trip 25/01/2014   
    It's amazing the amount of I setting there 11/11:15
    According once upon a time the norm was being an hour late - how times have changed - I love it!
  19. Like
    MattyMoo got a reaction from Sawyer in Guildford Trip 25/01/2014   
    Come alllongggg! Just drink plenty of coffee on the way to Guildford
  20. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Lottie. in Guildford Trip 25/01/2014   
    Still debating on whether to go to this or not, and yes, this is very late decision making on my behalf. I have work early tomorrow morning so don't want to attend feeling knackered. Not a good first impression at all lol!
  21. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to AJ in TPM Trip Head North: To Alton Towers   
    So we last left you with a happy well fed group after a thrilling 1st day of going to that foreign country of Northern people However we still have a sleepover and ANOTHER day of antics to get through. My head is spinning with all this excitement. So what will have in this penultimate part 4 of 5!
    Darkadder312 is asleep and this muppet welcomes you back by having some mischievous fun

    Topsyturvy15 & Peaj fight to the death, for their right to the bed (Peaj eventually wins)

    However DaddysLittlePrincess & Mer are unsure of what to make of the events that were unfolding that night

    The next morning the maniacs woke up by dropping into Oblivion

    Peaj & Styles found it the best way to wake up in the morning

    After the Maniacs were alert, Hex took a scary turn and decided to also wake up allowing us to see the Towers with the lights on

    But then this could be just a figment of the imagination as Alpengeist couldn't resist another fix of that magical spinning mushroom.

    Even Mer needed her daily fix. Who needs marmalisation when you have a spinning magical mushroom

    Unfortunately Stretchy couldn't get his fix and was dumped with all the bags - Where's MattyMoo when you need him?

    All these mushrooms started affecting part of the group's eyesight who then needed glasses However they complained things popped out at them

    But their is still a chance that this fairytale could have a happy tired ending but you won't find out today. No you won't . You'll find that out at some point in time. You will also find out some answers to these questions. What happens when you send some Maniacs to battle? Who is Styles new friend? What is the Official Group Photo for this Fairytale? Toodle Pip Y'all....
  22. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Sawyer in Guildford Trip 25/01/2014   
    MattyMoo sounds like my kind of guy. I'll be in Guildford all night mate, couple of us have got a Travelodge, as I live way up in Cambridge so may aswell stay down for the night.
  23. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Matt 236 in Chessington 2014   
    That couldn't be more true. If Falls is to remain in it's stale state for 2014 (and probably beyond) they need to start reimaging falls in the map and marketing photos. With all the other things last year going on, plus a sudden competition which was heavily advertised and then postponed, I'm certain it's a matter of time before the park comes a feature on watchdog soon.
    In terms of what the final image of the refurbished market square looks like, it could go two ways. It will either be an impressive relaxing area with nicely blended surroundings or just shadow from its golden days.
  24. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Merry-go-girl in Chessington 2014   
    They better put the hook-a-duck back in, that's the only sense of victory I have when I leave the park.
  25. Like
    MattyMoo reacted to Benin in Chessington 2014   
    I've always thought the Carousel would be better suited to sitting in the middle of Market Square tbh, but I doubt that's what'll happen...
    And plus 1 for "Chessie's decisions recently and attempts to return to their former glory days are falling incredibly short"...
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