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Everything posted by RideAddict

  1. Thorpe do make me laugh with classic cases like this. They have that huge Genie cherrypicker that's stored by Saw, now I don't know what height that reaches but I assume it can reach basics like Nemesis' corkscrews, Colossus' loop, and the Teacups roof, to name but a few. But it certainly doesn't go up 205ft to Stealth's tophat, and I doubt it reaches the very top of Detonator either. Thorpe are all for these high rides, but they never always have the equipment to reach them, and it often comes at a price! Laughable.
  2. So those who went to Chessington last week, regardless of whether they got in, they shouldn't be allowed to take to Facebook to moan - correct? Don't be so ridiculas. Complaints as well as compliments contribute to the successful running of a business, therefore allowing the business to review, learn and change things if necessary. Complaints are good for a business, it may sound strange saying that, but it does help.
  3. It was on a Sunday on a bank holiday! And I wouldn't fancy pushing a train (if I could). I think a Vampire train is a little lighter and less advanced in build quality and weight and compared to a Stealth one. I remember pulling into the car park that morning, seeing a train sitting on the top hat was one of the first things I spotted. It was around 12-1pm they finally got it down, around 10:30am I was talking to a chap about it who told me it happened during the morning tests. When I asked him if he knew who put it up there he looked a bit uncomfortable and then said "Err, yeah, I did actually!" That was hilarious him admitting that, certainly didn't expect that! It was probably all those added car effects weighing the train down!
  4. I have a free day this weekend and I'm going to visit the Dungeons on Saturday. Wasn't planning to, but I may as well take the chance. Opinions to follow on my return!
  5. Is it still there today? Impossible - do you realise en empty train is about 10 or 20 tonnes in weight? You'd need a damn strong bloke to push it! Also, this is a ManiaHub video from when it got stuck in 2009 - and I was there to witness it when they finally got it to roll back down:
  6. RideAddict


    I used to think Moyles was a moron. Yes, he said some stupid things before I liked him, but then I suddenly realised how good he actually is. I miss the show and banter, even if there was a lot of it. At the time of announcing the axe, I was thinking "no, not now, give him more time", but looking back now I'm split 50/50 on that opinion. If there's anything I do miss it's the jingles. Maybe I should be called JingleAddict. I listen to them online sometimes and also Nick's breakfast theme. At first I could see how Grimshaw would work as breakfast, but I wasn't sure how well it would be. But now he's been in a few months it seems better than I thought it would be. Sometimes he would cover Scott or Greg on drivetime and be an arse. But Nick knows where to draw the line with things, whereas Moyles didn't and would keep clutching at straws. The new breakfast show is definitely more refreshing and feels more inline with the station's branding. To end; Zane Lowe - mad, a legend, and many other good things! Annie Max - just a legend for a girl, she rocks! I've never heard such good music from a female DJ! I'll miss her when she goes on maternity leave!
  7. I bet it's cold up there, but even in these temperatures I'd go up! Where did you get these from? And do you know what the guys are doing on the track? I really do hate that vertical zipwire in the middle of Stealth - really makes it look bad. I can't see it in that picture, does anyone know if it's still there or been removed?
  8. Taken from report: There must be some reason it's in storage at Thorpe Park. I've seen the ride but never tried it, so am I right in thinking this is the same or similar as Sub Terra?
  9. There was an old fast-paced short Towers Street theme that used to also play on the Carousel as well as Towers Street.
  10. So the "big and sweeping" as you describe it, they are wing coasters on a larger scale? Cripes. The Swarm is massive enough, but then again this is England and other coasters around the world are much bigger in size, as we know. I've seen the Wild Eagle in a magazine, then I went online to have a look at it more and it does look amazing and huge. The trains are themed brilliantly! I know what you mean about travelling across Europe just to try one out. I'm the same. America and other parts of the world have been calling for years now, hasn't happened yet but one day it shall.
  11. I've got a feeling you may have to sit next to one of them. I could be wrong though. When you go, it's best to check with a queueline attendant or Guest Services.
  12. I really like the cars Th13teen has. Having only a lap bar and the feeling of freedom on the upper half is great, it's like sitting in an RMT car but on a wild and fast coaster.
  13. I used to like the X Factor but it has turned sour the last few years (after Cheryl buggered off). Last year I went to watch the live quarter final show after not watching any of the series. When we walked in to the studio, Olly Murs was there practcising for the Xtra Factor. What a geezer he is though. More successful than Joe McElderry, Olly should've won.
  14. What is the official length, or don't we know? Also, trains/cars...are they going to be individual cars with 2 rows of 4 like on Saw, or are they actual trains? I bet they will work on a similar sync system to Vampire and Th13teen, where there has to be one on each lift hill for clearance etc.
  15. My brother would like that, he worked for them for a short while years ago!
  16. I misread paedophilia for Philadelphia then!
  17. RideAddict


    A few months in and what do people here think of The Radio 1 Breakfast Show with Nick Grimshaw? At first I wasn't too keen after they axed Chris Moyles. I spent half my life hating the bloke before listening for just over a year until they axed him. I only suddenly listened because his views are quite similar to mine, although people don't often like what he says. I never liked Grimmy either, but now he's been doing it a few months I don't mind how he's generally made the show his own. It certainly fits in with the rest of Radio 1's day. I didn't think I'd warm to it as much, but Grimmy is actually a good laugh. I'm also in to the 10 til midnight show with Phil and Alice. I don't listen every night, but what a comical pair!
  18. Yes Little Mix won X Factor in 2011 and Union J were in it last year but didn't win. See, I don't watch it either but I still know that.
  19. It's off road, so they may run on red diesel?
  20. The website has said several different things over the past few weeks - I haven't seen it myself. But for many it's confusing, makes good debating though.
  21. I never saw it but someone I know saw the Black Eyed Peas a few years ago and said it was brilliant.
  22. *dribbles in excitement...wipes chin* As long as it's not as slow as Air.
  23. I know Chessington have invested a lot in this ride, and I don't want to criticise their hard work, but I really do wonder why the hell this has been done. In short, it's a zoo addition with jeeps. I can't see it being that realistic, and why would I want to travel in a constantly-slow-moving jeep to look at animals when I could walk round and take my own time? I know I can't walk round, and I'm sure kids generally will enjoy it. I'll give it a go, but then probably hardly ever ride it.
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