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Everything posted by pluk

  1. I don't understand what's going on at the 'end' there? Would it make more sense if it was a reverse launch into the spike, then forward to do the track the other way round? I'm not seeing the profile of a traditional lift hill out of the station the other way?
  2. Can we get a juggler one to go with Rodeo for us real oldies?!
  3. We know there were significant changes in the upper management at Thorpe last season, would it be likely the new guy has come in and pulled whatever plans his predecessor had in the works so they can make their own mark taking the park in their chosen direction? Would make sense if things appear to have ground to a halt. If that is what's happened I hope it doesn't result in any replacement development being rushed to hit the same opening season with a delayed starting point.
  4. pluk

    CBeebies Land

    I wonder if we'll also see re-themes of retired Cebeebies shows? Mr Bloom isn't on any more, surly his allotment will have to go relatively soon too? The kids won't recognise it or care any more for one thing, and there'll probably be licensing issues too.
  5. My first VR experience at a theme park was in Pleasurewood Hills in about 1991, was a headset, moving chair, and glove to interact in the VR world. So it's been about quite a while! I get what you are saying, and I'm sure improvements will come, but all the time you have to clean headsets between one sweaty punter and the next (and realistically, that will always be the case) VR will forever remain too labour intensive, too low throughput to be a real mainstream part of theme park line ups. What Europa have done with CanCan seems spot on; dedicated station, ride vehicle slips in between the standard ride vehicles, pay per ride, VR experience beyond the actual coaster (getting on the ride vehicle in the VR world ? ), and fun once it's running. They've got it right where DBGT and Galactica got it very wrong in the era of the same technology, as has Dr Archibald. It's going to work much better in a pay per ride situation like this.
  6. I really enjoyed Dr Archibald, it all synced up really well and was pretty effective in creating fun scares. Ridiculously, while clearly nothing like as technologically advanced it was actually more of an enjoyable experience than the £millions worth of DBGT. Makes you realise DBGT just isn't fun however clever it is, and when you are literally creating a world from scratch in a VR headset why would fun not be your starting point?
  7. What I really want to know is what is Golden Horse's safety record like?!
  8. Scott's a happy soul, isn't he? I guess this will be our most accessible RMC from the UK for now, certainly considering a visit.
  9. For comparison, Paultons doing it right.
  10. Someone with more time on their hands than me needs to knock up a suitable Loggers version to post back to them.
  11. So what is that area? Is that just the maintenance area, or is that where the train passes through between the hanger and station while the ride is in motion?
  12. And Stealth is over 10 years old. This really is super dumb bandwaggoning.
  13. 6/10, too thin, a little greasy but dried out. The best I've found were Holiday Park, Germany. Cooked fresh to order, plump, moist without being greasy, tonnes of cinnamon, good thick chocolate dipping sauce. Pretty cheap too! Mmmmmmm.
  14. You would surely expect quite a highly constant result when you ask the same group of people to rank the same group of things at a place where nothing much changes year to year? Would be quite odd if the results were wildly inconsistent. Anyway, even if it's not to your personal taste it's hard to argue against Inferno being the best ride at Thorpe; it'd have to score highly in any measure of consideration like forcefulness, smoothness, theming, variety, reliability. It's a solid ride. I'm just amazed DBGTROTD doesn't win it, what with it being the future of theme parks. Weird that.
  15. At the mo I'm working, will see if not working is an option. I may be able to get tickets significantly cheaper than that, won't know exact figure until nearer the time though. Will let you know start of Feb.
  16. And nothing of value was lost. Did it a couple of times during its short life, it was pretty rubbish and I'd have had no interest in ever doing it again. It should have been obvious the throughput could never be sufficient to satisfy a single price theme park environment, and efforts to increase throughput massively hurt the already poor experience. The only other option would have been to have it as an separately paid for attraction but then it would have to have been good enough to warrant it, which it wasn't. That would have been the way to go with it; make it a lot more personal and interactive with actual competition and a prize to play for. The escape room has proven there is an appetite for something like that on an up-charge if it's good enough. I doubt the space will be put to much use. A generic jungle themed Frightnights maze feels inevitable...
  17. Find me a decent churros in the UK and I'll be a fan.
  18. Yes, I've not been about much, sorry about that! Been a little busy making one of these and then keeping her alive... ...turns out it's quite hard work and time consuming!
  19. I managed to defeat temptation and not vote for myself!
  20. Excuse my ignorance. Suspended Thrill Coaster? As in Vampire style swinging cars, but with inversion? Or is it a name for what is really an inverted coaster?
  21. I seem to remember a girl got scalped at Thorpe or Chessington years ago when her long hair got caught in some ride mechanics. Possibly on Rocky Express? It's certainly happened around the world multiple times over the years, last I recall was a couple of years ago in America. Grim.
  22. It's best to remember that is quite an old document now, while that is an obvious place for future development (and almost certainly will be one day) there are other options beyond what they were thinking when that was drafted. Old town/flume site being one of the most obvious, something incorporating a complete redevelopment of the dome/Neptune's area being another. I'm still thinking wood, although the powers that be may want to protect Wickermans uniqueness for another investment cycle yet, especially as whatever they do next in wood will almost certainly be a better bit if hardwear.
  23. That sideways tophat non inversion thing it opens with looks awkward. Other than that, love it, especially the last little combo.
  24. Lies!!! Interesting video though, love seeing things like this.
  25. Looks incredible for a smaller park. Having not heard of the place before I google mapped it, good to see they are ideally positioned for an Intamin.
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