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Posts posted by Glitch

  1. Going on Thursday, to have my Tulley's virginity taken, I hear there's some nurses who will be able too do that for me.

    Few questions:

    Will I be able to do all the mazes in the one night?

    Is there a best order for doing the mazes?

    Last year there were mentions of bounce back passes, how much are these?

    Is there a guest services so that I can get some compensation which I am entitled too if the ending for the new maze is not ready on my visit?


    I look forward to it.

  2. 2 hours ago, pluk said:

    Looks like the station rail and feeder has kept moving when the cable has been stopped, so the gondalas leaving the station had nowhere to go and bunched up.

    Obviously that should not be allowed to happen!

    Where is the e-stop hopefully the Disney employee responsible will be sanctioned. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Coaster said:

    Of course parks exaggerate, but to claim that Creek Freak Massacre is the most intense horror maze in the event's history is an incredibly bold claim and there is no room for interpreting it differently (unlike many of their claims) - they have literally guaranteed 100% that the new maze is the most intense scare attraction they have ever created.


    Whilst I didn't personally expect it to be my favourite ever Thorpe maze, ultimately the way it has been sold by the park is a significant contributing factor to my impression and review of the maze.  It's fun but it does not deliver what Thorpe promised.

    But then what qualifies the maze as Intense... is it the fact that it has the most chainsaws ever seen in a Thorpe maze, combined with a crawl section. I saw multiple panic attacks happen on Sunday night + a man run back out the entrance door. Seems like it that's a fair evaluation of intense.


    But maybe perhaps not for you, maybe you shouldn't read in to Thorpe's marketing so much as remember saying a maze themed to Hill-Billies with chainsaws isn't going to sell as many tickets as Our most intense maze ever.


    So yeah just remember intensity can be measured in different ways and perhaps if Creek freak was around in the days of EX10 and Asylum you may of had a different opinion as age and exposure to scare attractions all play different roles.  

  4. 8 hours ago, Mer said:

    So how does this splitting up in Creek Freak Massacre work? Is it like Cabin In The Woods, where they’d split you off into smaller groups, or do they individually pick people/send them off on their own?

    Bit of both depending on group sizing.

    In the first room if the group is massive some will be sent down the tunnel straight away.

    However its very easy to be picked on during this maze, put in a corner and left for the rest of the group to go to leave you to do the maze single handed. I had 4 actors on me at one point shoving hair into my face etc. 

  5. 30 minutes ago, MattyMoo said:

    They've deleted it now... unlike Thorpe to make social media bloopers innit?


    Also, where is the Fright Nights 2020 thread for wild and pointless speculation, this place has gone to the dogs! :D

    You can't even be bothered to post in the fright nights spoilers thread and you already want a 2020 thread.

  6. 3 hours ago, JoshC. said:


    Opening day is going to be real cringe on this one when enthusiasts flock to the park to get a plus 1 credit. Hopefully it will have a rule that you need a child for use so its only for the right crowd.

  7. 1 hour ago, JoshC. said:

    Not all French people are terrible tbf. But in saying that, the French, as well as Dutch school kids, are the worst guests I've ever encountered at parks, so...


    I'd personally be surprised if we see the park do anything. The set up of train rides is pretty universal. I'm sure Europa realise this is a rare incident with stupid guests and don't need to take action unless it becomes worryingly common.

    For me it's the Brits.

  8. 4 minutes ago, MilesK said:

    I can’t help but feel you are referring to myself and my group here. I have a genuine reason for having a RAP and we use the system properly. We did the attraction, and waited for the allocated time on the card before re-entering. If that is ‘abusing the pass’ then please tell me how I’m supposed to use it. 

    Edited. Comment removed, not necessarily there are other previously banned forum members, who were users who are using it constantly.

  9. Fright nights was much better tonight than on previews Friday.

    Creek freak was intense being split off and made to do the maze alone, which involved actors all over me and hair in my mouth. Also got my first kill operating the saw in the middle that was a cool interaction. I also saw a guy in a  headlock, @Platform15fan this is why I guess they tell you not to film as well your phone could break! And I imagine your mates Iphone 3 must be worth a bit of top dollar nowadays so I would not recommend. People were running out and panic attacks were occurring so its clearly doing its job.


