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Everything posted by OldFarmerDean

  1. they're the same type of cardboard glasses, but the lenses are weird, and got loads of tiny lego bricks on the lens, so when it picks up light it somehow reflects 2 lego bricks from each bright light as seen in the video. it's really hard to explain aha..
  2. http://youtu.be/54MNwoAytl4 Here's my video with the Lego brick glasses... Although I'm sure as you've been to previous displays you've used the glasses before? I was shocked to see how little advertisement there was about the glasses as they're really cool but didn't see many people with them!
  3. I managed to record a clip with the glasses over the lense of my iphone... I shall upload it to youtube, and put the link on here... it looks pretty decent aha!
  4. Well unless the 13 minutes includes a preshow... Then it's definitely not a coaster aha!
  5. I've never seen the fireworks at legoland before... But was shocked how good it was! And it did make me laugh as soon as I walked in the park to hear the Duel/gloomy wood music and then around the park... I also heard tubular bells too aha!
  6. Wow, never seen legoland so busy in my life!! The good thing to take away from the visit today was how good the fireworks display was, and how cool it looked with the special 3D Brick glasses.
  7. OldFarmerDean


    Wasn't air supposed to be the oasis the other side of forbidden valley... The good side - if it was actually themed with water features and lots of plants etc. Then it would have looked so nice, but it's just sort of feels out of place as it wasn't done properly and there we no story :/
  8. It was nice to see them do something different for Halloween... I would say it's very cheesy, I'm sure the kids enjoyed it a lot I guess!
  9. Until someone posted the image with the clowns on the entrance bridge... I didn't notice it was shaped like people and looked like a track of some sort!
  10. I don't know why but I swear it was countdown to when the clocks went back tonight/tomorrow? I might be wrong, but really thought it was for some reason..
  11. Just thought I'd say that the boat ride was closed too today... Wow
  12. OldFarmerDean


    It is one of their big rides which sort of makes it a thrill ride in Alton towers' eyes... And by that logic so does 13. Air isn't that scary and I do find it pretty boring... But if it was more immersive with themeing like it was supposed to have originally or even something new then I look forward to it!
  13. No music in the finale yesterday, it just looks so bare and horrible, I do love the lights in there though! Although would have love to seen it with the strobes as it seems like it really cool!
  14. Well Chessington at night certainly didn't disappoint yet again... So good every year, Thorpe seriously need to learn a thing or three from them! I can confirm though no laser or music on rameses which I guess was the only let down, but kobra and rattlesnake had better (and colour changing) lighting this year! For the all round atmosphere and themeing this is my favourite Halloween event!!
  15. How many of you went to check on Twitter aha... It's true though, it's just gotta be related to Derren brown with all the cover up now. I can't see the ride being called 'Derren brown the ride' but as mentioned in the first prize of the minds wanted website is to meet the 'creator' which would make sense to be Derren brown and we could probably see him as the preshow and then we're one of the experiments on the ride.
  16. Yeah drop dead is closed til 17th November for planned maintenance... Well I'm sorry but that's so stupid with half term and one of their busiest times coming up!
  17. Vampire was on 2 trains earlie alrhough up to a 90minute queue. The tomb maze is running up to 12 people every 2/3 minutes and there really isn't much of a queue (like 10/15 mins max), just done it for the second time.
  18. The park is surprisingly busy (well I'm surprised)... The themeing is amazing, and looking at the amount of lights around vampire and black buccaneer area yet again looks ridiculous, can't wait for tonight! The Halloween attractions are decent although the vampire maze and hocus pocus revamp from previous years are in a completely different league, so slightly disappointed in comparison but they're still fun; trick or treat woods should be alright at night with the smoke and lights.
  19. Not for scariness factor... but as general event - chessington howl'o'ween is my favourite! and the news of lot's of lighting again makes me look forward to tomorrow even more!
  20. I'll be there tomorrow! The sneak peak videos Chessington have posted look promising... I'm just hoping the park wide lighting is as good as past years!
  21. aha, now I feel bad! Would be nice though to have a proper immersive Halloween event as mentioned but then we may have to start seeing extra charges for mazes... And I don't think Thorpe will want that, they'll probably lose money in comparison to what they're making from fast track- so I don't know aha
  22. People are asking too much of what is essentially a free event for premium annual passholders, when you look at towers charging for the mazes, and then you only get the free scare zone(s) which aren't that special. So with Thorpe charging the normal price for tickets and a fortune being spent on the mazes and the actors, there's only so much they can do!
  23. According to my behind the scenes tour opening weekend... There was only one scene in big top unfinished (although they're always looking to make improvements based on feedback), so the scene in the main tent with the cages (and the adult baby actor?) it's pretty dimly lit, they said it was awaiting some tech to be able to finish the scene, so I was gutted to find no change to it whatsoever, so there may be yet more improvements to come by this weekend... I was very pleased with it on Saturday though and it really made the blank sections feel whole gutted I won't get to go fright nights again this year, but let's hope big top returns in 2016... And I got Chessington Howl'O'Ween this weekend and Scarefest at Towers on Halloween to look forward to!
  24. Must be...The ride was still in operation, they just had a member of staff closing the queue around half 5 yesterday (can't remember the exact time)... And we were with a worker (who wasn't working that day) and asked and they said due to problems they decided to close it early (even though the ride was still running, and there was still people in the queue, when the queue was shut off, just saying). Could be that it did actually suffer worse problems while they were getting through the last lot of people in the queue.
  25. Kenny the clown? I don't get the reference though like how on earth it could be linked to WC16 besides being in one of the clues on the website.
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