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Matt 236

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Everything posted by Matt 236

  1. Sounds a fantastic addition, especially since the park [or Busch as a whole] don't have any woodies so far. Lets just hope it doesn't turn out like Gwazi did.
  2. Just when 2016 already took a fairly depressing start, Europe is in dark times again following terror attacks in Brussels Airport amongst a further attack on one of it's metro stations. At least 13 people are believed to have been killed. http://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2016/mar/22/brussels-airport-explosions-live-updates This is another sad day in the world and thoughts go out to the families of the victims.
  3. Please No! why ruin one of the best dark rides in the world!
  4. First weekend is probably the best one for me at the moment. Not entirely sure what I'm doing September yet but may have something else in the works but will see.
  5. Colossus needs new trains as much as it needs a repaint (both of which haven't happened again). As a result of this it may now be my least favourite of the big coasters (I even prefer Saw now somewhat). Safe to say Colossus is now also probably the most rundown Merlin coaster (Smiler may be the exception) with Nemy & Vampire receiving much TLC this year. I do think Thorpe need a TLC scheme like the other parks as much of the Park is looking fairly tired in places (notably Old Town, Colossus, Rumba and to a lesser extent Inferno, Stealth & even Swarm). Whilst it's not quite Towers pre-2016 the park just needs more non ride/shop/food improvements. Tidal Wave is a start however.
  6. Matt 236

    Wicker Man

    IndeedA TV reality coaster though?
  7. Taron is looking fab. Or generally the whole of Phantasia (with exceptions). Some of those last pics, remind me of Efteling somewhat. With Atlantis closed/ripped up this year, I'd be surprised if anything else (bar the surrounding Atlantis area maybe) will be removed. Night Hawk will probably go first though I reckon with Hollywood being the last, maybe in 2017. I'm just hoping it's still open later this year when I hope to go (as awful as I've heard it is).
  8. Hulk look smashingly great. I envy those experiencing the American Dream.
  9. Another enjoyable meet, even if I came across as grumpy and cranky during parts of the day (as a result of an hours sleep the night before). I look forward to Chessington.
  10. Sorry, I thought this was an Alton Towers thread until I learnt there 1 train on an hours queue.
  11. Matt 236

    Wicker Man

    Worlds first TV reality show themed ride.
  12. I'm not visiting That is all
  13. You may get to see Professor Drunk depending how things go.
  14. I'm no expert but if your after the full Europa experience, go for a Europa Park hotel like Bell Rock or Collesseo [there's 4 in total]. Failing that, there's the camping resort for a cheape option. There's also lots of hotels and BnB's in the surrounding village [Rust] which most aren't more than 15 minutes walking for a cheaper option. It may be worth looking at sites like Tripadvisor, Expedia and boooking.com for more info. If you're just after a cheap trip, go for the latter option as you are still allowed in the main hotel complex after hours too.
  15. I can see where I stand here then. That's a loverly bus you have there Steven. #mattistpm'smeggriffin
  16. Matt 236

    Wicker Man

    That would be a terrible idea. Cheap, gimmicky, not fitting with the landscape and something that would make even Rita look good. This coaster needs to be a good one of which. If it's even a coaster to begin with.
  17. With it being the Netherlands, that makes perfect sense. It could well be themed around the experience after eating a few magic brownies now.
  18. This marks the end of a long era. Not just for the Paris Star Tours, but all of them as this was the last original one left. I feel very glad to have gotten a few rides on the original whilst it last. I am sure the new one will be fab though as I've heard good things about the state ones [which I am yet to experience]. Star Tours closure brings up the closed rides at DLRP currently to 12, including BTM, RNRC, Adventure Isle and Peter Pans Flight. Definitely not the year to visit DLRP [unless your a big fan or pass holder], but still better than Towers somewhat.
  19. With Taron & Raik opening [somepoint] this year, the big question will be what be happening next? Here's your answer Race for Atlantis is dead! The once iconic globe which had similarities to the Euro Mir & Epcot icon is disappearing from the park forever. What's replacing it, who knows. But I've heard Hollywood, Nighthawk and that strange underground ominmover ride are apparently on the chopping block.
  20. Need to get in to Orlando before it's too late! Good news for the whales though.
  21. What is it about newness that excites? Having something major that entices excitement. Whether that be a new coaster, immersive dark ride or unique water ride, it can be an addition which offers something different in that park that hasn't been seen before. There are of course times when I'll be more excited for some rides more than others. For example, my excitement for something like a GCI woodie or B&M than something like a gerst. However if the park went all out on theming, landscaping etc. Interest would spike. My interest in flats is generally low unless again they're well themed or unique. Things along the lines of CBeebies land and Thomas Land have no interest to me. How important is story to a ride? Depending on the ride, it can be highly important. At a park like Disney or Universal, it should be a given. The same can be said for dark rides where unless it's a coaster, using one is paramount. Of course fairs and amusement park rides don't necessarily need a story due to the nature of the parks. Are there rides that give you the same enjoyment each time? Select number of rides achieve this, including Nemesis, Megafobia, Joris, POTC,TOT and BTM. Some rides even get better upon re-riding like Baron 1898, Swarm, Air and Valhalla actually improve. Although in some cases enjoyment can drop. This has happened a few times on rides like The Smiler & The Big One.
  22. Great to see Oakwood do some TLC around the park, even if the portrayal on social media comes across as a carbon copy of Towers TLC. Park does need fresh new attractions though. Safe to say Sleepy Hollow is the new Hartenhoff (which as we know is technically happening now).
  23. Matt 236

    Wicker Man

    Well this a surprising and slightly unexpected awakening. Then again it's good news and all honesty desperately needed with ride closures, likely to drop visitor numbers and the need for something fresh. A facelifted flyer, children's area and dodgy Gerst are not enough to keep the park fresh. I'm guessing this will be a 2018 opening, unless this has been in the works for a while. We will see. Anything but an Aqua Trax with an abandond theme!
  24. Multiple closer rides at the start of the season is the theme park equivalent of turning up around an hour late to work every day. Then again, problems do occur and so far no UK parks have managed a full (planned) line up from day one so far.
  25. To Stealth, the ride that got took me out of my Thorpe Park dark age.
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