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Everything posted by OldFarmerDean

  1. I get annoyed with short cycles, like theme park cycles and overly busy fairs... But I had 5 minutes on a danters extreme and I literally wanted to get off after a couple of minutes and started panicking!!
  2. Six flags is in America though... In the UK Merlin seem to think they can do whatever they want as there isn't much competition... To be fair, they can, as people will still go, and higher prices may potentially mean less guests, smaller queues, greater guest satisfaction, well that's my outlook on it anyway. Managed to renew my premium pass in November for £92, not sure why it was so cheap!? But I'm not complaining, how much I used it this last year, even £300 would have been a good price, but £99 in January sale this year for 3 adults is crazy good!
  3. stupid price... but there's idiots like me who'll still pay whatever. higher price gives the rides a constant queue which allows for decent cycle lengths too, plus it's so nice to see a fairground this big in the UK
  4. Is it a bad thing they're relying on Braniac live as the selling point for Feb half term, as if it seems there won't be much more than the swarm and angry birds land if anything at all...
  5. So go to watch it... This video has been removed !?
  6. Ski jump had a relatively long ride cycle... I was watching it and thinking this is going to make me feel so sick, what am I letting myself in for! But literally did not feel sick at all, the restraints are just too comfy, and the ride was just utterly amazing - when you flip and end up facing right down at the ground at the bottom is such a scary experience but that's what makes it so much fun! I've only ridden it once, so maybe I had an amazing ride in particular and the next one may not be as good... But that one ride was the highlightof winter wonderland for me!
  7. Also heard they've broke their annual attendance figures... over 5 million so far this year and still got another week or so to go!
  8. looks like new for 2016... Oblivion: Alive.
  9. Just finished watching the last few videos... what is the elliptical structure?
  10. Gwazi was my first wooden coaster, rode it once back in 2005, when I was 11... All I can remember was the headache getting off. No joke it was that bad.
  11. Back row probably gives a beter ride... But I like seeing what's going on and enjoying the themeing which makes for a more enjoyable ride experience. Once I've done front row and it's walk on I'll just go on back row a couple of times... But cannot visit without doing it front row.
  12. Front row's better, plus it's like my favourite ride in the UK so front row is completely worth it... Everyone has opinions.Just annoying having to wait like 5-10 mins when any other row (which I don't like as much) is going empty anyway so may as well actually use the second train they have going around... Hate to not appreciate the better life, but that actually annoys me more than thorpes operations! To make this post a bit more Feb half term related so we don't go off topic as usual... I'll be gutted if nemesis inferno isn't available as it's my second favourite!
  13. Appropriate capacity... Like when Nemesis is on 2 trains and is walk on, but they only use one, and keep the other one empty, which makes front row a pain!
  14. Summer nights is a reduced line up..........
  15. I don't care how expensive it was, and how we had to queue for aabout half hour to get in... Winter wonderland was amazing!!! Alpen Hotel £5 best, longest and weirdest fun house ever. Air £7 still consistently my favourite flat ride ever. XXL £7 wow, so glad I went on it. Rock Rage £5 highlight of the night, I'm definitely a fan, can't wait to go back tomorrow to go on again, and at a fiver makes it look great compared to air!! .
  16. They've now poated it on Facebook.. Let the complaining commence. How I see it, is that the £5 charge will stop people from going and make it less busy for me... It's only a fiver though, if I had a standard pass I'd happily pay it. Also Thorpe have stated that the £5 also guarantees entry to braniac live...?
  17. Air is my faviurote flat ride ever.. Admittedly I have ridden it about 3 or 4 times... And on one occasion had a ridiculously short cycle and the pricehad gone up to £6! This was at Bristol Balloon Fiesta... I'm dreading what its going to be like at Hyde park winter wonderland, even though I'll still go on it.
  18. what about flying fish... they closed it early didn't they, surely that went alongside the rumours that it was being maintained ready for february half term event which is no longer a rumour? Selected other rides, Storm in a Teacup, X is a must really, Depth charge maybe as you hardly get wet and well it is fun... What other rides usually operate well in the cooler temperatures... I was hoping for Rush or Vortex, but they seem to have enough problems normally lol.
  19. don't want to sound stupid... but so that's a vertical lift hill, and not some sort of 13, tower of terror style element to the ride which doubled up as the lift hill!?
  20. surprised to see stealth on there, and not nemesis inferno...
  21. loyal customers that paid like £60 for an annual pass, which was a tenner on top of the on the day price... hardly loyal for paying that price.
  22. people are forgetting how cheap thorpe are selling their annual passes for... or have... I think it's unfair that standard pass holders should... then again for how cheap you can get a premium one for (£99!?)... people shouldn't really be questioning whether to get a premium or not over standard.
  23. what made me like this song, as I had heard it ages ago, was that it was played at alton towers fireworks, and I knew I recognised it, just had to find it aha!
  24. so had an email today... interesting to see 'tickets on sale soon - limited availability' they must be running very little rides, or are expecting it to be overly busy!?
  25. There's one in england... I've been on it - it's crazy, well the throughput is at least http://www.grandpier.co.uk/rides-attractions/robocoaster I would like to see some incorporated into a theme park in the UK... would need lots of them - Dark Forest at Alton Towers maybe? not sure how they could fit into thorpe?
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