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  1. Haha
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from JoshuaA in Tiger Rock   
    Well you know, considering previous marketing strategies don't fool anyone anymore...

  2. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to Robert.W in Wicker Man   
    We have an image of one of the trains!  

  3. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to JoshC. in Wicker Man   
    The nitpicking in this thread is unbelievable.  Imagine of forums like this were rife in the early SWs...
    "Europe's first inverted coaster" "but but but what about Vampire, not exactly true!!!!"
    "The world's first vertical drop coaster" "but but but it's only 88.8 degrees!!!"
    "The world's first next generation flying coaster" "but but but what does next generation MEAN, there's been lots of other flying coasters!!!"
    It's the first new woodie in 20+ years.  It's something to brag about just a tiny bit, after fans and some of the public have wanted for ages.  Better than some forced tagline, or a "so much fire is used we've had to forewarm the local hospital's burns unit just in case..." line.
    Also, literally everywhere makes their products look better for promotional images, not just theme parks.  You going to moan that the Big Mac doesn't look exactly like it does on the board at McDonald's?  You going to moan that the buttons on that new shirt you bought aren't as shiny as it was on the retailer's website?  
    In saying that, I'm curious as to how the effects will look in the daylight.  They've said they're using effects to give the illusion of fire - I've only ever seen that done in lower level lighting at a particular angle.  So it'll be interesting to see how they're going to be setting fire to the Wickerman at all angles in all lighting levels.
  4. Haha
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from Matt A in Wicker Man   
  5. Haha
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from Marhelorpe in Wicker Man   
  6. Haha
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from Whatever in Wicker Man   
  7. Like
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from Marhelorpe in Wicker Man   
    It is fair when they get excited about an attraction with "world's first" plastered all over it.
  8. Like
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from Ringo in Wicker Man   
    It is fair when they get excited about an attraction with "world's first" plastered all over it.
  9. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to SteveJ in Wicker Man   
    Merlin definitely understand how stupid people can be
  10. Haha
    Kerfuffle reacted to MarkC in Feedback of the Forums   
    Marc needs to make some money somehow this year. Luckily he will be saving them next as Reading tickets will be cheaper in league 1.
  11. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to JoshC. in The Curse at Alton Manor - NEW for 2023   
    I'm looking forward to seeing Duel get some work.  I know quite a few people aren't fond of it following the years of cheap fixes and such (and some still hate the fact it's a shooter), but I do think it's a fun ride which is a bit understated in the line up these days.  If they can give it a decent tart up, and give it some more suitable (but equally fab) music, I'd be very happy!
    I hope they do keep the same guns though - I generally find the new ones on Tomb Blaster are horrendous on any shooter.
  12. Like
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from Ringo in The Curse at Alton Manor - NEW for 2023   
    Can't help but to be slightly concerned for the music really. I mean while they could just be covering up most of the production, to me this just looks like one man, a keyboard and nothing more. I'm not surprised it isn't IMAscore seeing it isn't a huge project but we can only wait a little longer.
  13. Haha
    Kerfuffle reacted to Stuntman707 in Tiger Rock   
    Maybe they should take Homer’s advice regarding “firsts”.

  14. Haha
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from Stuntman707 in Tiger Rock   
    Well you know, considering previous marketing strategies don't fool anyone anymore...

  15. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to JoshC. in Alton Towers General Discussion   
    Towers should invest in a Vekoma boomerang, so their coasters go back on themselves as well... 
  16. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to StevenVig in Alton Towers General Discussion   
    That's where the entire years budget went ?
  17. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to MattyMoo in Alton Towers General Discussion   
    I asked Thorpe on social media if they plan to open Nemesis Inferno at midday for synergy across the brand
  18. Haha
    Kerfuffle reacted to Mer in Feedback of the Forums   
    I beg to differ  

    I now have a bathroom advert at the bottom for “Commercial sanitary ware”
    *Heads to App Store to search for ad blocker*
  19. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to MattyMoo in Wicker Man   
    Video had to be removed as it revealed the washing machine element, FYI.
  20. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to pluk in Wicker Man   
    It contains about 2 seconds of POV.
    Doesn't seem like much, but it's about a quarter of the total ride time.
  21. Like
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from yeah in Random Picture Thread.   
  22. Like
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from CharlieN in Random Picture Thread.   
  23. Like
    Kerfuffle got a reaction from Whatever in Random Picture Thread.   
  24. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to Ryan in TPM Christmas Meet 2017!!   
    Here - 

  25. Like
    Kerfuffle reacted to JoshC. in Theme Park Memes   
    A collection of mine through the years...



    And a lovely TPM thing...

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