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Everything posted by RideAddict

  1. So they've fixed the animatronics that weren't working, correct? On Duel I didn't know there was many not functioning, however I had noticed last year the hooded figure with the illuminated eyes in the garden section had stopped moving from left to right slowly. Was this working again? I'm confused with the Hex projector you mention, is that the one in the Octagon room? And the addition of the witches curse in the ride scene, is that there or somewhere else? You enjoyed Nemesis then. Credit where it's due though, you wouldn't see Thorpe puttting their backs out on a quiet day like that with Colossus or Inferno. I'm glad you've given this the green light, this is one place I've never eaten at, and this year I'm planning to try out the eateries I've never done (at all parks). Then again, the speedy service was probably due to the fact that it was dead in the park. Let's hope these standards are kept to.
  2. That video that appeared on YouTube yesterday gave me an indication of its length. If you had to compare its length to another ride, what are we lookinmg at? Twice the length of Colossus? 3 times as long as Air? Or is it too hard to tell? Yes, I was always amazed at how quick Gerstlauer constructed Saw. And still it disappoints. But a huge slab of concrete is just ugly. Colossus may me a decade old now and it's footers amongst the water look aged, but I still love how they're dotted about. They're only concrete rings filled with conrete - the rings are actually quite cheap, considering the amount of different purposes they can be used for in building.
  3. Labrinth and Rizzle Kicks are decent. And so is Stooshe. But they have listed it as Stoosh, hehe.
  4. It's advertised in The Sun today that as of this Saturday, you can get free vouchers worth £92, and also try a ride on The Smiler. You'll be happy if you get the vouchers, you'll be very happy if you ride The Smiler before May!
  5. I find that when you are trimming down the text on a quote, the best thing to do is use the backspace key, not the delete key. For some bizarre reason it seems to make a difference. If you're trimming down the text on a quote and highlighting all the words backwards (or top to bottom) then leave the first word unhighlighted and press backspace, not delete. The text stays in the box and doesn't jump out. As much as the editing system is very good I still prefer the old-fashioned code. I am writing this on an iPad and by default it sets to the old code mode.
  6. This is a meet that I shall certainly be interested in attending. Most Sundays except the 12th are good for me.
  7. I am all for the X changes but not turning the trains forward. Other new ideas are needed, I agree.
  8. I'll believe that when I see it. That new video on YouTube is incredible. I know it's based on after the changes, but it certainly gives a good impression. I missed the bit flying over loos though, I'll have to watch it again!
  9. RideAddict


    Yes, it's a fire exit sign with a man running - exactly what we're told not to do in a fire. Typical country.
  10. I remember the phrase "Hard, fast and up in under 2 seconds!" Lame.
  11. Annual Pass days only?! If you can only use it then, it's not annual!
  12. I may have this as an MP3 somewhere, I'll have a search and get back to you.
  13. I never realised the bit of land "behind" the Swarm was so close to the Swarm island - are they planning to eventually link the 2 for the next coaster? I am referring to the bit of land with Stealth's shadow on, or the land to the right as you stand and look at the Stealth top hat.
  14. I never noticed that until you mentioned it.
  15. I remember when travelling to the farm on the CCR, there was a huge lump of land off to right, sometimes there was old Rumba boats there. Is this area where they bring rides and track devlieries in?
  16. I think the farm remains pretty much the same as it used to be, I'm sure its owners haven't made any major changes. One way of finding out is to walk down Monks Walk, I think you can see it from there. I miss it too, but not that much. What's his website?
  17. I never wear them. I hardly ever go on Tidal Rave. I'd much rather spend £2 being blown dry then drying naturally.
  18. RideAddict


    It may be 1:30am on a Saturday, but tonight I'm going to the pub. Nothing unusual about that, you're probably thinking. Wrong. This is a pub which used to be a 5 minute walk from my place. Now for nearly 4 years, it's been a 15 minute journey via train and a short walk, as I live in the next village 5 miles away. However, I still consider it my local. Why? I hear you ask. When I arrive, I get to the front door to see regular people I know outside smoking, sometimes it's a while before I get in to order a drink as I'll be chatting. If I manage to skip that part upon arriving, getting a drink at the bar can be a challenge sometimes, not because it's rammed, but because I've bumped into people I know. Being popular in a pub is great. Especially when you haven't seen people for a while. And it shows what respect I've gained and given in there. Last year, I started clubbing again for the first time in years. At new year, I decided enough was enough - it's too expensive, too loud (as much as I love the tunes), too much hassle to get home as I usually have to crash at a mates, and there are just loads of girls trying to screw you over for a drink. Sod it. Never again. I stick 2 fingers up to the clubs. Years ago I said my club days were over. I went back years later. This time they definitely are over. You can't beat a pub, even if I do stay away from it for a while and then go back to see the regulars. On Saturday night I'm going back to my local for the first time in about 6 months, this shall now become a regular thing again. I shall no doubt walk in there and people will ask where I've been. After explaining, I'll tell them I'm here to stay. It's what I call going home - to a place where I belong, am known and am comfortable in my surroundings.
  19. This is the biggest change I've seen to Transylvania, and certainly the biggest since the Vampire was modified in 2001. The area's still got a few years left yet, how long is anyone's guess. A few weeks ago the Burger Kitchen interior was still the same, with the fake trees. Can anyone confirm if it's staying the same inside or are they totally changing it too?
  20. I always though Th13teen was a crap name from day 1.
  21. Which ride system? And you like or hate Eclipse?
  22. What?! No, I'm not saying the billboard will effect the airtime. Let me just point out too that I was being a little sarcastic about the airtime!
  23. Husky joining us? Cheers pluk. People will find that I can get along with most people and have a laugh. I'm the biggest pisstaker going (so don't take it to heart ), and I can be very sarcastic. Plus on the next meet that involves bowling and ice skating, I'll bowl you all down with my skills and then skate the fastest in the group (let's also try speedy backwards skating, hehe). Nobody here knows what I look like, so I might turn and not tell you who I am. You can all ask me, before I finally unzip my coat to reveal a t-shirt underneath that says "it's me - RideAddict"
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