    Blair witch was vastly improved, its just a shame it took them 6 years to bring it too potential.


    Living nightmare is meh and weak with cool themeing. Boring same old same old.


    Last niggle is group sizing's, the queue is 10 mins, why not double the queue length and halve the group size to 10 so those in the group actually get a good experience, it shouldn't be a squash to get in Creeks door. 


    Overall this years event is highly recommended on an off peak night. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, meybosdavy said:

    Hello, we are planning our first visit ever to Thorpe Park on Saturday 26 October. We are more interested in the big rides than the mazes.


    I know it will be busy, but do you think it is advised to get a Fasttrack pass? Or will the queues for the big rides be ok-ish, since most people want to visit the mazes?



    Judge it by the day. 12 hours should be enough time to do all the rides however that will be one of the busiest day of the season.

  11. Went tonight, better than last year still a lot of improvement required.

    Creek Freak, intro was rushed not giving a background to the story. The maze was fun however I didn't find it very intense despite making contact with one of the chainsaws. Themeing was cool though.

    Platform 15, good new ending however I think it could be executed better.

    Do or die, good fun however the groups are too big resulting in less scares.

    Amity high was excellent, the actors were having great interactions with guests and the flash mob was something different and what the park needs as a filler. 


    Didn't do the others as was enjoying the rides.


    Here's my issue, what is sold to the public through online POV's from press night, being batched in small groups of under is very different to what you get with a group size of 15, where the experience seems rushed and more about getting people through the attraction, so yes the event may be 10 times better than last year however would last nights reviewers have the same opinion on the attractions on a peak Saturday night? Probably not but we shall see how the park handles the crowds in the coming weeks.


    Overall its good and I would still recommend a visit, however I think its time for an over-hall and bring back at least 1 hands on shoulders maze for old times sake.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Coaster said:

    I really dislike the way people take artificial lights into the mazes when filming.  Surely that completely ruins the experience they're trying to create as well as revealing too much?

    It is what it is.

    I think it first occurred as a result of getting the proper YT influencers into the park who generate 100,000's of views and then the enthusiast groups followed.

    I think that's what also used to be so good about the tent mazes back in the day, there was no footage whatsoever other than the small bits of marketing the park released creating real suspense around the attractions.

  13. 1 minute ago, Platform15fan said:

    I have heard about blair already set and design is amazing and lighting I can not wait I think we should all give support for the cast and creative team behind the mazes this year they have worked on the mazes really well this year on the out door mazes this year with the quality I am going to support the outdoor mazes every year.

    Why though, the tent mazes back in the day were so much better than all these outdoor mazes.

  14. 47 minutes ago, Platform15fan said:

    Did u get all 7 pop badges last fright nights when it was on a daily calendar u know sanctum living nightmare Blair witch saw alive platform 15  big top and the fright nights 2018 badge I got one the day I went and I was pretty lucky to come across. it I was after the platform 15 one I did get offered by the  staff member if I wanted the rest of them as there where in her locker as she said ashame this is not happened this year. I was hoping it was going to happen again I am going to try and get the wicker witches haunt badge if it's available in megastore or the island shop if they have any in stock by the 21stbof October if they have not ran out I will go straight to the shops as soon as I arrive is the only thing I am going to remember of my favourite attraction.

    Matt only collects Cebeebies land themed pop badges although rumor has it that he nearly has the full collection of 22.

  15. 48 minutes ago, JoshC. said:

    Press Night is this Thursday. I believe the event has been made more exclusive this year and there will be significantly less people there - both from fan sites and mainstream media.


    TPM will be there - be sure to keep an eye on our social media channels and website for all views and the latest updates. :)

    Lets just hope that our favourite influencers all got an invite, so that the mazes can all be spoiled with POV's before the GP get a chance to experience them.

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