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Everything posted by OldFarmerDean

  1. Well today I was surprised how busy it was although how quiet the queues were, as I was looking at the queue times throughout yesterday reaching 1 hour+... Today looked like maximum 30min queues, and I waited 10 min max which was for dragons fury and the southern fried chicken fast food! Amazu was closed, and the area was closed off with builders working on it... Wondering what's happening there as I swear it has been open? The park looked really tidy in general which was nice, especially the new compass in the centre. New lighting in bubble works finale was nice, and best I have ever seen it... But still no bubbles, I swear that needs to be the whole point of the ride! Scorpion express exceeded my expectations and I loved it, and the scorpion is great ( I hear people saying its the identical ride to flying fish, but this one is slightly larger ).
  2. I went to scare fest first week midday which isn't school holidays for most of the UK and was maximum hour queues in general - and visited the fireworks event on the Friday, and was maximum 30min queues all day, besides the evening where it started to get heaving due to the fireworks, and the fact pretty much all the rides close prior to the display and then open for an hour or so after.
  3. Omg, haven't been to Terra mitica since 2011... But loved inferno - it's an intamin zacspin, I'm sure as said above there is a seatbelt as well as the restraint. Very sad and confusing news as to how/why it happened.
  4. People keep saying an hour though... Hut half hour of it is training, and then the other half hour using it properly, which don't forget the time is split between 3 or 4 people, so in theory you would get about 7/8 minutes just to yourself in that hour (plus about 7/8 minutes training). But I still think 15quid is great and would love to try it, just got to prey for nice weather - how do you actually go about booking it?
  5. I'm sure it's gotta be quieter than thorpe though lol, and didn't realise that many younger kids went on school trips... I never got to do anything when I was younger!!! cheers for breaking the bad news to me aha, at least I know what to expect
  6. I hate asking as I know it's difficult to know for sure... but planning on going chessington this coming week on tuesday, and never been that time of year before, my friend wanted to go thorpe park and I said how full it would be with year 11 school trips etc. plus hinting I wanted to go chessington as I haven't been yet this year - just a case of hoping it's not too busy, just don't have a clue how busy to expect it to be. any help/past knowledge would be appreciated
  7. I seen someone up on the ladder working on the top of the ride... Just doesn't look safe to me, especially when it makes a massive bang/clunking noise every time it swings (and struggles to get to 90degrees)... The noise reduced after they'd fixed whatever the problem was, but it was still there. Also the floor doesn't come up so they use a ladder to get people on the seats, plus the seats that are not in use they just leave open while the rides going. Wish I had taken a picture or video...
  8. The problem is with Rita is that it is such a short basic ride which then thorpe park made faster and taller with stealth, and other rides around the world which people love... So even before people ride Rita they go in with a bad attitude and hate the ride regardless. I actually really enjoy Rita, it gives me such a rush on the front or back row as well as a nice bit of airtime in places, of course the themeing/scaffolding and announcement is a bit naff its still a decent ride, although unfortunately it's a basic launch coaster as it may put Alton off getting another launch one while Rita exists. I also love 13, and sonic spinball as they're both great fun... Unfortunately 13 was hyped to be some amazing scary ride when in reality its a family ride like sonic spin ball, so again I go on the ride not expecting to be scared but instead to have a good fun time and that's why they're my favourite coasters at Alton towers, besides nemesis obviously! Here's to hoping SW8 is on schedule and a damn good ride, not left feeling like it is unfinished like with The Smiler!
  9. Surely end of October would be Halloween events, in which case from my friends who have been said the queues aren't that busy for rides, but the mazes can be in excess of an hour at universal - luckily their opening hours are really late then though. As Halloween event would be a busy time I'm guessing there shouldn't be many rides closed in that period?
  10. It was never going to be a masterpiece... Just a quirky idea to add the the temporary hotel.
  11. Well for anyone who wants to know, the Luna Park has a small(ish) looping coaster, a haunted house, star flyer, fabbri booster and a break dance.. I didn't go on any as it was an absolute rip off - 10lev each for the coaster which is about a fiver each, same goes for the booster... And still 7lev just for a walkthrough haunted house! There was another fairground elsewhere which had a few small rides, and some sort of KMG afterburner copy ride, although didn't look to inviting and had 3 seats per row. I think I'll give that a miss and go to brean leisure park this summer considering it has similar and more rides, and managed to get 10pound vouchers for each 2 pound of club card points... Bargain! There are 2 giant capsule catapult rides on the seafront which look awesome and haven't been on one since 2005 in America... So even for 20quid each will definitely give it a go!
  12. I use a disabled pass with my dad... But personally, unless you're in a wheelchair and need direct access to the ride I think disabled people should have to buy fast tracks, and be allowed them at a discounted price... And that was if the fast track system is sold properly the queues can be correct as well.
  13. it would usually be full though... so as there is a VERY LIMITED number of guests that can use it per day, the high price is justifiable to the company. it's a case of demand and availability which decides the price.
  14. well considering how bad the throughput is going to be, and say you get 5 minutes for £25, it's not too bad - like vertigo at oakwood.
  15. http://www.theladbible.com/articles/this-lad-s-attempt-at-getting-a-thorpe-park-fast-track-pass-seriously-backfired seriously need to read this aha... EDIT: have just realized this is in the Fastrack topic as well...
  16. I understand as it is saw... but it was closed on our visit the week or so before, so my friend who hadn't been on it yet this year really wanted to go on it - I did come off with a headache, but the indoor section and airtime hill was well worth it!
  17. There was a 90 minute queue for saw yesterday according to the board... So even at 65 what it showed earlier in the day... Of course I'd buy a fast track!
  18. I was outside by nemesis infernos entrance yesterday which said 50 minutes, and twice within about 5 minutes I heard the ride op announcing the queue is approximately 30... So why not change it on the board as people can see that park wide!? Colossus said 5 mins at one point in the day which I thought was odd... Next thing it was like 80 minutes!
  19. got 6 goes on it today... 5 on the good swing! my favourite ride
  20. There was a cherry picker on site next to it in the morning and then in the afternoon they were working on the centre motor of the arm.
  21. Yeah they're all on full capacity... Wondered why there were so many kids - just thought June would still be quiet. Had to resort to buying a fast track for Saw as it had a 90minute queue!
  22. I'm surprised how busy it is today... 45-60+ minutes on main coasters!?
  23. it looked pretty complete to me... although didn't look very special in terms of slides and climbing ropes etc. in comparison to what was apparently there before. my friend was gutted the old one had gone as he said it was the best thing there when he was younger aha!
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